Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1311: , A photo ten years later

After Miwa decided, she ran to the virtual device on the side and sat down, putting on something similar to a motorcycle helmet. Look. Yarn, Chinese website

After scanning for a short period of time, as the prompt sounded, Miwa took off the thing that resembled a motorcycle head cover from the top of her head.

Then she ran expectantly to the place where the photos of the virtual installation were produced and walked over.

As the sound of the photo production device sounded, a magnified middle photo appeared in everyone's field of vision.

And Miyu, who had been waiting for a while, immediately received it in her hands.

"Miyu, how's it going?" Xiaokong asked curiously, leaning over to ask.

And the curious Bu Mei and others beside him quickly ran to Mei Yu's side and secretly looked at the other party's photo.

"Wow, that's a great beauty" Yuanta's slightly exaggerated voice sounded in the room.

Immediately afterwards, voices that seemed to be approval rang one after another.

"Yes, big sister is really beautiful, just like a big star." Although there was envy in the eyes of Bu Mei next to her, she was sincerely praising Mei Yu.

And seeing this scene, everyone couldn't help but leaned forward and looked at the photo inside Mihane.

I saw in the photo, a woman with slightly curly golden wavy hair, a delicate face and a bright smile on her face, as if she was a dazzling woman with infinite vitality, like an idol, smiling brilliantly .

If this photo is enlarged and posted as a poster, then no one will doubt that it is a big star.

"Wow, Sister Meiyu has become so beautiful." The young chick in Zhang Xiang's arms showed an expression of surprise on his face.

"Yeah, Meiyu is really beautiful when she grows up, she really looks like a big star" Zhang Xiang also praised.

However, Zhang Xiang didn't see Xiaokong on one side. Looking at the big beauty with long golden wavy hair on the photo, he was slightly confused, and then he suddenly realized the expression.

However, looking at Meiyu's happy look, Xiao Kong didn't try to expose it.

And after seeing what his sister looked like ten years later, Xiao Chi also burst into a strong curiosity about this machine.

"Sister, elder sister, let's try it out together" Xiao Chi pulled Mi Yu with a look of joy on her face.

"But..." Xiao Kong wanted to say something.

However, under the pull of Meiyu next to him, Xiaokong still smiled helplessly, and was pulled by two small figures to sit on the chair.

And after Xiaokong sat on it, Zhang Xiang also walked to the side and personally helped Xiaokong put the helmet on.

"Well, let's take a look at how beautiful Xiaokong will become when he grows up" Zhang Xiang smiled and said to Xiaokong.

"Brother" Xiaokong gave Zhang Xiang a shy look.

However, he smiled and turned on the scanning device.

On the other side, Miyu also helped Xiao Hina put on the somewhat bulky helmet.

"I don't know what will happen to Xiao Hina when he grows up, will he become more cute or beautiful" Miyu said expectantly.

And listening to Miyu's account, the eyes of Laixiang-senpai next to her were already shining with expectation, and she looked in the direction of Xiao Chi.

"Xiao Hina will definitely become more adorable" Laixiang-senpai said with certainty.

And when everyone was still talking, the machine was already scanning.

Zhang Xiang hurriedly walked up and helped Xiao Kong, and Xiao Chu took down the scanning helmet.

And the first thing that came out was Xiaokong's photo.

"Wow, my elder sister has become a big beauty after ten years." Miyu, with sharp-eyed eyes, instantly saw the portrait on the photo.

"Ah, really? I want to watch it too." On the side, the little chick who was waiting for his photo immediately showed expectation on his face, and said with his tiptoes waving his little hand.

"Okay, okay, my uncle will pick you up" Zhang Xiang said helplessly aside.

Then, he squatted down and picked up the anxious little chicks, and then squeezed in the direction of Xiaokong.

To be honest, Zhang Xiang was also very curious.

He really wanted what Xiaokong would look like in ten years.

Then, he actually saw the picture above, about Xiaokong's appearance ten years later.

On that piece of photo paper, a very gentle figure appeared at this time. The other party had long brown hair close to pink, floating gently behind him, covered by a slightly elegant blue satin. Brings Wei Wei bound to the back, with gentle tea-red eyes, soft cheeks, lovely nose, and a pair of shallow dimples when smiling.

At this moment, the beauty on the photo paper is smiling gently at everyone.

It gives people a very gentle feeling, just like bathing in the spring breeze.

Beauty, there is no doubt that the woman in the photo is a big beauty full of soft feeling.

"Wow, my sister has become so beautiful." Seeing the woman in the photo, Xiao Chin immediately showed a surprised face. He let out an exclamation and looked back and forth at the appearance of Xiao Kong next to him, as well as the picture. Look like that big beauty.

"Yes, my elder sister ten years later has really become a woman full of tenderness. Moreover, she looks a lot like her elder sister's mother," Miyu exclaimed beside her.

And listening to Meiyu's words, Zhang Xiang couldn't help but think of the photos Xiaokong and the others took out during Xiaochun's "Seven-Five-Three" festival and their daily life.

Among them, there are photos of Xiaokong's biological mother.

That is a close looking at the photos, you know that it is a very gentle big beauty.

Hearing such a reminder from Miyu, Zhang Xiang felt that the two were more alike.

"Well, it's really beautiful." Zhang Xiang also nodded beside him, sincerely agreeing.

However, listening to Xiao Hina and the others' compliments, Xiao Kong, who had a relatively thin face, immediately blushed on his face.

Especially after hearing Zhang Xiang's words, the blush on his face became thicker, and his hands became a little messy.

"No, I don't have it, or Miyu and Ayumi will be more beautiful when they grow up" Xiaokong was waving his hands, his face blushing in defense.

Everyone knew that she was thin-skinned and did not continue to speak.

However, at this moment, the machine on the side of Xiao Chi finally processed the photos and scanned them out.

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