Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1359: ,Genuine Demon King!

Two minutes later, when Zhang Xiang finally let go of his right hand contentedly, the guy lying on the ground who was dressed in mysterious clothes and looked very handsome and awesome was already completely Can't see the original appearance. Look at ‘hair, thread, Chinese, text, net

Or, using a full-faced bag, ah, a full-faced bag is the most appropriate word to describe the other party.

Only the bright light of the opponent was proving that the opponent was Albamea, one of the great priests of the Church of the Great Faith in Ant Isula.

Of course, because Zhang Xiang didn't make heavy moves, the opponent was still alive at this time.

Although the injury on his face looks quite serious, in reality it can only be regarded as a skin trauma. As long as the depleted holy magic energy of the opponent can recover, it will take only half a day to heal. Up.

Of course, looking at the figure of the other party who has been **** by Zhang Xiang's five flowers, and has been given a seal.

It is simply impossible for the other party to heal in such a short time.

However, at this moment, the other party finally got rid of the fallen angel Lucifer.

But what Zhang Xiang didn’t expect was that the other party didn’t kill the fallen angel Lucifer, who could be called a traitor and had really killed them, but was only consuming the other party’s magic power. After that, the other party was tied up.

Of course, Pi Qing's face is swollen, that is the inevitable thing.

Zhang Xiang didn't kill this guy who claimed to be a great priest. It was just that Zhang Xiang was in a good mood today, and he was just a passing person, and he didn't want to worry about fighting for power.

Although the opponent is a so-called bad guy, he does not want to get his hands dirty to solve the opponent.

In addition, he was very interested in the way the other party could travel through the world to this world, and only left the other party's life.

And the other party seemed to adopt an attitude of forgiveness when facing the people who had killed him. This made Zhang Xiang feel a little confused.

Moreover, if the brave in the opponent's mouth did so, it would still be understandable.

But the point is that the person who did such a thing was the devil among the population of another world.

The devil's work to save people is very unscientific how it sounds.

"Isn't the devil supposed to destroy the world, kill all those who are not pleasing to his eyes, catch ten or eight princesses into his castle by the way, and wait for the brave to defeat that is the right way?" Zhang Xiang looked at the other party. The act of tying up the other party can't help but vomit.

Moreover, because there are too many slots, he said it unconsciously.

So, of course, everyone heard it.

And listening to Zhang Xiang's words, the authentic Demon King Maou Sadao hadn't spoken yet, Shiro Ashiya, who claimed to be one of the Four Heavenly Kings of the Demon King, was the first to be embarrassed.

"That, Lord Demon, even though he didn't do what you said. However, he did launch a war to destroy the world..." As the most important demon general under the demon, Shiro Ashiya, Trying to explain for Maou Sadao.

However, the person who was called the Demon Lord obviously didn't care about this.

"Well, does the demon king do this kind of existence? It seems that I had misunderstood it before." Maou Sadao hit his left palm with his right fist, revealing a sudden realization. Emoji come.

If there was a light bulb suddenly lit next to his head, then everything would be perfect.

But unfortunately not.

"Master Demon Lord, don't show the original expression, you are the real demon king. Moreover, you won't tell me, you really believe that he is the real demon king in his tone!" Demon General Marshal Shiro Ashiya listened Maou Sadao's words couldn't help but vomit.

"Huh, isn't it?" Maou Sadao pretended to show a somewhat surprised expression.

"No! Don't you know, Lord Demon King, how did you even become a demon king?!" Demon General Marshal Shiro Ashiya is like a full-time spitting person in anime, spitting out his head continuously boss.

However, after seeing that the demon Grand Marshal Shiro Ashiya really mistakenly thought it was true, Maou Sadao couldn't help but laugh.

"Of course I know, but I didn't expect that Elsir (Shiro Ashiya's name when he was the devil) really believed what I said just now...Haha..." Maou Sadao, as the demon king, couldn't help but She clutched her belly and laughed.

"Mao-sama!!!" Shiro Ashiya shouted angrily.

"Okay, okay, I won't play anymore." Demon King Maou Sadao waved to the opponent.

Then, he turned his head and looked in Zhang Xiang's direction.

"Hello, I am Demon King Satan from Ant Isola. Of course, you can also call me by my current name, Maou Sadao." Demon King Maou Sadao stretched out his right hand towards Zhang Xiang Introduce yourself.

And Zhang Xiang, who had been watching the excitement by the side, knew that the show was coming.

"Hello, I am Zhang Xiang, of course, you can also call me another name Segawa Yuta. As for my identity in this world, my identity is a cartoonist. Of course, there is also a director of a company Long." Zhang Xiang also introduced himself to the other party.

Zhang Xiang, like the other party, only introduced half of his identity.

After all, neither side knows each other now.

Under such circumstances, being able to stand together and chat peacefully is already a great thing.

However, listening to Zhang Xiang's words, the other party was suddenly a little excited.

"Chairman?!" 3

"Cartoonist?!" 1

The previous sentence came from the mouth of the demon king Maou Sadao, the brave Yusa Emi, and the demon general marshal Shiro Ashiya.

Moreover, when they said this sentence, the expressions on their faces were really hard to describe.

In general, all expressions of envy, jealousy and hatred are just right.

As for the last sentence, it was Lucifer, the fallen angel with a swollen skin lying on the ground.

However, although the expression on his face is invisible, his tone is inexplicably happy.

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