Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1235: , Tenchu ​​of the big fff group

At this moment, everyone present had noticed Xiao Kong and the young chicks who were following Zhang Xiang. Look. Yarn, Chinese website

"Mr. Zhang Xiang, are they yours?" Xiangye asked Zhang Xiang with a curious look on his face.

It's just that Zhang Xiang hasn't waited for Zhang Xiang to answer.

There was already a ‘magic’ duo who was stimulated by Qiu Ren’s marriage and couldn’t help it.

"Could it be that even Zhang Xiangjun wants to leave the group and run towards the happy life of having a girlfriend? And ah, she is such a cute little girl, can you be able to do it?" It's very big, wearing a white shirt and black suspenders, Hiramu Kazuya leaned in front of Zhang Xiang a little excited, his face was full of envy, jealousy, and resentment that he was still single.

"Tenchu!!! For those who leave the group, we must not hesitate to inflict fire torture!!!" On one side, Fukuda, who looked like a bad boss, wrapped that bad silver hair in a turban. Too much, an expression of excitement appeared on his face.

In order to prove his words, he also took out the lighter he was carrying with him and set it alight.

Coupled with his specially pretended gloomy face, it makes people believe that he is a real member of the FFF group.

As for watching this scene, Cang Shuhong, who had been calm beside her, also made a knowing blow.

"lo*ic*n, hentai, girlish addiction!" Cang Shu blushed and said these words without a heartbeat.

This series of words really made them look a little wrong even with the highest sincereness. See 1 Yarn 3 Chinese Net

Seeing this scene, what else can Zhang Xiang say?

Only a wry smile.

"You all guessed wrong. Although I am a loli control, in fact, they are my niece." Zhang Xiang picked out the relationship between each other.

"Really admit it?" Zhencheng Supreme looked at Zhang Xiang a little sideways, and complained.

"Yeah, it's amazing to dare to declare that you are a lo*ic*n so openly. But accordingly, I will call the police. Your niece is not suitable to be by your side. I'm afraid you will endure Can't help but start with them!" Takagi Qiuren took out his mobile phone and pretended to call the police.

However, everyone knows that this is just a joke.

Everyone present would not believe that Zhang Xiang, who said that he was a lo*ic*n so boldly, was really a lo*ic*n, and did not believe that he would really act on his niece.

However, they guessed wrong...

Of course, Zhang Xiang would not tell the truth about this matter.

After teasing each other for a while, everyone shifted the conversation to their own cartoons.

"By the way, how is the situation with the comics? My "Fullmetal Alchemist" has finally been animated recently? Have you made any new progress?" After speaking, Zhang Xiang changed the topic Moved to this aspect.

"Hmph, don't be arrogant, my "Knight of the Qing" has recently reached a very important place. Just a little bit of effort, even if your anime is animated, my ranking will be caught up. Be careful not Take the first place for me," Fukuda said with a cold snort, seemingly dissatisfied with Zhang Xiang's somewhat arrogant attitude.

"Haha, I am able to animate faster than you guys. I have successfully reached an animation agreement half a year ago. After so long of production, in the next week, I The animation of "will be adapted and successfully appeared on TV. Therefore, I should have taken the first position first," said Hiramaruichi, also a little unconvinced.

"No, our new manga "Let's Run! Dafa Dandou" will also be released. With the attention of the new manga, we will get the first place anyway!" Sincerity is the highest, it is also at this time that A declaration of own struggle comes.

"Yo Xi, everyone is very motivated! That's good, I also decided. Next, I will also have full firepower. My goal is to change from defeating Zhang Xiangjun and winning the first place in the survey questionnaire in most weeks to It’s going to be the first for ten consecutive weeks.” The new wife Eiji who likes comics next to him is also waving the quill in his hand, making a decision for himself.

However, at this moment, Cang Shuhong, who was standing next to her, spoke with a little dissatisfaction.

"Hmph, you guys both want to hide first, but you deliberately ignore me, do you look down on our women? I tell you, my new work "Aoba Season" is not afraid of you at all. Yes. I will definitely achieve better results than you." Cang Shuhong sent out his own opinions a little angrily, and also issued his own declaration.

The scene suddenly became a little hot.

Everyone’s heart was filled with a passionate impulse, as if they wanted to run back desperately, and then began to paint their most satisfactory paintings, and won the first place in the next survey.

However, just when the passionate Majo Supreme wanted to say this sentence and rushed back to the studio to make a better manga.

Zhang Xiang spoke up.

"By the way, you don't know if you have time now? I want to have something I want to talk to you." Zhang Xiang offered an invitation to the cartoonists present.

"Is there something to discuss?" Everyone present felt a little curious, but they all agreed.

"Yes, it's about the animation broadcasting rights." Zhang Xiang said with a smile on his face.

"Animation broadcast rights? But, most of us here, comics have not been adapted into animation?" Takagi Qiuto asked with some confusion.

"It's not the current thing, I mean the thing after animation in the future. Maybe you don't know it yet, I am now the president of Futureofteology..." Zhang Xiang slowly introduced his identity.

However, in the middle of Zhang Xiang's speech, Takagi Qiuren exclaimed.

"Which Futureofteology company is it?" Akure Takagi asked with surprise on his face.

"Yes." Zhang Xiang smiled and nodded.

"That's really amazing..." Gao Mu Qiuren looked at Zhang Xiang with admiration.

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