Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1388: , Control the five senses!

Seeing that the villager was rejuvenated, Zhang Xiang didn't say anything.

After all, he didn't expect these people, who were not even standing in line, to be able to fight against this army completely controlled by the human face spider.

Because, he lied in front.

Although, above the combat power of a single body, this group of soldiers controlled by the human-faced spider monster is obviously lower than when it was not controlled.

After all, it is not a simple matter for the human face spider to control so many soldiers.

If the other person concentrates their energy on two or three people, then they can be far beyond ordinary people.

But when the other party spreads its energy to an army of nearly five hundred people, it is already a very reluctant thing to be able to control these soldiers to make different movements.

However, don't forget that in a large-scale battle, if the individual's strength does not exceed a certain level, it will have no effect on the battle situation at all.

War depends on the strength of being not afraid of death and unity.

And this human-faced spider monster relied on his own racial talents, those invisible to ordinary people, but in his eyes, the transparent spider silk, which was obvious, did these two points.

Spider silk spread from the abdomen of the human-faced spider who was heavily injured and hid behind, connecting each soldier's heart.

These abnormal changes occurred in these soldiers, but also because the human face spider monster passed the venom through spider silk.

And it was precisely these venoms that caused these soldiers' bodies to undergo abnormal changes, and some tissues of their bodies changed, especially their muscles, which exploded several times. Look at ‘hair, thread, Chinese, text, net

Then, in this way, the human-faced spider monster formed an army that could be roughly controlled into an army that, although low in agility, was several times stronger than ordinary people, and was not afraid of pain at all.

Without pain, there is no fear.

Not to mention, the current army of nearly five hundred people has completely lost its mind and is completely controlled by the human-faced spider monster.

"Kill!" A neat burst of shouts yelled from everyone in this army.

Everyone in this army’s eyes are red, as if they have seen killing their fathers and enemies, but they perfectly hide this anger in their bodies, forcing their bodies to burst out even stronger. the power of.

This momentum made Zhang Xiang slightly surprised.

"It seems that it is not as I imagined. The stimulation of the venom completely lost their sanity. On the contrary, the stimulation of the venom allowed some of the soldiers to temporarily recover their sanity, reducing the difficulty of control. Part of it is affecting the brain nerves of these soldiers, causing their brains to produce hallucinations, making the other party mistakenly think that I am the enemy. Moreover, the anger can be controlled by fine-tuning, so that it can be restrained and expanded at any time. A thoughtful look flashed in Zhang Xiang's eyes.

However, at this moment, this army that is not afraid of death is already on the rise.

Seeing that every soldier who rushed up had his eyes flushed and his body muscles swollen and deformed, those villagers who had gathered up the courage and made up their minds to fight and protect their homes still stood a little timidly at the door of the village. Dare to rush out first.

And just like what I said before, Zhang Xiang never counted on these villagers.

What Zhang Xiang wants to change is that all civil affairs in the village want to rely on Kikyo’s psychological dependence.

You know, the human mind is very elusive.

When the dependent person no longer protects himself or is unable to protect himself, it is very likely that he will have a certain resentment towards the person who has been protecting him, rather than against the enemy.

Human heart is such a wonderful thing.

Therefore, in order to prevent this kind of situation, Zhang Xiang will do these things.

However, this is not the time to think about this.

The first thing Zhang Xiang had to deal with was the hundreds of red-eyed soldiers who charged up.

But how to treat each other has become a problem.

It's easy to kill the opponent, but to do such a thing, it is very easy to make Kikyo create a sense of separation.

However, in the next moment, Zhang Xiang had an idea.

"Since you use the venom that can affect their five senses, what will happen when the object becomes yourself?" Zhang Xiang looked at the hundreds of people who rushed not far in front of them. The soldier came with a confident smile at the corner of his mouth.

"Illusory controls the vision of the five senses!" Zhang Xiang stretched out his right hand and made a print at random.

After reaching the point of Zhang Xiang, Jie Yin is no longer a necessary thing.

Usually ninjutsu below A level, if it is not for strengthening power, he only needs a seal to successfully display it.

And at the moment his voice just fell, an inexplicable fluctuation centered on Zhang Xiang, spreading forward, even the enchantment set by the bellflower, there was no reaction at all.

Only when he penetrated the past, Kikyo seemed to give Zhang Xiang a conscious look.

But in the next moment, it had already rushed to the vicinity of the barrier. Regardless of the load on his body, the soldier who swung the sword in his hand suddenly seemed to have been pressed the pause button. Stopped in place.

The whole scene seemed so strange.

Even the farmers who closed their eyes, raised their agricultural tools, and planned to resist, couldn't help but widen their eyes, looking at the scene in front of them somewhat inconceivably.

However, at this moment, Kikyo suddenly looked in Zhang Xiang's direction.

At this moment, Zhang Xiangzheng was slightly squinting his eyes, his face showed a confident smile.

"So, is it really only controlled by the venom affecting the five senses? Not controlled by the evil spirit? It's really great." Zhang Xiang's mouth was slightly tilted, showing a happy smile.

In the next moment, the soldiers who had stopped abruptly began to move slowly, and they slowly turned around.

Then, the same thing happened as in the previous scene.

The red-eyed soldiers rushed up again.

However, this time, the target is no longer the direction of the village, but the human-faced spider monster that is connecting the spider silk and controlling these soldiers through venom!

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