Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1322: , Russian dumplings

"Writing round eyes...!" Zhang Xiang snorted, and the three black gou jade flashed away among the scarlet. Look. Wool. Line. Chinese. Text. Net

And just two minutes later, Zhang Xiang also loosened the opponent's shoulders, causing the opponent's corpse to collapse on the ground.

"Is that so? Was Gin temporarily summoned by the gentleman to do other things? Luckily, Gin, otherwise, I'm afraid you are lying on the ground now." Zhang Xiang is low. The voice said.

As for why the adjective corpse is used is very simple.

Because the other party is completely dead at this time.

It was the moment after Zhang Xiang asked what he needed to ask.

However, this was not what Zhang Xiang did.

But at the moment when the other party realized that he could not move, he decisively bit off the poison sac in his mouth, and poisoned himself to death in just a few minutes.

This kind of decisiveness of the other party even made Zhang Xiang, who had received relevant training in Naruto World, somehow failed to react.

After all, Zhang Xiang didn't expect the members of the black organization to be trained to resemble death soldiers.

As for whether Zhang Xiang can save the other party.

The answer is of course yes.

The other party can be so strong that Zhang Xiang can finish his question, isn't he affirming Zhang Xiang's medical technology?

But even so, why should he save the other person?

Anyway, after the question, he will be killed by him, so why waste time and energy doing something?

Therefore, Zhang Xiang only stimulated the opponent's vitality a little, and after giving the opponent time to say everything, he let the poison that stimulated his life and fought back frantically and killed the man in black.

"Then, well, it's time to go." Zhang Xiang stood up and came, but a little gray-white underworld appeared on his right hand, and threw it to the place where it started gradually. The body of the man in black who was freezing cold.

Let the silent icy flame engulf the opponent at once, swallowing his bones completely.

Then, after sorting out the contents of the computer and copying all the data away, it flashed.

As for the gray-white flame that is still burning?

Zhang Xiang didn't worry at all. This kind of flame that could only be ignited with a corpse would not spread to other places at all.

This gray-white flame will become the best tool for destroying the corpse, completely wiping the opponent's body from the world.

And, there is no trace left.

"However, I seem to have forgotten something? But, forget it, anyway, the original purpose is already accomplished. Even if you forget something, it's just a small thing, probably?" Zhang Xiang muttered softly.

Then, his figure disappeared into the alley.

However, he did not see it.

When he left, from between the slowly closing doors, there was a man lying on the ground, enjoying the cold floor of the twelfth lunar month...


When Zhang Xiang returned home with a relaxed pace, he was met with a very delicious smell.

"I'm back... Ah, what is this." Zhang Xiang walked into the hall, looking at the dining table with some surprise. On a large plate, there was a white round object as high as a mountain.

And Xiaokong and Xiaochi are all around the dining table.

"Welcome back, brother." Xiaokong, who was beside him, said hello to Zhang Xiang.

And at this time, Miss Sha Xia, who came out of the kitchen with another plate full of the same thing, also answered Zhang Xiang's question.

"Yutai, are you back? By the way, this is Russian dumplings. The cuisine of my country is here." Miss Sha Xia introduced to Zhang Xiang with a smile on her face. (Russian dumplings can be regarded as an enlarged version of dumplings, even sometimes with eggs, stuffing with meat (one or more mixed), mushroom meat, etc. The traditional dumplings are mixed with meat, of which 45 Beef, 35 lamb, 20 pork. The dumplings in the West Ural region of Russia are often replaced by mushrooms, onions, turnips, sauerkraut, etc. Some ingredients will also add black pepper.)

And at this moment, Xiao Chi also pulled Zhang Xiang's sleeve.

"Little Uncle, Little Uncle, Little Chicks also helped to do this, and this one, but they were all made by Little Chicks, and Little Chicks helped a lot." Little Chicks had a little flour on their nose, his face He was full of proud expressions, and said proudly to Zhang Xiang.

"Well, thank you, Little Chick." Zhang Xiang touched Little Chick's head and praised Little Chick.

Under Zhang Xiang's praise, Xiao Chi also showed a shy smile on his face.

Her little face is full of joy

And under the greeting of Miss Sasha, everyone also sat down to have dinner together.

As for the main ingredient for dinner, naturally the two big pots are called Russian dumplings.

And being able to eat what she made by herself, Xiao Xiao was obviously very happy, and immediately picked up the dumplings she made by herself.

However, due to the large size of the Russian dumplings, the small spoon in her hand is obviously not enough.

But with the help of Miss Sha Xia, who was already in the role of mother, Xiao Chi finally got the delicious dumplings that she made by herself.

"How is it? Is it delicious?" Miss Sasha asked expectantly.

"Well, it's delicious." Little Chin ate the Russian dumplings he wrapped, and came with a satisfied smile on his face.

And Xiao Chi's compliment also brought a happy smile on Miss Sa Xia's face.

However, at the next moment, Miss Sasha's face showed a nostalgic smile.

"This is the first time my mother taught me to cook. At the same time, it was the only one I could cook when I came to Neon at the age of fourteen. After I married Shingo, because I have been there for ten consecutive days. For this dish, Shingo once complained about me. Fortunately, with the help of Yuri, I was able to gradually make some neon family meals..." Miss Shaxia, began Gradually remembered my own experience.

On the dining table, he gradually fell into silence.

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