Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1407: , The contaminated jade of the four souls!

And at this moment, Zhang Xiang finally saw clearly what the half pitch-black orb was. See 1 Yarn 3 Chinese Net

"The jade of the four souls!" Zhang Xiang stared at the half pitch-black orb, and then a word popped out of his mouth.

"What? The jade of the four souls?" Kikyo's face also changed suddenly, and he looked down.

However, with Kikyo’s gaze, it was still too difficult to see the half of the bead on the ground thousands of meters away.

However, as the witch who has been in contact with the jade of the four souls for the longest time, she can accurately feel the aura of the jade of the four souls within a certain range.

So, at the next moment.

After Kikyo felt it carefully, her face also changed.

"How, how is it possible, how could the aura of the jade of the four souls become so evil...!" Kikyo's face showed a shocked expression.

Because she had never felt that the aura of the jade of the four souls would become so evil.

Even the evil degree of Qu Ling in the jade of four souls that she had felt was far less evil than she had perceived.

But at this moment, a big dark hand flew out from the half of the orb, and instantly crossed a distance of hundreds of meters, and suddenly buried the one under the sand. A skeleton was dragged over, dragged in front of him.

Then, the half-black orb merged into the body of the skeleton.

Then, the scene that would make people have a nightmare appeared.

A large amount of pitch-black silt rushed out of the half pitch-black orb, and immediately filled the opponent's pale skeleton, and flesh and blood and meridians began to form viciously. See 1 Yarn 3 Chinese Net

In the end, the dark silt emerged outside, re-forming the dark armor.

A few seconds later, a half-demon Dead City Lord who seemed to be the same as before appeared again in front of Zhang Xiang and others.

Except for an almost negligible gap appeared on the "Cong Yunya" in his hand, there was no other change.

However, watching this scene, Zhang Xiang did not rush to do it, but turned his head.

"How about? Can it still be purified?" Zhang Xiang asked the Kikyo beside him.

If it can still be purified, then Zhang Xiang will choose a more secure battle, once again forcing the opponent into a predicament, sealing it in the jade of four souls and slowly purifying it.

But if he can't, then he can only choose a more adventurous battle and completely destroy the opponent and the jade of the four souls.

Although the jade of the four souls was indestructible for Kikyo and others.

However, for the existence of Zhang Xiang's level, wanting to destroy it is only a matter of the amount of effort spent.

In the world, there is no eternal thing.

This is a rule that every world needs to follow.

Existence that can be eternal and immortal is already jumping out of the world, achieving the world's destruction and immortality, and even with a single thought, it can create and destroy the world.

This is the goal that Zhang Xiang once pursued as his "self".

Unfortunately, ‘he’ failed.

Therefore, Zhang Xiang was born in the previous life, and now he was born.

But listening to Zhang Xiang's words, Kikyo's face showed a hint of hesitation.

But in the end, she shook her head.

"If only Qu Ling of the jade of the four souls had the upper hand, I would still be able to reluctantly purify it. But now..." Kikyo bit his lower lip unwillingly and didn't go on.

However, Zhang Xiang also understood her meaning.

"Then, I know. You two will stay here, he still doesn't have the ability to fly now. You will be safer on top. Leave the rest to me." Zhang Xiang turned his head and said to Kikyo and the young golden dragon.

"But..." Kikyo bit his lower lip, trying to say something.

"Woo..." The young golden dragon was also a little unwilling, and wanted to fight.

However, at this moment, Zhang Xiang's expression was grimace.

"Don't say anything, be obedient, your current consumption is too great, even if it continues, it will not help much. If you are unwilling, you will work harder in the future, and you will be able to help when you encounter similar things in the future. Busy." Zhang Xiang said with a serious expression to one person and one dragon.

It seems that Zhang Xiang's words have worked. Although the bellflower and the golden young dragon are a bit unwilling, they still haven't added to the chaos.

But at the same time, they also made up their minds that they must practice well in the future.

Especially the golden young dragon, who is usually lazy, has a burning fighting spirit in his eyes.

A few seconds later, Zhang Xiang slowly fell to a place not far from the ground.

The opponent wearing the jet black armor also pointed the "Cong Yunya" in his hand in Zhang Xiang's direction.

"Why, are there no moves? Do you have to engage in hand-to-hand combat?! Just a few more attacks like that! Maybe, just a few more times, you will be able to eliminate me." The other party said in plain words. It’s like saying it’s true

However, Zhang Xiang knew.

Even if there is another wave of moves just now, as long as the half is completely contaminated, the jade of the four souls filled with a large amount of maliciousness has not been wiped out.

For the opposite, as long as you casually pull on the battlefield, even after experiencing various battles, there are still a lot of skeleton soldiers remaining, and you can reconstruct the body to recover.

If it goes on like this, it will be a bottomless pit at all.

‘It seems that I can only count on the trick I just reserved. However, the time required for that trick is still a bit long. Then, we have to find a way to continue to consume the other party. Zhang Xiang's gaze swept slightly across the sky that had completely restored the gray.

And just outside the gray cloud layer, a crystal clear crystal was spinning round and round.

A lot of moonflowers were dragged down from the sky and poured into the crystal.

That crystal is like a bottomless pit, consuming the moonlight within a radius of tens of miles unscrupulously.

At this moment, the moon in the sky looks so big!

Even a kind of illusion of slowly approaching appeared.

The one-month magic circle appeared in the center of the moon like a dream, and began to spread slowly at a slow speed. With the moon as the center, a large number of chain belts began to be built around it. The magic circle is coming...

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