Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1298: , Lucky bag

After dividing up the clothes in the hall, everyone started to open the lucky bag and searched for the contents. See 1 Yarn 3 Chinese Net

(Note: Fortune Bag (ふくぶくろ) is a Japanese business that puts multiple items into cloth bags or paper boxes around New Year's Day (Japanese New Year’s Day after the Meiji Restoration) for matching sales. This kind of bag or paper The box is called a "fu bag." In terms of price, the value of the goods in the lucky bag is generally higher than its marked price. For example, a lucky bag priced at 10,000 yen may be packed with goods priced at 80, 90,000 yen. However. , Whether something suits you depends on your character. In short, this kind of item has a trace of gambling in it.)

And everyone's luck is obviously very good. After everyone carefully opened the paper bags of various colors, most of the clothes placed in them were the clothes previously displayed in the tailor shop.

"Ah, I'm so lucky. This is the brand-name clothes that I want to buy for a long time." Mei Yu hugged a pink top and hugged it in her arms happily, with a happy expression on her face.

Obviously, Miwa was hitting the big lottery. With a price of only 10,000 yen, he bought brand-name clothes that were not available for tens of thousands of yen.

Then, she began to speed up to open other lucky bags.

"Sister, how about this one?" Meiyu asked Xiaokong next to him while holding up a dark pink dress.

"Eh...a bit fancy, isn't it?" Xiaokong's face showed a trace of hesitation.

"It's not fancy at all. Look, put it on one another...?" Miyu took another white dress from the side and put it together.

Immediately, those fancy dark pink clothes had already turned light pink, giving a soft feeling. See 1 Mao 2 Line 3 Chinese Net

"Really." Xiaokong's face showed a surprised expression.

And at this moment, Xiao Chi also started to join in the fun.

"Hey, I want it, I want it, and I want it too." I got close to Meiyu, waved his little hand, and looked at Meiyu with expectant eyes.

"Yes, wait for a while. What about Xiao Hina...this one, and this one?" Meiyu nodded, and quickly began to look for the clothes in the lucky bag.

Inside these lucky bags, there are also kid-type lucky bags specially bought for young chicks.

Soon, Mei Yu sorted out a very cute pair, including long sleeves with a bear pattern, a light blue skirt, and a pair of cute little gloves.

Just put it on, the little Lori Huahuo next to her was already exclaiming with joy.

"Wow, so cute!" Huahuo Lori's eyes lit up, looking at the young chick standing in front of her.

If Xiao Chi wears her cute earmuffs again, then a little girl in a cute little bear costume will appear to everyone.

And standing in front of the mirror looking at her appearance, and listening to everyone's admiration, Xiao Chi couldn't help feeling a little shy while she was happy.

"Eh heh, Xiao Chi, cute?" Xiao Chi has a happy smile on his face.

"Yeah, yeah, Xiaochun is really cute. I did this kind of coordination and coordination perfectly!" Meiyu's face also showed a bright smile.

And this scene where the girls tried to buy clothes between each other really made Zhang Xiang's eyes full.

At least, looking at Meiyu’s organization, she put on a miniskirt shyly, blushing, holding Xiaokong unnaturally with her hands, wearing a bear costume, making a bear climbing a tree. , The cute little chick, wearing each piece is obviously a mix and match, but it is incomparably harmonious, exuding a youthful and beautiful light, the first time to put on hot pants and a sleeveless shirt, the firework little loli, and Wearing a rare dress and holding a Pudala bag in his hand, he was a little bit arrogant.

Zhang Xiang was already satisfied.

However, at this moment, a delicate figure was already standing in front of Zhang Xiang.

"Okay... Next, it's uncle now." Meiyu put her hands on her waist, on top of her delicate face, a pair of sly eyes scanning Zhang Xiang's body back and forth, seeming to be thinking about something.

"Huh, me?" Zhang Xiang stretched out his right hand and pointed at himself.

Because of how he thinks, Zhang Xiang doesn't think that this beautiful girl's fashion show will have his own share.

"Yes, didn't you also buy your brother's share? Put it on and have a look." Xiaokong's face also showed a somewhat eager expression.

It depends on the situation, no matter who it is, as long as it is a girl, she likes to buy clothes by herself, and she also likes to help people choose clothes.

"Look, take a look." Xiao Chi also clapped her hands to agree.

"Forget's better next time." Zhang Xiang wanted to refuse with some embarrassment.

Zhang Xiang shuddered at the thought of being arbitrarily manipulated by five beautiful girls and putting on clothes.

"No. Leave it alone, uncle, you can't find a suitable matching method." Meiyu said categorically.

Then, Miyu couldn't help but began to confirm which shirt she bought was suitable for Zhang Xiang.

"This one, and this one... well, I feel something is wrong." Meiyu looked at the shirt and suit on her hands with some distress, thinking about how to match it.

It seemed that he was interested and wanted to see what Zhang Xiang was like in his suit.

Xiao Ai even got in there and started to give her own opinions.

She stretched out her right hand, and pulled out another shirt from the pile of clothes she bought for Zhang Xiang.

"So, how about this one? This one fits this chocolate black suit well, and it can also catch up with this year's fashion trend." Xiao Ai took out another white shirt. Matched it with the chocolate suit in Miyu's hand.

Suddenly, the two clothes became harmonious, with a kind of upright and tough feeling.

After receiving the inspiration from Xiao Ai, Mei Yu seemed to have some new idea.

"Really, this combination has really become better. Then, if you want to match this year's fashion trend, then you need to wear this tie..." Miyu enthusiastically communicated with Xiao Ai.

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