Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1350: , McDonald's second girl!

And after coaxing Kaoruko, let her stay asleep for a while, and by the way, using her mobile phone to directly contact Kaoruko's big boss to help her ask for leave, Zhang Xiang went out. Look at ‘hair, thread, Chinese, text, net

Because there are not too many ingredients in Kaoruko's home, Zhang Xiang can only run out to buy things in person.

However, since it is already out.

Zhang Xiang didn't even bother to bring the ingredients back to cook.

After all, Kaoruko's room is just a single room, if she cooks in it, she will definitely disturb her.

Moreover, the taste alone will not smell very good.

However, there is no better food to eat near Kaoruko's house.

Therefore, Zhang Xiang went to the outside of the community to buy it.

"Well, what should I buy? Although she is not a patient, since she is lying in bed, it is not suitable to eat some harder foods. It is best to eat some foods that are easier to digest and will not cause gastrointestinal discomfort. "Zhang Xiang was concentrating, thinking about what it is better to bring home.

In the end, Zhang Xiang still intends to help Xunzi take some medicated porridge back according to the standards of patients who have recovered from a serious illness, such as red dates and peanut porridge that can enrich blood, and porridge that can speed up wound healing.

Of course, in order to prevent these things from not being too fond of Kaoruko.

Zhang Xiang also plans to buy some other things to go back. Anyway, he has space to pack in, so it is completely fine to buy more.

As for himself, he intends to find a McDonald's outside to have a full meal.

Although, for example, hamburgers, cola, and French fries are called junk food, it is not good for the body to eat it. See 1 Yarn 3 Chinese Net

But it is undeniable that the taste is still very good.

At Xiaoniaoyou's house, due to Xiaokong's strict supervision, Zhang Xiang hasn't eaten hamburgers or other food outside for a long time.

Of course, instead, at home, Xiao Kong and others will make burgers to eat from time to time.

After all, there is a hamburger among the favorite foods of young youngsters.

Although Xiaokong’s meticulous cooking, the taste of these homemade burgers is not inferior to the burgers made by McDonald's or KFC.

However, it lacks a sense of being able to eat at hand.

While Zhang Xiang was thinking, he also walked outside one of the McDonald's in Sasazuka.

"Welcome!" As soon as he walked in the door, a McDonald's employee smiled and shouted to this side.

It was a young girl wearing a red McDonald's hat and a red uniform. She looked pretty good, at least full of youthful colors.

It looks like the other party is a part-time high school girl.

After hearing the other party's words, Zhang Xiang also smiled and nodded.

"Well, sir, what set meal do you want to eat?" The girl in a red uniform asked Zhang Xiang with a smile.

"Well, is there anything to introduce?" Zhang Xiang raised his head and looked at the set menus listed on the set card in the store.

After all, although he is an otaku, he rarely goes out to eat this kind of food.

Although he is a house, he can also be regarded as a technical house.

Although, the skill tree is based on eating and cooking.

Moreover, the skill points of cooking are not so high.

However, he can proudly say that at home, as long as there are ingredients, he will never starve to death...

Ahem, well, this declaration is not something to be proud of.

Let's get back to the subject!

"Well, sir, if you let me introduce, then, I recommend you to choose this 11th course. This course is one of the new half-price courses of our store, and it only costs three hundred and forty yen. I can enjoy the perfect experience." After thinking about it for a while, the red payment girl turned her head and pointed to a propaganda sign not far in front of Zhang Xiang.

"Well, let's this one." Zhang Xiang nodded refreshingly.

Then, after the girl shouted to the back that she needed package 11.

Just when the girl had just renewed the one-thousand-yen change that Zhang Xiang had handed out, the set meal burger that was still exuding steam had already arrived in front of Zhang Xiang.

However, Zhang Xiang was afraid that there would be insufficient time.

He picked up the burger, put it in the bag and walked directly outside.

Zhang Xiang thought he would eat on the way back.

In this way, Zhang Xiang carried the bag in both hands, the burger set meal he wanted to eat in the other hand, and in the other hand held a thermal box containing two kinds of medicated porridge, and walked towards the subway under the building.

However, at this moment, an accident happened.

When Zhang Xiang passed through the underground shopping street, a loud bang shook this underground floor.

A violent explosion burst out from not far away, making Zhang Xiang feel the shock of his feet.

Then, the collapse began.

"I'm tired from the earthquake? No, it's a weird wave of magic power?" Zhang Xiang jumped up suddenly, stepped back a few steps, and avoided the huge debris bombarded from the ceiling.

By the way, I also pulled a certain one who was obviously frightened by a junior high school girl and a junior high school boy on the other side, so that it escaped the debris sputtered when the next store collapsed.

However, this burst of explosion came quickly and went quickly.

After the entire underground mall collapsed nearly one-third of the place, the shock similar to the explosion finally stopped.

And at this moment, the junior high school girls and boys who escaped after being dragged by Zhang Xiang are regarded as waking up like a dream.

"Earth, earthquake?" That was the girl Zhang Xiang was holding in her left hand and said in a little panic.

It's just that the girl's appearance is a bit strange.

Although the opponent is wearing a certain junior high school uniform, he wears a white eye mask over his left eye, and a black fluffy umbrella is tied to the edge of his right thigh.

It seems very different from ordinary junior high school girls.

However, her short and medium blue hair and the dull hair on the front of her forehead still make Zhang Xiang a good impression.

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