Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1378: , Cong Yunya!

A few instantaneous techniques, coupled with fast footsteps, Zhang Xiang has already arrived at the scene of the eruption of the evil spirit. See 1 Mao 2 Line 3 Chinese Net

But it is a pity that when Zhang Xiang came, that huge burst of demon energy had already shrunk back.

In the scene, no one was seen, nor was Zhang Xiang imagined. In the theater version, the Kagome who would stay in place.

However, even if the opponent ran away, Zhang Xiang's tracking skills were not learned in vain.

After scanning the surroundings a bit, Zhang Xiang had already found the trace of the person who took Zong Yunya away.

"Sure enough, the person controlled by Zong Yunya doesn't even have a bit of sanity!" A gleam of light flashed in Zhang Xiang's eyes, but the whole person was quickly followed.

But what he didn't expect was that after he tracked for about a few minutes, just when Zhang Xiang was about to chase the opponent.

Zhang Xiang suddenly discovered that he had already returned to the spot.

That is, the place where the demon spirit erupted from the first physical mask, and it was also the Higurashi Shrine where Kagome and Mikami were located.

"Could it be that the other party's destination is the Bone Well?" Zhang Xiang's face showed a hint of surprise and solemnity.

If the opponent returned to the Warring States Period, it would be difficult to find the opponent.

Because he didn't know if he could go through the bone-eating well to the Warring States Period.

In the original work, except for Kagome and Inuyasha who were able to travel freely between modern times and the Warring States period through the Bone Eating Well, most of the others had certain restrictions, and they were even unable to travel through the past at all. Look. Yarn, Chinese website

Although, anyone who has read the original knows that it is because of lack of spiritual power or demon power.

However, Zhang Xiang and Zhang Xiang did not possess spiritual power and demon power in his body!

If he insisted, the power that displayed the purple enchantment would be closer to the existence of spiritual power.

Although the ‘Shadow Demon Blade’ itself also possesses a demon energy.

But it is a pity that now it has been damaged too much, and it has entered a state of self-protection, and even Zhang Xiang can't control it.

However, Zhang Xiang also knows that if everything is hypothetical, everything is based on results.

Continue to track down, and unexpectedly, the destination that the other party will reach is the "Bone Eater Well".

It's very simple to ask how Zhang Xiang knew.

Because that person appeared in Zhang Xiang's eyes.

However, the other party was not the Inuyasha that Zhang Xiang had expected, but just a human being.

It's just that, after the transformation of "Cong Yunya", I don't know if I should call the other party "person."

This is because most of the human body is already heavily **** by things that resemble the meridians of plants that diffuse out from the tail of the ‘Zong Yunya’.

The flesh has also undergone considerable transformation. At least Zhang Xiang will not feel that the blue-faced fangs, the hideous face, the blood and tears in his eyes, the muscles of the whole body are already shattered by nearly 89, and the skin of the whole body is cracked. The guy who came here would be a real human being.

However, the other party is indeed still alive.

It's just that reason has been completely replaced by his own negativity.

"Kill you, kill you, everything will be mine!" When the human with red eyes saw Zhang Xiang, a ray of hatred burst into his eyes.

In the next moment, at a speed that surpassed the limit of human beings, and approached 60 meters per second, Zhang Xiang suddenly rushed to Zhang Xiang, and the "Cong Yunya" in his hand slashed towards Zhang Xiang's body.

For the other party who is already controlled by the ‘Zong Yunya’, it’s no longer reasonable, there is hatred or not.

The will that the other party has now is only ‘kill, kill, kill! "These three words are all.

Because the more people killed, the more power'Cong Yunya' can recover.

At the extreme, you can even summon Huangquan, turning a corner of the world into a world of Huangquan, so that the dead can return from the Huangquan unscrupulously and continue to fight with a corrupt body.

This is the legend that General Dog possesses the world's three most domineering swords, among which is the ‘Cong Yunya’ that can awaken hundreds of undead to fight with one sword.

(Among the three domineering swords in the world: the broken teeth in the hands of Inuyasha's father, natural teeth, and Cong Yunya.

The three swords correspond to the three worlds.

The natural tooth corresponding to "Heaven" can save a hundred lives with a single wave of a knife.

The Cong Yunya corresponding to the "earth" can open the door of the underworld, and can bring back a hundred undead with a single wave of the sword.

Corresponding to the guardian sword of "people", it can wipe out a hundred enemies with a single swing. )

Of course, such power cannot be used casually.

For example: If there is really no kindness and the necessary heart to save anyway, Tianshengfang cannot kill the messenger from the underworld.

The irony is that if the user does not have the heart to protect the necessary existence anyway, it cannot be used. (Actually, the two swords have other harsh conditions, which will not be explained here.)

As Cong Yunya, the strongest among the three domineering swords in the world, if his strength is insufficient and his will is not firm enough, he will be controlled by Cong Yunya, lose his mind, continue to kill, and destroy everything except himself. .

This process will be repeated for decades and hundreds of years.

Until the user is completely wiped out, or all creatures are beheaded!

This is the posture possessed by the strongest "Zong Yunya" among the world's domineering swords.

At the same time, when the opponent rushed over, the scarlet energy remaining from the "Shadow Demon Blade" in Zhang Xiang's body also began to roll, and tried his best to issue a longing request to Zhang Xiang.

That vague instinctive consciousness is like saying that as long as it swallows the ‘Cong Yunya’ in front of you, it will be able to recover, or even go further!

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