Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1347: ,Girl heart

And after a while, just when Kaoruko almost took the wrong path, or Zhang Xiang reminded him, Kaoru finally walked to the door of her apartment.

"Please, please come in..." Kaoruko blushed and squatted towards Zhang Xiang.

Of course, Zhang Xiang wouldn't ignore it. During the process of opening the door, Kaoruzi's key was the card owner at least five times, and finally opened the door after he got the three keys wrong.

But the keychain in her hand is only five keys.

Moreover, among the five keys, there are two that are obviously smaller.

In other words, Kaoruko finally opened the door of the house after he got all the keys that could be mistaken on the wrong side.

And as soon as I entered the room, the pink tone came upon me.

Perhaps it is because Kaoruko likes pink so much. The color of the wall paint painted on the walls of her home is pink.

In normal words, such a color will give people a feeling of innocence.

However, in today's atmosphere, there is an inexplicable and charming atmosphere.

The pink color makes people want to go in a certain direction.

As for the furnishings in the room, it didn't change much.

Because Kaoriko rents a small apartment, there is no lobby. No, it can be said that there is. It is the kind that often appears in anime. The lobby and the room coexist. Look. Wool. Line. Chinese. Text. Net

In other words, after entering the room, the first place that comes oncoming can be considered Kaoruko's bedroom.

It's just in the direction close to the balcony.

As for the direction of entering the room, on the left is a simple open kitchen with simple cooking equipment, refrigerator and microwave.

As for the right side of the room, there is a single toilet.

However, it seems that although the toilet is small, it has a good bathtub. Although it cannot accommodate two people in the bath at the same time, there is no problem if you want to lie in it comfortably.

However, it was not this one that attracted Zhang Xiang's attention the most, but the cute cartoon bed dressed in a pink dress, and the single bed with the same cartoon image of a cute girl.

The first impression that gives people is not childishness, but that this is a cute girl's room.

It is hard to imagine that even though Kaoruko is a 25-year-old woman, she still has the heart of a girl.

But the point is not this one. What really attracts Zhang Xiang's attention is not the bed that Zhang Xiang has already seen.

It was something on the bed, and on the bed, there were tempting underwear placed randomly on the bed.

Inside, there are both pure white fat times and oppa hoods representing conservativeness, as well as fat times with purple-black seductive lace edges that Zhang Xiang has seen. The pink women's small suits and pink are like A small piece of cloth-like dress, plus that pile of things randomly piled together, gives people a temptation of purity and sexiness.

"You, you sit down, I, I'll go...Ah!!!" Xunzi was nervously trying to let Zhang Xiang sit in front of the low table in the middle of the room, but when he saw Zhang Xiang's eyes were a little strange When she stared at what she didn't know before, her gaze couldn't help but trace the past.

Then she found out when she was out in the morning.

Because of the rain in the weather forecast, I hurriedly piled up the clothes I put on the bed yesterday because of the good weather.

The point is not this one. When she sees her underwear, it is placed on the outermost periphery.

She felt an unstoppable shame, welling up from her heart, knocking out her sanity.

"Uuuuu..." Kaoruko let out a shy scream, and rushed forward, hugging her pile of clothes tightly in her arms, using the sheets on the bed Wrapped up.

Her movements are so fast that Zhang Xiang even has a feeling of seeing a ghost.

But this is not more important.

Kaoruko may have forgotten one thing, that is, she is not wearing jeans now, nor is it any clothing that can be moved in a big way.

When she rushed up anxiously, she was a little too big because of her movements, and the place where she went up along the seductive silk stockings, the private fat times were clearly exposed in front of Zhang Xiang.

Moreover, because his eyesight is both at eight o'clock, what he sees is not so clear.

At least, he knew that Kaoruko's fatness today is conservative and pure white.

As for the others, for the sake of a harmonious society, there is no need to mention them.

"That, that, this, this, it's just an accident..." Kaoru blushed, wrapped all the clothes in the sheets, and quickly piled them in her closet, obviously not wanting Zhang Xiang again. See some of this.

However, there is a saying, let’s make chaos while busy...

In order to be able to put the clothes in her closet, Kaoruko can be said to be cautiously from in front of Zhang Xiang, put the sheet wrapped in a large amount of clothes behind her, and walked quickly over, the clothes of the sheet The horn suddenly caught the hook of the hanger.

Thus, the tragedy happened.

The corners of the sheets were hooked to the hangers, and her movements were a little too fast, so that not only the sheets were hooked and scattered away, whether it was the close-fitting chubby times and the underwear were flying all over the sky, even that was obviously solid. The wooden hanger was also smashed at her.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Xiang always couldn't stand idly by, so he had to rush up quickly.

But Kaoruko thought that Zhang Xiang wanted to do something, but she was frightened a bit, and her body rushed back.

Zhang Xiang had to catch up too, grabbed Kaoruko’s right hand, and slammed her tender body towards her side, hugged it in her arms, and carried it down with her back. The impact of the solid hanger.

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