Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1308: ,Sightseeing elevator

And just after the greeting, the woman in her early thirties also noticed Zhang Xiang's side. Look. Wool. Line. Chinese. Text. Net

After a little hesitation, she still walked towards this side.

"Excuse me, you are..." The woman wearing a red shirt, this blue petal jewel on her chest, and a pearl necklace on her neck walked over and asked Zhang Xiang with some confusion.

Facing each other's doubts and smiles, even though the two are in business conflicts, Zhang Xiang will not be cold.

Not to mention, he was invited to visit.

"Hello, I'm the chairman of the "Future Technology" company, Yuta Segawa, please give me your advice." Zhang Xiang stretched out his right hand and smiled and said to the other party.

And listening to Zhang Xiang's words, the other party's face immediately showed a smile.

"I’ve heard about the name for a long time, and I’m so embarrassed that I didn’t recognize you just now. By the way, I haven’t introduced myself yet. I’m Mio Tokiwa from the Tokiwa Group. I’m glad to meet you. Not long ago, my assistant called Give it to me. I was really taken aback when I heard that you were coming. Thank you very much for visiting..." Tokiwa Mio has a smile on her face, and she also extended her right hand to meet Zhang Xiangqing. Shook it.

"Where, where, I really admire Miss Tokiwa, who was able to preside over the construction of such a magnificent Gemini Tower. Today I brought my family to visit, and I really trouble you..." Zhang Xiang also greeted the other party. For a moment.

However, due to the unfamiliar relationship, the greetings between the two sides soon came to an end.

"Then, please invite Chairman Segawa to go up and take a look." Mio Tokiwa stretched out her right hand and directed towards Zhang Xiang and others. See 1 Yarn 3 Chinese Net

And under the leadership of the other party, Zhang Xiang and others followed Xiaolan, Dr. A Li and others, and walked upward together.

First of all, they are riding an ordinary elevator.

However, due to consideration of the height of the floor and the number of loading, this elevator is still very wide.

At least, Zhang Xiang and other dozens of people carried them together, and it had nothing to do with it.

However, the elevator stopped at the 66th floor.

"Everyone, please come with me. Since the floor above the 66th floor belongs to the VIP area, please come here to take a special elevator up." Mio Tokiwa led Zhang Xiang to the side of the building.

However, when they first saw the elevator, Bumei and the others were already exclaiming.

"Wow, it's a transparent peripheral sightseeing elevator." Bu Mei couldn't help exclaiming, and ran into the elevator decorated with golden tone.

"Ah, it's true! I can really see the outside scene through the elevator." Yuanta also trot in, leaning on the transparent compartment of the elevator and looking outside.

"Yes, I can still see the TV tower not far away." On the side, Mitsuhiko also pointed to the TV tower not far away and shouted in surprise.

While they were amazed, Zhang Xiang and others also walked into the elevator.

"Wow, I can really see a lot of places." Miyu also leaned aside and looked at the scenery outside the elevator.

"Yeah, over there, it seems to be the Hachioji we used to live in." Xiaokong showed a look of nostalgia on his face, and pointed to the group of houses in a direction not far away.

However, it seems that it is not far, but in reality it is far apart.

At least, it takes nearly half an hour to drive the vehicle.

"Yes, on that side is the Hachioji we used to live in. The one on the left is the house we used to live in. It's a pity that it was blocked by a building. However, the street on the other side The restaurant opened by the uncle above is not covered." Zhang Xiang pointed in a certain direction.

"Where is it?" Listening to Zhang Xiang's words, Mei Yu couldn't help but tiptoe up and looked in the direction Zhang Xiang was pointing.

It is a pity that although Miyu's eyes are very good, it is slightly difficult to find a specific one among so many buildings.

"It's the house with a flag on the roof" Zhang Xiang pointed to Meiyu.

Then, he turned his head and looked in his arms, looking at the scenery outside in surprise, with a look of surprise and excitement on his face, pointing to the building outside and saying, "Ah, the house is getting smaller and smaller." Little chicks.

"By the way, don't you remember, Xiaochun? That's the shop where the uncle and aunt will make you a delicious meal when we often go there?" Zhang Xiang smiled towards her. Asked the little girl in the middle.

"Uncle and aunt?" There was a trace of doubt on Xiao Chi's face.

After all, she is just a three-year-old child, and her memory is not as strong as an adult.

At this moment, Mei Yu exclaimed.

"Ah, I really found it. It was the carp streamer that was erected on the restaurant" Meiyu showed an expression of excitement on her face, and she was pulling Xiaokong to look to the side.

However, there seems to be a hint.

"Ah, I'll cook something for Xiao Chun and like to eat, do you want to see the grandpa and grandma in the restaurant? Xiao Xiao also wants to see" Xiao Xiao also showed a happy expression on his face, and quickly said to Zhang Xiang and others. (The owner and owner of the restaurant are already in their fifties. It is not wrong for Zhang Xiang to call him uncle and aunt, and Xiaochun to call him grandpa and grandma.)

With the help of Miyu and others, Xiao Chi also quickly found the familiar carp streamer.

"Ah, it's the restaurant of grandpa and grandma." In Zhang Xiang's arms, the young chick, lying on the glass, happily pointed to the restaurant in the distance.

"But, it's been a long time since I saw the grandfather and grandma of the restaurant," Xiao Xiao showed a look of nostalgia on his face.

"Yes, and everyone on that street, every time they picked up the chicks, they were taken care of by them." Xiao Kong's face also showed nostalgia.

"Then, let's find a time and go back together. By the way, we can meet the grandpa and grandma of the restaurant that we haven't seen for a long time, do you want? Little chick?" Zhang Xiang asked the little chick in his arms.

And listening to Zhang Xiang's suggestion, a bright light flashed in Xiao Chi's eyes.

"Yes, Xiao Chi is going to see grandparents, and everyone," Xiao Chi said with a tender voice, holding up her little hand.

In the silence, the elevator has reached the predetermined floor from the 66th floor.

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