Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1331: , The death of gin!

Let's rewind the time a little bit. See 1 Mao 2 Line 3 Chinese Net

When Xiao Ai just walked out of the passage, Zhang Xiang had already arrived at a window near the passage.

When the window was opened, some cool breeze blew from outside the window, wet Zhang Xiang's face.

"Okay, the angle is good, it's so good to face that building." Zhang Xiang glanced out of the window, then looked around.

He looked at the transparent passage not far away, the people who were quickly welcoming Xiao Ai.

Then, his eyes put it on the building hundreds of meters away.

In his line of sight, even in the dark night sky, he was able to rely on the faint light of the moon to hide the gin wine 800 meters away from the top of the building to see clearly the other side's figure. .

"Then, it's time to deal with all these things." Zhang Xiang said slowly.

I don't know when, on his right hand, a silver USB flash drive appeared.

That is his unique data U disk that can be converted between virtual and reality from the virtual world, from the unknown world.

And with Zhang Xiangchao's activation, a large number of data models were constructed in his mind, gradually forming a spear with a ferocious metal smell, on his right hand.

The silver USB flash drive, which was the size of a small pebble, was suddenly digitized. Hundreds of small blue data grids appeared in the air, forming a larger rectangular data block. .

Then, those hundreds of small data grids began to rapidly transform, forming an existence similar to double-stranded DNA.

Countless data streams, flowing between the data grids similar to double-stranded DNA, are undergoing a large amount of proliferation. See 1 Mao 2 Line 3 Chinese Net

Then, with the growth rate of that data stream, it slowed down.

The data grids that suddenly multiplied to nearly a thousand were also recombined to form a virtual ferocious energy spear exuding a metallic smell.

That's right, this energy gun is in that virtual world. Zhang Xiang's energy gun is constructed based on toy soldiers and belongs to the body of Rainbow Angel Gundam.

However, there are always some differences between virtual and reality.

When Zhang Xiang initially got the silver USB flash drive, he had failed hundreds of thousands of times, and there was no virtual structure in reality.

Every time it was constructed, it was already halfway through, and it suddenly collapsed into a silver USB flash drive.

However, this difficulty was finally overcome by Zhang Xiang a day ago.

Of course, due to the amount of construction data and the reason why such a powerful energy gun is not needed at this time, Zhang Xiang just shaped the reduced energy gun.

However, the violent science fiction shell, the brilliance of the surface like flowing water, and the reflected metal light, all are feeding back to others, this is a weapon against the sky.

"Then, let me try your power!" Zhang Xiang carried the sci-fi energy gun that was 1.2 meters long, about 35 cm high, and about 5 cm thick. , The gun body was placed in front of the window in front of him.

And then the back rest was placed on Zhang Xiang's shoulder.

Although it is an energy gun, the recoil of this gun can be said to be negligible.

However, in order to be able to aim, this posture is the best.

And as Zhang Xiang put the sighting star into his right eye, the computer embedded in the gun body began to quickly control the crosshair in the sight to start moving, and marked The specific movement value is here.

"Deviate the zero point three degrees to the right, ignore the resistance of wind speed, calculate the deviation of the earth's magnetic field to the energy, and then substitute the dissipation index... Complete!" Zhang Xiangzhun followed the information transmitted from the energy computer , Began to adjust the energy gun of science fiction style in his hand.

In the next moment, the body of the gin wine, which was 800 meters away, was officially included in Zhang Xiang's scope.

Moreover, how clear the image is.

After all, this energy gun was originally designed to be used in mecha warfare in outer space.

The mutual attack distance between the mechas, although it did not reach the distance of a space battleship, was thousands of miles away.

However, there are still tens of miles to tens of miles between each other.

Using this aiming technique to aim at the gin that is only 800 meters away, it can even be said that a cannon is used to hit mosquitoes.

At this moment, Zhang Xiang was in the sight and saw the corners of Gin's mouth slightly cocked, and he was about to pull the trigger.

However, at the same time.

The corners of Zhang Xiang's mouth were also slightly tilted, and the trigger was pulled down.

Suddenly, all three parties were acting simultaneously.

Xiao Ai was rushing towards the garden, Jinjiu was pulling the trigger towards the garden, and Zhang Xiang was also pulling the trigger of the energy gun at the same time.

However, the gap between the speeds suddenly became apparent.

Just as Xiao Ai just yelled out a sound, the muzzle of the sniper rifle in the hands of the gin also just drilled a red-orange bullet.

At this moment, a red and glowing energy cannon entangled with each other suddenly penetrated the night sky, penetrated the entire neon night sky, and left a straight line in the dim night sky. Energy rays.

That incredibly hot energy ray, in a short time of less than zero and one second, has already crossed hundreds of meters.

Instantly vaporized the orange-yellow bullet containing high-speed kinetic energy into metallic gas, penetrated the muzzle of the long gun, penetrated the deflection part of the gun body, and directly followed the right side of the gin. The eyes penetrated in, penetrated through the back of his head, and shot directly out of the atmosphere.

Although, at the moment Zhang Xiang pulled the trigger, the gin already felt something was wrong.

But how can his speed be compared with the speed of an energy cannon that is close to one-third the speed of light?

Before the brain's signal was transmitted to his body, the dazzling energy cannon light had already flashed by, leaving only a bright light and shadow in his retina.

Then, he completely lost consciousness.

Because, at that moment, his brain was completely shattered!

And that dazzling light also penetrated the earth's atmosphere in less than one point and one second, and irradiated directly into outer space.

It flashed past the middle of a satellite floating in the air.

Suddenly, above the low-Earth orbit, a dazzling light burst out...

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