Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1306: , Gemini Tower

"Mt. Fuji... The top of the mountain is snow-white... Snowflakes are flying... The cherry blossoms are flying Mount Fuji." All over the whole car. Look. Yarn, Chinese website

At this moment, a woman's voice sounded a little flat but with better singing skills.

However, she was accompanying the music of that song for Xiao Chi.

What was unexpected to Zhang Xiang was that it might be the result of Laixiang's senior sister Braun's group of books.

In short, only after listening to Xiao Chi sing on both sides, Senior Sister Lai Xiang actually composed a piece of music on the spot to cooperate with each other.

Although, it sounds a bit immature in some places.

However, these immature places are gradually decreasing with the repeated singing of the young chicks.

Even Xiaokong, who is the lead singer of the singing group, was surprised that Laixiang-senpai could make a piece of music in such a short time.

Although most of the tunes are repeatedly used, many places have also borrowed some tunes from anime and nursery rhymes.

However, I have made a piece of music in such a short period of time. I am afraid that a professional musician is only at this level.

From this, we can see how profound Laixiang-senpai is in the field of music.

It was at this time that, following the last voice of Xiao Hina: "Mount Fuji, I'm looking for you", a clapping sound came from the vehicle.

"Xiao Chi, you are so good to sing" Lai Xiang-senpai praised Xiao Chi. Look. Yarn, Chinese website

And the little chick who ended the song was obviously very excited.

However, after listening to Laixiang-senpai's compliment, Xiao Hina was unusually shy, and a little blush appeared on her little face.

"No, Xiangxiang is so good, I was able to learn Xiao Chi's songs so quickly" Xiao Chi's face showed a look of admiration, looking at the direction of Senior Sister Lai Xiang.

As for how the term Xiangxiang comes from, it is very simple.

After chatting with Raika-senpai about Mount Fuji for a while, the name of the relationship between the two changed.

Since when did Xiao Hina refer to Laixiang-senpai as the word "Xiangxiang".

Although Xiaokong and others felt that this was impolite to Senior Sister Laixiang, but seeing Senior Sister Laixiang was obviously enjoying it, Zhang Xiang and the others did not stop Xiaoxiao from calling her the name of Senior Sister Laixiang. .

And at this moment, Zhang Xiang and others finally came to the tallest city in Nishitama, and at the same time the only twin star building in Neon.

When Zhang Xiang and others got out of the car, everyone couldn't help but look at the Gemini Tower in front of them with some surprise.

Because these two buildings are too high, one is more than 300 meters high, and the other is close to 300 meters high.

In addition, the two buildings are connected by two transparent channels.

From a distance, it really looks like a double star.

Of course, if you look at it from under the building, you can't see it clearly.

The height of more than 300 meters is equivalent to more than a hundred layers. To see such a high place, the angle of the head must be raised naturally.

"Ah, it's really high. I have raised my head so high. I haven't seen the top yet" Meiyu couldn't help sighing while looking up.

"Yeah, it's really high. If you take the elevator, I'm afraid it will take a few minutes?" Xiaokong was also slightly surprised.

However, at this moment, the little sorrow beside her spoke.

"It doesn't take a few minutes. Although the common passenger elevator speeds are 10ms, 15ms, and 175ms, these are generally used in ordinary houses. If it is a relatively high floor, for example, there are more than 20 floors. 20ms, 25ms, 30ms, 35ms, 40ms, these high-speed elevators will be used. These are generally used in high-rise office buildings."

"However, because the height of this building exceeds 100 floors, I estimate that the elevator used in this building is a super high-speed 70ms elevator. In addition, popular science. There are regulations in Neon. Yes. The speed of the passenger elevator is related to the height of the floor. It is required that the time from the bottom to the top not exceed 1 minute when there is no load (that is, when there is no one in the elevator)! So, if the Tokiwa Group It is to follow these rules. Counting the acceleration time and the waiting time to enter the elevator, it will not exceed two minutes."

"Of course, because the buildings built by the group basically have areas that only VIPs can enter. I am afraid that there is no elevator that can directly ride from the lowest floor to the highest floor. If this is the case, take the elevator. The time will be divided separately..." Xiao Ai is like an encyclopedia, quickly speaking out the relevant knowledge of the elevator in the building.

Moreover, there is no pause.

"Ah, Sister Xiaoai is so amazing, she actually knows so much knowledge." Xiao Xiao's face also showed a surprised expression, looking at Xiao Ai with an expression of admiration, and Xiao Ai's hand also grasped Xiao Ai's. Hands.

It's just that maybe it's not used to the enthusiasm of Hina.

Zhang Xiang noticed that after hearing Xiao Chi's praise, Xiao Ai couldn't help showing a happy expression on her face.

However, because of the fleeting moment, Zhang Xiang didn't take it too seriously.

However, at this time.

A clapping sound came from the side.

"It's really amazing, kid, I can understand so much knowledge." With this slightly thick and old voice, a fat figure appeared in Zhang Xiang's sight.

It was a man wearing a blue cotton sweater with an ordinary brown jacket. He was about fifty years old. He had old-fashioned round eyes in his eyes. He was very fat and was already bald. There is a circle of white curly hair on top of his head, and even his moustache is a slightly curly white old man.

"Dr. A Li?" Zhang Xiang said in surprise the identity of the other party.

And after looking at this obese figure, I saw some idly kicking the stones, and seeing Zhang Xiang's face of unsatisfied Conan, very happy Bumei, who is happy to be able to enter the building. Oh, and Mitsuhiko with some pockmarks on his face

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