Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1404: , Burst it, Starlight Pillar!

"Southern Cross!" Zhang Xiang gently read the magic he had prepared for a long time, and gently waved the guiding right hand. Look. Wool. Line. Chinese. Text. Net

It was the moment when Zhang Xiang's right hand fell.

Light, beam of light!

A starlight with a diameter of tens of meters, which originated from the sky without knowing how far away, suddenly poured down from the sky in broad daylight, and instantly penetrated the distance of tens of millions of kilometers. With that destructive power, it cleared all the things blocking it.

The gray cloud layer full of weird power was broken through a huge hole, and a huge hole appeared in the Huangquan barrier that was gradually eroding this world.

The infinite starlight suddenly bombarded with unstoppable power, directly hitting the pitch-black bone spear that shot out from the hands of the pitch-black huge skeleton, completely gasifying it, and penetrating it without hindrance. On top of the huge black skeleton that wanted to escape.

The beam of powerful star power completely submerged the huge pitch-black skeleton, and even the pitch-black swamp next to its feet also enveloped it at the same time.

The whole world of gloomy world, because of this star beam of light about fifty meters in diameter, suddenly became extremely bright.

This is the first time this place has become so obvious in thousands of years.

At the same time, through the opening of the huge star power beam, we can vaguely see the bright sun, the pale yellow half crescent, and the dreamlike starlight coexisting together.

"Okay, such a powerful force...!" Kikyo looked at the beam of huge star power that passed by him in shock.

Only at such a close distance could she truly feel the power of this star's light pillar. See 1 Mao 2 Line 3 Chinese Net

That was ten times, a hundred times stronger than the demon-breaking arrow she was currently storing.

The mighty power of nature is so great.

At the side, a hint of shock flashed in the eyes of the young golden dragon.

But immediately, a ray of determination flashed through its golden eyes.

It has already made up its mind, and must continue to work hard in the future to strive for strength that is ten or a hundred times stronger than it is now.

Because of this, it can help Zhang Xiang.

On the other side of the ground, the dark armored city lord who was standing on one side leaning on'Cong Yunya' had a look of jealousy on his face.

"With the power of the starlight? And, is it still mixed with an existence similar to my original power (the power of the angels)? Is it really a good power?!" The black armored city lord looked at The dark armor on his right shoulder spread out, and the part that was wiped off and disappeared because of the delay in dodge, the original arrogance in his eyes had disappeared, replaced by jealousy.

Of course, this is the attack magic that Zhang Xiang finally formed after expending a lot of angel power.

If it is that simple and blocked by the opponent, wouldn't it be the name of an insulting angel technique?

You know, in a sense, angels are at the same level as the gods in his mouth, even beyond existence.

Moreover, that kind of **** must be formed by relying on the strength of belief and ontology.

It's not in the current world, as long as you just get a weapon that contains divine power, or the kind of **** you can become by receiving faith.

The latter kind of **** can be done by any monster in this world.

As for the former ones, their bodies must already be at the level of big monsters.

You know, even the three holy monks that Zhang Xiang once met who were able to fight against the existence of big monsters alone did not dare to call themselves gods.

This is the gulf caused by the times.

However, at this moment, Zhang Xiang, who closed his eyes slightly as if confirming something, suddenly opened his eyes.

"Just now, burst it for me, Starlight Pillar!" Zhang Xiang burst into a sudden shout.

At the same time, after the bombardment wiped out the huge black skeleton, it bombarded deeply into the depths of the ground, and the power of the starlight that was stored by Zhang Xiang in a special way also suddenly exploded. Come.

The earth first began to roll, and then a large amount of starlight revealed from the gap.

"What?" The half-demon City Lord who had been eroded by the malicious assembly suddenly changed his expression.

He felt that beneath the ground, a huge force was exploding rapidly.

That was a force he couldn't resist in this state.

So, in the next moment, his figure began to fade quickly, and he wanted to hide into the space, just like his sudden attack on Zhang Xiang just now.

However, Zhang Xiang, who is also proficient in space movement, could not prevent him from this trick?

"Knot, break!" Zhang Xiang's shadow clone suddenly appeared from the back of the palace, and appeared in front of the half-demon city lord that had been eroded by the malicious assembly.

That was Zhang Xiang, just in case, when he appeared in the opponent's line of sight, he was already a split shadow clone, and it played a very big role at this moment.

As Zhang Xiang's voice fell, a purple enchantment suddenly appeared next to the half-demon Dead City Lord, and surrounded him.

However, Zhang Xiang did not expect this enchantment to be able to withstand the opponent.

Not to mention, this simple enchantment simply doesn't have the power to defensive space level jump.

However, Zhang Xiang's purpose for displaying this enchantment was not this one at all.

Don't forget, Zhang Xiang's enchantment technique is used to attack, that is, relying on the destruction of the enchantment to shake the space and destroy the enemy!

When the word ‘broken’ came out, the purple barrier suddenly shattered, causing the space to fluctuate slightly.

At the same time, it also caused the opponent, who was already half of his body to enter the virtual space, to suddenly fall out of the space.

The other party wanted to continue to escape.

However, it is already slow.

The collision of the power of starlight forming the starlight cluster under the ground is already extremely intense.

Infinite and fierce starlight suddenly burst out of the ground, blasted in all directions, wrapping everything into the aperture that extinguished everything.

Naturally, it also includes the shadow clone of Zhang Xiang with a smile, and the half-demon Dead City Lord with an angry face...

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