Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1231: , Your circle is really messy!

"What news?" Zhang Xiang frowned slightly, and then asked. Look at ‘hair, thread, Chinese, text, net

"I heard from the relatives of Xiaoniaoyoujia. It seems that Meiyu's mother was pregnant before she married Xinwu..." Zhang Xiang's aunt said hesitantly.

"Pregnant when you are unmarried? Isn't this new in neon?" Zhang Xiang asked strangely.

"The key is..." A trace of embarrassment flashed across Zhang Xiang's aunt's face. "At that time, Xinwu was actually not her boyfriend. It was only after she became pregnant..." Zhang Xiang's aunt said that, Zhang Xiang has already It is completely understood.

"In other words, Miyu is not actually Xinwu's child?" Zhang Xiang said in shock.

He really didn't expect that there were so many inside stories about Miyu's mother.

When Mei Yu's mother fell in love with Zhang Xiang's brother-in-law, she already had someone else's child.

Moreover, Zhang Xiang's brother-in-law still willingly accepts each other and helps each other raise children?

This is the legendary picker?

'what the hell! Zhang Xiang couldn't help but complain in his heart.

"Yes." Zhang Xiang's aunt nodded, and then continued.

"Miyu's mother was actually a model before she married Xingo. I heard that before she married Xingo, she had just exposed a scandal and followed a male star to reveal a love scandal. The popularity dropped directly to the valley. Then, after two months, the news that she had a child came out. I heard that it was to help the other person, Xingo himself admitted that it was his child and married Miwa's mother. ......" Zhang Xiang's aunt said little by little what she knew.

After listening to Aunt Zhang Xiang's words, there was only one thought in Zhang Xiang's mind. Look. Yarn, Chinese website

That is, your circle is really messy!

In his previous life, he already knew that the entertainment industry was messy.

However, when this kind of chaos appears to some people around him, it is still somewhat unacceptable for him to accept it.

At the same time, Zhang Xiang also made up his mind.

If there is that **** scout who dares to propose any one of the three little bird swim sisters to be a star, see if he doesn't cut off the opponent's dog!

After all, in neon and a country that uses plastic surgery as its content, scouts are everywhere, and encounters are only chance things.

"So, what does she want to do when she comes to Neon this time?" Zhang Xiang frowned slightly.

"I heard that I came to meet Mei Yu. And, there seems to be a willingness to take her away." After hesitating for a while, Zhang Xiang's aunt told her what she had learned.

"Take Meiyu away?!" Zhang Xiang's eyes flashed a rush.

"Hmph, but it's not that easy. Come and leave if you want?!" Zhang Xiang said with a cold snort.

To be honest, he still maintained an attitude of approval for the other party coming to recognize Miyu.

After all, Mei Yu is only eleven years old now, just when she needs maternal love.

However, when it comes to the other party leaving Miyu in order to return to China, I haven't seen him for so many years.

And when he heard his aunt talk about her unmarried first pregnancy, let Zhang Xiang's brother-in-law be the pick-up man, and finally might take Mei Yu away, Zhang Xiang's heart was determined.

That is, you will never let the other party succeed!

The three sisters of Little Bird Tour are his most precious people, but he would not give them to a shameless guy.

Even if the other party is Miyu's biological mother!

"Mrs. You..." Zhang Xiang's aunt frowned slightly as she looked at Zhang Xiang's appearance, wanting to say something.

However, at this moment, the sound of footsteps came from the top of the stairs.

Tacitly, the conversation between Zhang Xiang and his aunt was over.

First of all, it was Xiao Chi's cheerful voice.

"Uncle, let's play games together" Xiao Chi's cheerful and tender voice came from the stairs.

I saw Xiao Chi moving her little feet and pounced directly towards Zhang Xiang, holding her precious Rabbit No. 1 and Rabbit No. 2 in his arms, with an excited smile on his face.

Obviously, she had just accompanied her sister upstairs just to find these two precious dolls to play with Zhang Xiang.

Because, after owning Mr. Rabbit No.2, Xiao Chi used his genius ideas again and came up with a lot of scripts.

Of course, every time, Zhang Xiang just played the role of the big devil. After experiencing hard battles, in the cheerful laughter of the young chicks, he was defeated by the combined skills of Rabbit 1 and Rabbit 2. Up.

And the one who followed the cheerful little chicks, after they came to Xiaoniaoyou's house, has been acting as a guard by the little chicks, and never left the loyal dog ten guards beside the little chicks.

As long as the young youngsters would do anything dangerous, the Ten Guards would definitely scream, call Zhang Xiang and others, and even stop them by themselves.

That clever look really makes people wonder if the other party's IQ is against the sky.

However, Zhang Xiang knew that it was just that the ten guards had received special training.

It is very likely that the Ten Guards had accompanied a child to grow up.

Because, after measurement, Zhang Xiang and others knew that this ten-guard, who looked like a puppy, was already nearly twelve years old.

Perhaps because of this, it will perform so well.

As for the reason why the other party likes Hina?

That is very simple, no matter whether it is a human or an animal, it can't resist the innocent, heart-felt smile of the young chick.

Not to mention, dogs are very human

"Okay" Zhang Xiang stretched out his hands and hugged the little chick who was flying over.

Because of the warmth indoors, the young chicks have already taken off some heavy coats, and the whole person looks a little neat.

However, because of the two rabbit dolls in his arms, Zhang Xiang can only hug them with open hands.

"By the way, aunt, don't you really like to play with the little chicks? Come and play with the little chicks together?" Zhang Xiang raised his head and said with a smile to where the aunt was.

However, at this moment, Zhang Xiang was found out.

The aunt who was sitting on the opposite side was no longer there. Instead, she was leaning against the wall on one side of the hall, facing the ten guards who were gradually approaching him, shivering and leaning against the wall.

what! ! !

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