Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1227: ,God!

Dilapidated, full of potholes everywhere, as if a monster had just wreaked havoc, even more dilapidated than the street destroyed by him just now, this was Zhang Xiang's first impression. Look. Wool. Line. Chinese. Text. Net

At least, he will not demolish the entire building with more than 20 floors.

As for why he knew it was a building with more than 20 floors?

It's very simple. Beside that building that is already in ruins, there is another building.

However, the current status of this building is not so good!

Nearly half of the area of ​​this building was reduced to ruins, only nearly half of the body stood tenaciously on the ground.

Moreover, on the intact side of this building, there is this glass passage that was originally connected to another building.

However, now that channel is now only half left, as if a knife slashed smoothly through the middle.

In other words, this building was originally a twin tower, connecting the two buildings with glass channels.

But at this time, only half of the seats are left.

Perhaps, as long as there is an earthquake of about three magnitudes, half of this tenacious towering building will also be on the verge of collapse.

However, it was not this building that attracted Zhang Xiang's sight more, but the huge fist prints all over the surrounding buildings, and the only cut mark not far away.

Because of the huge fist, it means that there are huge humanoid creatures raging nearby.

And that smooth slash, but it can be seen that there are also human beings here. Look. Yarn, Chinese website

At least, it is an intelligent creature.

Otherwise, how could the opponent use such sharp tools?

"It's very interesting. If it weren't for this huge city background, I would have thought I had come to the world of giants!" Zhang Xiang showed a smile on his face and gently stroked the smooth slash on the ground.

He could feel that there was an unknown power in this slash, making it extremely sharp.

But at the same time, he could also feel that in this slash, the technique used by the opponent was a bit clumsy.

"Otherwise, you wouldn't be almost hit by that humanoid creature!" Zhang Xiang looked at the giant pit next to him, and instantly restored the scene that was there at that time.

The guy who uses a lightsaber must have launched a surprise attack from above, but he didn't expect to be suddenly avoided by that humanoid creature.

Therefore, this cut mark will be caused on the ground when the strength is not enough.

Then, that humanoid giant fist struck, directly bombarding the opponent.

According to the appearance of no bloodstains nearby, it seems that the other party has already dodged at the very moment.

However, if the guy who ran away knew Zhang Xiang's way of guessing the truth, I am afraid he would be shocked to the extreme.

He even shouted: "How could human beings do this kind of thing."

But in reality, this is the result of deliberate observation for him, who has received different trace observations in the dark parts of the two worlds, and possesses the skill to restore the scene, coupled with his recently improved mental power, wants to observe these things , It is better to say that it is something close to instinct!

And it was at this moment that a slight vibration passed from under Zhang Xiang's feet.

However, I saw a body that was more than ninety meters high. The whole body was made of material close to water, and the body was still shining with light spots and lines.

Especially the two huge light spots above the head are eye-catching humanoid creatures. They slowly turned out from the back of the nearly 100-story building and took the first step.


There was a slight shaking on the ground, which fully proved the weight of the unknown humanoid body that was ninety meters high.

And when that kind of humanoid creature that was more than ninety meters high, it was the moment when a ball of light that looked like an eye scanned the place where Zhang Xiang was.

For convenience, he immediately discovered the existence of Zhang Xiang, and then galloped toward Zhang Xiang as if he had discovered food.

The distance of hundreds of meters is only a distance of two or three feet for this huge humanoid creature.

In the slight tremor of the earth, the huge blue creature rushed in front of Zhang Xiang, stretched out his right hand to hold it towards Zhang Xiang.

The right hand of the huge blue humanoid that is more than ninety meters long is the size of a truck.

If it is held, it doesn’t matter whether the power brought by the super-large size will crush the “skinny” Zhang Xiang into fleshy flesh, that is, the material that is constructed into that huge blue humanoid creature is good. It is also enough to change into the existence of sea water and submerge it.

And watching this scene, a certain human who had been hiding in the distance flew out.

It was a man wearing an unknown high school uniform, with short dark brown hair, a handsome appearance like a lanky and tall model, and holding a giant lightsaber in his hand.

"Be careful!" The high school man shouted, rushing in the direction of Zhang Xiang.

However, the opponent, who was only a little faster than ordinary people, could not come to the rescue from a distance of hundreds of meters.

Only when the high school man looked towards Zhang Xiang.

He was surprised to find that Zhang Xiang did not have the slightest fear on his face, instead he showed an expression of interest.

"It's very interesting. The body is made of water, and the nature is very similar to water, but it inexplicably violates the physical properties. It is really interesting to be able to be constructed into such a large body!" Zhang Xiang stretched out his right hand. It stretched out like a praying man's arm as a cart, as if to wrestle with each other.

However, the result was that the high school man who had galloped over was deeply shocked.

In his line of sight, the big and the small two right hands, which were very different from each other, touched each other.

Then, Zhang Xiang's eyes were slightly adjusted, and the scarlet light flashed by in his eyes.

Zhang Xiang also followed with his right hand and pulled down as if grabbing something.

The huge blue humanoid creature that was more than ninety meters high, forcing the high school man to escape for a long time, turned into countless water poured down from the sky with a bang. It turned into an existence like a pouring rain, soaking the land.

At the same time, it also made the high school man who rushed over all over his body.

However, the high school man did not dare to complain at the slightest, instead he was shocked...

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