Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1289: , It's all caused by desire

Feeling the familiar voice in the huge amount of data, Zhang Xiang showed a wry expression on his face. Look. Yarn, Chinese website

Because, in the huge amount of data, there is such a sentence: "Christmas, my wish is to see alien creatures."

The vigorous voice of Haruhi Suzumiya sounded beside Zhang Xiang's ear.

That is what Zhang Xiang has extracted from the dark fragments and the model constructed by part of the data, and the sound translated by the Rainbow Angel audio system.

Because of the dark fragment data, a structure that Zhang Xiang didn't know was adopted.

The restored voice was so lifelike that Zhang Xiang could immediately hear who the voice was.

And the reason why that dark behemoth appeared in this world was because of this voice.

In the data of this pitch-black behemoth, it shows that there is a large amount of information data in this voice, which can further evolve it.

Therefore, because of unknown reasons, this dark behemoth wandering in the endless time and space came to this world.

However, Zhang Xiang was very curious. For example, how did this pitch-black beast, which was obviously unable to break free from the infinite time and space and locked in Zhang Xiang’s world, escaped from the endless time and space, and why Will appear in the online world.

As for the information data in the mouth of this dark beast, Zhang Xiang guessed that it was brought about by the countless lines of fate connected to Haruhi Suzumiya.

Because, with so many lines of fate, a single word can have a profound impact on the world. See 1 Mao 2 Line 3 Chinese Net

Just like what scientists call the butterfly effect, the breeze caused by a butterfly flapping its wings in South America may have bred into a storm of about tenth magnitude when it reaches the Pacific Ocean.

This is true of the effects of butterflies.

So, what about human beings who can have more impact, even those with tens of millions or hundreds of millions of lines of fate?

Needless to say, the impact of that.

This is undoubtedly a huge temptation for the inky behemoth that needs to devour information and data to evolve.

As for how the other party gets these data, Zhang Xiang is not clear.

However, Zhang Xiang has a conjecture that the other party may be able to influence the daily life of Haruhi through the Internet, so that he can get enough information and data.

Moreover, the other party may break free from the two-dimensional network world into the three-dimensional world, and have an impact on the world!

This is not impossible. The fall of the dimension will burst out unimaginable power, but what if one dimension has enough power?

Then, it is not impossible to evolve from two-dimensional to three-dimensional!

Not to mention, Haruhi seems to have abilities that Zhang Xiang didn't know.

Perhaps, that dark behemoth can be done with the power of Haruhi.

For example, why this dark behemoth broke free from the endless time and space this time, perhaps because of Haruhi Suzumiya's wish.

Perhaps it was her wish that gave a series of "coincidences", or she directly opened up a channel for the other party to come directly to this world, so that the other party can come to the world where Zhang Xiang is so easily. .

Then, if the pitch black behemoth has enough influence on Haruhi through various means of the Internet, let it make a wish to let the pitch black behemoth come into the real world...

Thinking of this, Zhang Xiang couldn't help but shudder, and a dignified look flashed in his eyes.

If this happens.

Then, the whole world may fall into destruction!

After all, the existence that can cross dimensions cannot be imagined too much!

If it comes true, the power used by the pitch black behemoth in the virtual space has a high chance of being displayed in the real world.

Don't say anything else, just the obliteration cannon can directly erase a country from its physical meaning.

If you directly use the dark area it just used, it won't be difficult to cover most of the planet.

At this moment, Zhang Xiang's eyes suddenly flashed a hint of shock.

"This is? The World Assimilation Plan!" Zhang Xiang shouted out a word he had searched in shock.

Perhaps it is because the pitch black behemoth does not think it will fail, but its plan is not to use any method of encryption.

For this reason, Zhang Xiang found out what the other party's plan was all about in an instant.

The other party actually planned to use what it brought when it was driven out of its original world after collecting enough massive data and supplying its own evolution to materialize the two-dimensional data world.

The process is also very simple, that is, after virtualizing a part of the real world into a two-dimensional world.

Then, borrowing the huge power of the real world falling from the three-dimensional world, the two-dimensional data was transformed into three-dimensional.

Of course, if this were the case, the opponent's plan would be impossible to achieve after Zhang Xiang broke the opponent's evolutionary data egg.

However, the other party turned out to have a backup plan constructed temporarily.

That is, if you have a one in ten million chance of failing.

Then, enable the backup plan.

That is, using the special dark data contained in his remnant body, in conjunction with that thing and all the data in the online world, to integrate this two-dimensional online world with the entire real world.

Let the worlds of two different dimensions merge together, and become a world of 2.5 dimensions.

It sounds like nothing, but the integration of the world is not so easy.

The power of the real world reduced from three-dimensional to 2.5-dimensional has completely wiped out the entire life of the earth.

From this, you can see how sinister the pitch black beast's intentions are.

If you die, then drag the two worlds to bury yourself! (Note: The three-dimensional world here refers to the earth)

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