Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1242: , Five million pre-sale!

A week later, the group of 14 companies, after a week-long reshuffle, re-identified 14 president-level figures. See 1 Yarn 3 Chinese Net

Most of the fourteen president-level people were recruited from outside, and only a few were selected from the subordinates of the original company.

As for the original fourteen presidents?

It's very simple. Three guys who committed enough to allow themselves to go to prison to spend their old age, absconded in fear of crime that day.

Seven of them were taken away because of usury debts, corruption, etc., or absconded, or were taken away by the police or unknown people.

If it is taken away by the police, it's okay, as long as you sit in prison for a few years to more than ten years, you can get out.

As for those who were taken away by unknown people, maybe one day you will see part of the other person's body again above the sea.

Of the two old men named by Zhang Xiang, one was because they were directly crushed into mashed meat by a drunk driver driving a large truck while riding.

The other one died because of believing in some ‘cult’, but he set himself on fire.

As for the last one, which middle-aged man who is the first to go, who claims to be an elite?

He is the luckiest and most unfortunate existence.

The luckiest thing was that he managed to find a seller who took a lot of money one day later, and sold his house shrimp to the other party at once.

Then, that night, he absconded towards Thailand.

Unfortunately, when the other party was in Thailand, it was because he offended a powerful guy. Not only was the money taken away, but he was also cut directly.

In the end, desperately desperate, became a ladyboy...

When he heard the news on the first day of the new year, Zhang Xiang's face was as weird as it was. See 1 Yarn 3 Chinese Net

You know, he didn't participate in the plot that would happen after the other party in the meeting room.

However, I didn't expect that the other party would still be so miserable.

However, this may be the case, the other party may like this tune after staying for a long time

Cough, maybe

During this chaotic week, Zhang Xiang succeeded in confirming his prestige in the company, making everyone afraid to think carefully.

Even if he thought carefully, he didn't dare to show it.

After all, Zhang Xiang came one by one, and the fourteen company presidents disappeared one after another because of various things, or suffered misfortune. Everyone could see that there was Zhang Xiang's shadow in it.

Not to mention, among the employees of these fourteen companies, there is still a rumor that when Zhang Xiang broke in, the meeting room was discussing how to remove Zhang Xiang from the post.

After the meeting, the presidents of these fourteen companies went crazy, and those who were not crazy just died, or absconded directly.

In short, there is no good end.

Therefore, there are many versions of Zhang Xiang's identity in the company.

Some of the most widely circulated rumors are that one is that Zhang Xiang is actually the second generation of a certain super official, so he has the ability to turn his hands for the cloud and the rain.

And the other one is that Zhang Xiang is actually the heir of a super gang. This time the encounter with the fourteen presidents was done by his underlings under his control.

Otherwise, how could some of these people die unclearly?

At first glance, there is something tricky

The last version is a bit outrageous. It is said that Zhang Xiang is actually an alien. Otherwise, how could he have so many high-tech technologies and have produced smart phones that are clearly beyond the current level of technology.

Of course, there are versions of the fourteen presidents in it.

It is said that Zhang Xiang relied on the super power possessed by his aliens to control the human heart, making these fourteen presidents crazy and fleeing.

Well, that weave is really well-known and well-documented.

However, after hearing these rumors, Zhang Xiang just smiled.

After all, these are just rumors, and they will not affect his ability to manage this company.

What he cares about is the sales share of his new smartphones.

Before the smartphone is on sale, the specific pre-sale amount has already reached about five million.

Don't think that this number will be small, think that as an emerging smart phone, it should reach at least 10 million.

However, what we need to know is that the number of Neon is only a few hundred million.

The brand of this smart phone is not yet well-known, and it is only at the point where it has just been launched. It is already a super remarkable situation to reach a pre-sale share of 5 million units.

Moreover, even though Zhang Xiang spent hundreds of millions to buy advertisements.

However, the cost of hundreds of millions of yen, at most, is to broadcast advertisements in the prime time of several TV stations for about ten seconds, put up posters in the squares and department stores of a well-known metropolis, and do publicity by the way. It just caused a hot discussion under the Internet.

The coverage is up to one-third of neon.

After all, the work intensity in most cities of Neon is very high.

There are also many people who don’t watch TV, don’t like to join in the fun on the Internet, or go to department stores.

Moreover, even the pre-sale of a certain major mobile phone brand in the past life only reached a share of two million pre-sales.

Moreover, in the two million pre-sales, about half can be cut off, which is because many people are idle and boring.

Then, if you cut off some people with special ideas and use software to brush, plus the official number of whitewashing for a good face, the remaining pre-sale quota of 250,000 is already very good.

Therefore, Zhang Xiang's smartphone can have a pre-sale quota of 5 million, which is already strong enough to guard against the sky.

Because this amount has already set a world record.

Even in the evening, various newspapers and televisions reported this information, and advertised Zhang Xiang's company with no dead ends.

This amount also shocked Zhang Xiang.

Because, he thinks that the pre-sale share can be two million, which is already powerful enough.

He did not expect that the arrival of the new intelligent era would be so crazy.

Therefore, in order to make production capacity catch up with sales, he still had to urgently purchase three other production lines.

However, even so, the speed of production is still far behind the speed of sales.

In a desperate situation, Zhang Xiang could only use the trick of rushing for a limited time.

Then, a large amount of funds was borrowed urgently, and the net acquisition and merger were carried out.

It's also a disadvantage that Zhang Xiang's technology has almost all related production lines, and it can be put into production with just a little modification.

Otherwise, he would really come up with some black technology to be able to cope with the crazy sales speed...

In this way, after spending about two weeks, Zhang Xiang finally barely allowed the production capacity to keep up with the sales speed.

At this time, Zhang Xiang has become the chairman of a group of nearly fifty companies with a total value of nearly one trillion...

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