Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1368: ,marry you!

"Miyu, Xiaokong, Xiaona, I have a very good idea. Look. Wool. Line. Chinese. Wen. Net. I can stay by your side, Meiyu, you don’t have to open it, and you don’t know how. The way to separate from Yuta." Miss Sasha, who had a shining star in her eyes, said so.

"Eh eh eh? Is there such a way?" Zhang Xiang couldn't help being a little surprised.

"Really?" Xiaokong's eyes also showed an urgent expression.

Since returning from the banquet last time, Miyu's relationship with Miss Sasha has gradually recovered.

Although, she also knew that this thing was a good thing.

However, I don't know why, but she will feel some uncomfortable in her heart, as if Miyu is gradually moving away from them.

She was frightened. When she woke up one day, Miyu would suddenly say goodbye to her and everyone from Xiaoniaoyoujia.

Therefore, although she behaved very normally, she was still anxious secretly.

And the second thing that reacted was Mei Yu of the person involved.

"Mom, is there really such a way?" Meiyu's eyes were also full of hope.

Only Xiao Chi was still wondering.

"Sister Meiyu, do you still have Xia Xia leaving?" Xiao Chi's eyes were full of confusion.

And at the next moment, Miss Sa Xia told her own method and dropped a nuclear bomb by the way.

"As for me, it has already been decided that I will stay in Japan and remarry Yuta (Zhang Xiang)! With such beautiful daughters and such a beautiful father, there is no better family than this. Look at 1 Mao 2 Line 3 Chinese website like this If you don’t, Miyu doesn’t have to make a difficult decision. And I can accompany Meiyu and everyone to make up for what I have missed." Miss Sasha’s face was full of joy, and she opened her hands to Zhang Xiang embraced.

Because this news was too shocking, even Zhang Xiang failed to respond, and was embraced by Miss Sha Xia.

However, this time because of the hug of the young chick, she did not hug it from the front, but from the side.

Therefore, Zhang Xiang enjoys the famous saying: "Nephrite Fragrance", but it is actually a hug of punishment to some extent.

I saw that half of Zhang Xiang's face was caught in the midst of Miss Sa Xia's full of European style, half of the field of vision was white, and the other half saw the faces of Xiao Kong and Mei Yu who had been shocked.

And just like this, Miss Sa Xia seemed to be immersed in her fantasy future.

"And the mother of the motherland will certainly not disagree with my remarriage. In addition, now my motherland war is over, money and my mother going back and forth are no problem! Of course, in After being a wife, I regard my family as the first core. As for me, it was very early when I gave birth to Miwa, not even twenty. Although so many years have passed, I can still regenerate a few! , Let's make more Meiyu and their younger siblings together!" Miss Sa Xia was drawing her blueprint for the future enthusiastically.

However, because the speech was too shocking.

The entire hall was suddenly plunged into calm, and everyone's face was filled with shocking expressions.

Then, after a moment of silence surrounded the dining table, the storm caused by the dropped bomb finally began to sweep over.

"No, no, this kind of thing is absolutely impossible!! Because my brother... My brother... That... Anyway, no, absolutely not!" Xiao Kong blushed as if he had been irritated and started waving. Hands are coming.

On the other side, Miyu also woke up from the blueprint drawn by her mother.

"Yeah! This, such a thing is absolutely impossible! Because, I still...I still really recognize you as a mother! Also, I have to take into account the mood of my uncle... Ah, really, it's not like that. Why does it always bother me like this!" Mei Yu also looked like she was on the verge of a runaway, clutching her double ponytail blonde hair, she started to go crazy.

Xiaosora and Miwa sang loud opposition, echoing in the Kotoriyu mansion.

"Ah, why?" Miss Sasha showed a confused expression on her face.

However, looking at her smiling eyes, she knew that she actually understood this.

Even, it is very possible that even this topic of marriage was specifically caused by her.

"Not why, in short, it just doesn't work." Xiaokong said confusedly.

"Yes, my elder brother is my elder brother, absolutely can't be a father!" Meiyu also stretched out her hands and formed a ‘’ to signal her determination.

He even deliberately moved the ‘brother’, because he was not used to it later, and changed it back to uncle.

"But, Xiao Chi, don't you want to have a younger brother and sister?" Miss Sha Xia showed a hesitant expression on her face, and turned her attention to the young chick in her arms.

"Ah? Brother, sister?" Xiao Chi's eyes were still a little confused at first, not knowing what she was talking about.

However, under Miss Sasha's explanation, Xiao Chi's eyes gradually lit up.

"Ah, I want my younger brother and younger sister." I hugged her hands in front of her, her eyes twinkling with bright stars.

Obviously, Xiao Chi has been attracted by these.

"Then, Xiaochun will let my uncle agree." Miss Sa Xia showed a successful expression on her face, and said softly to Xiaochun.

At this time, Zhang Xiang, who was finally struggling, also knew what was going to happen next.

And as expected, at the next moment, Xiao Chi looked in Zhang Xiang's direction with her shiny black eyes.

"Uncle, Xiao Chi wants his brother and sister" Xiao Chi has a look of expectation on his face, holding his hands together and placing them on his chest.

That look is really as cute as you want.

Ooo, young girl, don't force your uncle, so quickly make decisions about life!

Don't, don't look at me with your big shiny eyes.

I, I can't help but agree! ! !

Oh, it's so cute...!

Okay, forgive a daughter for her inability to control her daughter

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