Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1320: , Organized documents

At eight o'clock in the evening, Zhang Xiang was quickly browsing some things on Yuan Jiaming's desktop computer. See 1 Yarn 3 Chinese Net

Perhaps Yuan Jiaming had anticipated the coming of the Black Organization.

Therefore, the contents of his computer's hard drive are completely deleted.

Even, in order to make the hard disk copy traces completely mess up the past traces, a number of folders with the same name were created deliberately, deleted several times, and then thoroughly cleaned up.

However, these are Zhang Xiang who can't be defeated.

Under Zhang Xiang’s computer technology far beyond this world, the key is to use more advanced equipment, so that Zhang Xiang only spent tens of minutes, and it was all the data that had been deleted. Has recovered.

However, it takes a long time to restore the data.

Therefore, Zhang Xiang continued to let the other party go into a coma.

After all, even if the other party wakes up now, wanting to do it will not help him recover the information.

On the contrary, it may cause unexpected problems.

And at eight o'clock, with a beep in the computer's stereo, the deleted data was finally officially restored.

"Oh, is the repair finally completed?" Zhang Xiang, who was bored with his mobile phone, watching the first episode of "Fullmetal Alchemist" just released, with a look of interest on his face. Come.

After all, the plan of the Black Organization began half a century ago.

This plan is not only explained by the legendary anti-aging medicine. See 1 Mao 2 Line 3 Chinese Net

If such a large organization is established just for the purpose of anti-aging medicine, it is simply impossible.

Because, from the exposed information revealed by the black organization, we can see that the people participating in the black organization include not only the controllers of many large financial groups in the business world, but also many senior officials. The shadow of it is inside.

Wouldn’t it be enough if it’s just for anti-aging drugs, and only need to enlist a large number of scientists?

The ambition of gathering so many people and preparing a half-world organization must not be too small.

Thinking about this, Zhang Xiang clicked the mouse a few times and opened the folder about half a G in size.

Suddenly, nearly fifty documents appeared in front of Zhang Xiang.

Most of the documents in it are related to scientific research, and there are also many poisons, ordnances, etc., but more documents are built starting with APTX4869.

Seeing this, Zhang Xiang frowned slightly.

"Did I really guess wrong? The real purpose of the organization is really just for the anti-aging medicine?" Zhang Xiang opened some of the documents curiously.

Unexpectedly, the relevant content in those documents is all about APTX4869.

There are a large number of drug trials on this drug, as well as various conjectures about the drug trials, as well as various drug components and distributions for the next experiment.

However, among the experimental records that can be said to be massive.

Whether it is a large number of experiments on mice, or studies on other gorillas whose genes are similar to humans, or even a small number of records of human experiments, none of the experimental results record failures. Coming.

And what will be the treatment of failure in the experiment?

Of course it was dead.

And in that short human test report with only 137 cases, there was a name specially marked.

That's Kudo Shinichi's name.

Kudo Shinichi’s test record recorded the death at the end, but it was marked with a big question mark: "The whereabouts of the body is unknown, and the effects of the drug components cannot be analyzed."

As for the name of the recipient of the trial, it turned out to be Shirley (Shiho Miyano).

This surprised Zhang Xiang slightly.

However, after thinking for a while, Zhang Xiang already understood.

Perhaps, at that time, Hui Yuanai had already sensed that her sister and herself were already in disaster.

Therefore, she will write "death" in the results of Kudo Shinichi's experiment.

In order to conceal the shrinking situation that the drug may appear, so that one can escape from the organization.

"However, it seems that Xiao Ai's thoughts are being wasted this time..." Zhang Xiang looked at another document that was closer to the current time. It was marked that Kudo Shinichi was not dead and his whereabouts were unknown. .

He already understood that at least Kudo Shinichi was still alive in this world, and the Black Organization knew about it.

After all, after Kudo Shinichi became Conan, he did not use Kudo Shinichi's name to cause trouble outside.

"It seems that my work will become more troublesome..." Zhang Xiang smiled bitterly, somewhat helplessly.

Because, if Conan's identity is exposed, with the power of the black organization, it will not be difficult to trace Xiao Ai's body.

At that time, there will undoubtedly be a big battle.

Of course, Zhang Xiang's current plan is to be more direct.

That is, the black organization around Tokyo, and even the entire neon power is destroyed!

At that time, even if the black tissue can re-infiltrate the neon, it will not be an easy task.

But at this moment, the sound of ‘click’ from the door rang from outside the entrance.

"Oh, are you here?" Zhang Xiang came with a smile on his face.

However, the smile on his face is more cold.

He would never forget Xiao Ai and the guns in him before!

And as the wooden door gradually opened, revealing the familiar black clothes and the black pistol that was gradually raised, the other side's figure also completely appeared in front of Zhang Xiang.

However, at this time.

But Zhang Xiang's face was slightly surprised.

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