Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1352: , The evil king

"Don't play the second form game here, do you know?" Zhang Xiang was kneeling on the ground facing the two, with his hands still on top of his head, making a pair of neon. The time comes. See 1 Yarn 3 Chinese Net

"It's not a secondary second game! I'm the strongest magic messenger in the world of the'Evil King True Eyes'" said the girl, ah, it's Xiaoniaoyou Liuhua, although she has her hands on top of her head, she still refuses to accept it. Pouting and opposing.

As for why Zhang Xiang would know the other party's name.

Well, don't elaborate on that process.

In short, Zhang Xiang just asked, and exploded his own information in the tone of second grade for convenience.

Therefore, Zhang Xiang knew that the other party was really a second-year junior high school student.

The school is not far away.

Of course, the language used is not a secondary second language that ordinary people can understand.

For example, studying, she likened it to the secret base of the Space-Time Administration in the real world.

At this moment, the teenager on the other side also spoke.

No, we shouldn't call him a teenager, but should call him Tomiyoshi too.

As for the origin of his name, it is even simpler.

Needless to say, Zhang Xiang, after Liuhua, who claimed to be the "Evil King True Eyes", blew up.

The other party also ‘unwilling to degenerate’ and said his own message. After removing the second two words in his words, Zhang Xiang also knew that the other party’s name was ‘Fujiyota’.

I came here today because I wanted to come here, but I heard that there is a very good dessert here, and I want to buy it back home to give my family a taste.

Of course, in the mouth of the other party, it is to eliminate demons from another world that will cause human tooth decay.

Anyway, the setting is very complicated, and Zhang Xiang, a cartoonist, can't keep up with his second thoughts.

"Yeah, it's not a game. I'm the'DarkFmeMaster'. I came to this world to save the world. How could I play a game that children can do!" "Fujiyoshi's face showed a serious look, and his eyes were full of firmness.

If he was standing and speaking now, he still had some credibility.

However, with his kneeling sitting on the ground with his hands raised, he was obviously punished, and that credibility can be imagined.

And listening to the words of the two middle school boys and girls, Zhang Xiang was a little bit dumbfounded.

He also experienced it in the second stage, but he had never seen anyone as serious as the two in front of him.

Because when he was in the second year of middle school, he was only fantasizing about his own abilities, thinking that he was special.

Of course, he also bought and made some weird things by himself to prove his special.

However, he has never dared to put his S2 fantasies truthfully on the bright side, at best, he just performed it at home.

Not to mention doing it in the public.

It can be said that the two people in front of me can really be regarded as the late stage of secondary disease.

"So, do you really have any abilities? Don't tell me. Put on the cosmetic contact lenses and a blindfold, and it will become the legendary "Evil King True Eyes". I wore a black robe, left long bangs, and wrapped my right hand in a bandage, which is a "DarkFmeMaster". Is there any specific ability that can be released? For example, it will emit a magical light. Come, or just show your fighting skills?" Zhang Xiang continued to persuade with a bit of laughter and tears.

But it seemed that Zhang Xiang had said that they were weak, but the two of them blushed suddenly, and their eyes became a little flustered.

"That, that..." Little Bird You Liuhua squatted and said, a flush of embarrassment appeared on his face.

Obviously, she hasn't come up with an excuse yet.

In the end, she turned her eyes and came up with an excuse.

"That, our magic power is sealed by the bad guys of the Time and Space Administration. The earthquake just now was a phenomenon that the Time and Space Administration was interfering in this time and space and wanted to suppress our magic. Therefore, we are not now. It's only possible to show it!" With a turn of Liuhua's eyes, the bird quickly said his excuse.

"Yes, it's like that! However, as long as someone is in danger, I believe we will be able to break through the seal set by the Time and Space Administration society. Even if we can't break through, I believe that with the power of my Flame Dragon Sword, whether it is Whoever comes will be defeated by me!" Tomigashi Yuta, wearing a black robe, did not know where he took out his plastic black long sword, holding the black one in both hands. The plastic sword showed the appearance that I was going to fight.

And looking at this look like Tomiyuki Yuta, Little Bird Yu Liuhua is not far behind.

"Hmph, don't think that only you, the Dark Flame Envoy, have weapons, and my Evil King True Eye Envoy is also a user with weapons. Look at me, liberate it, magic umbrella!" Xiaoniaoyou Liuhua tied himself to The purple-black fluffy umbrella on the thigh was pulled out.

Moreover, this time she also slammed the umbrella, stretched and opened it, revealing the purple-black umbrella decorated with lace.

Of course, in the setting of Little Bird Tour Liuhua, that is a gun umbrella with powerful magic power.

It can be used for defense, and it can also launch a magic cannon from the tip of the umbrella.

However, they have forgotten a very important thing.

"Did I tell you to stand up?" Zhang Xiang's somewhat low and gloomy voice sounded in their ears.

A black air that seemed to come from **** diffused from behind him, setting off him extremely terribly.

Of course, this is an image made up by the brains of two Junior Two boys.

In the course of reality, Zhang Xiang reluctantly gave these two boys and girls who were obviously suffering from secondary disease and wanted to rush into the collapsed area.

"Woo... Devil...!" Xiaoniaouyou Liuhua covered his head with his hands, and his eyes were filled with tears, staring at Zhang Xiang's direction a bit angrily.

"Yeah, the big devil is here. Wait, if I get my power back...!" Tomigashi was also holding his head in both hands, with tears in her eyes, but she remembered that she was a'brave man' again. Can't show such a cowardly entangled look.

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