Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1278: , Galaxy Data Digital Egg!

In the battlefield of the virtual world, Zhang Xiang slowly retracted his fist as he watched the gradually dissipating library wall. Look. Yarn, Chinese website

Under the eruption of this powerful punch, Zhang Xiang's body was hit by a huge counterattack, but his body did not show any signs of collapse like before.

Because after the last shock.

Zhang Xiang has already learned the lesson and made some overall changes to his body composed of data torrents, increasing the energy burst he can withstand by several levels.

Therefore, if it is only an attack of this degree.

Then, if he broke out with all his strength, his body would not suffer much damage.

And, don’t forget, his body in the virtual world now is made up of data. As long as the number of data torrents is sufficient, it will only take a minute to repair it completely.

It's just that the wall of the library in front of me was shattered in half, revealing the empty virtual space.

A very shocking scene appeared in front of him.

Countless torrents of data, not knowing where they came from, rushed towards a certain point outside the library. They all gathered together and turned into an egg composed entirely of chaotic data.

And that egg is like a bottomless black hole. No matter how many data streams are gathered, they are all absorbed.

However, its body only grew slowly to the extent that it was only observable by the naked eye.

Just like a beast, it is drawing enough flesh and blood to grow.

Among the countless data torrents, four of them are the most striking.

If the other data torrents are just small streams, then the four data torrents are like the ocean.

The four data torrents converge towards the middle from four directions together, and three of them are from other directions. Even if you look from Zhang Xiang's direction, you can feel the hugeness of the three data torrents. It looked like an endless sea, and the Milky Way transformed into the light of the formation of the stars and the sea was falling down from the sky.

But it did not splash countless brilliant waves, but was directly swallowed completely.

And the source of the last super torrent was not elsewhere, it turned out to be from behind and in front of Zhang Xiang.

Because the source of that super data torrent is exactly the entire library that occupies millions of square kilometers. The countless scattered data scattered by Zhang Xiang's punch are like being subjected to the gravity of a black hole. The absorption of is generally, converging in the direction of that data egg.

And there are countless data appearing out of thin air, joining this super torrent, making its scale even more spectacular.

If it is said that the other three super data torrents belong to the galaxy, then the data torrent in front of Zhang Xiang is a super galaxy with dozens of galaxies gathered together, exuding countless brilliance and brilliance across the entire interstellar. .

That majestic power can be clearly felt even by Zhang Xiang standing in the void.

If it is just a super data torrent, he still has the confidence to stop it.

But if a huge amount of existence swooped together, even a small wave would be enough to drown Zhang Xiang.

Not to mention, Zhang Xiang also felt a lot of danger from the egg-shaped existence.

That is enough to become his true opponent.

"No, I can't let it continue to grow!" Zhang Xiang's expression changed, looking at the data egg that was gradually normalizing in the distance, he immediately made a decision.

Zhang Xiang was not stupid enough to think that the other party had spent so much effort just to make an egg virtual.

There must be a reason for the other party to do this.

Not to mention, Zhang Xiang's own sixth sense also told him that the opposite contained a danger that was gradually becoming stronger.

Under the combined effect of several conditions, Zhang Xiang made a decision.

That is, quickly kill the opponent before the dangerous thing hatches!

However, at the same time that Zhang Xiang made a decision, it was also the time for the short, fat white man to type on the keyboard.

Suddenly, the countless data torrent suddenly stopped.

In the egg that was devouring countless data torrents, bright white light emerged, like the light evolved in Digimon, an illusory figure loomed in the bright white light.

The brilliant brilliance echoed in that egg.

A large amount of data was compressed to the extreme, forming a substance-like existence, reverberating in it, but in the end it converged into the gradually forming shadow, a substantial existence.

"No, I can't let him out!" Zhang Xiang suddenly made a decision.

He held his breath, but gradually increased his dual-line lv5 level of mental power output, allowing the torrent of converted data to blur out of the void, gradually changing into a huge energy data The guns come.

——In the virtual world, as long as your computing power is enough, there is enough data to turn some data into what you want.

It was a long spear full of sci-fi style, just like the energy grabs used by those Gundams and Zakus in the Gundam. The whole body had a silver-white light, and the shape was somewhat peculiar.

Moreover, it is hundreds of meters long.

However, don't forget, how tall Zhang Xiang is now, he is a thousand meters tall.

Such a figure is nothing to some Void Beasts, but to Zhang Xiang at this time, it is just right.

Therefore, at the next moment.

After the energy gun full of sci-fi style appeared, it was held by Zhang Xiang at this time.

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