Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1417: , Kilometer bones!

After another twenty minutes, the number of chains that spread out from the void continued to increase. See 1 Yarn 3 Chinese Net

Zhang Xiang finally came to the center of this space.

There are countless chains, it is impossible to count whether it is a thousand or 10,000 chains. All these chains are an existence that is bound to the center.

It was a giant with a height of nearly thirty meters and a length (height) of nearly one kilometer even when lying down.

No, it can't be said to be a giant, but rather the bones of a giant.

Because Zhang Xiang is completely unable to feel any trace of vitality in this body.

On the contrary, Zhang Xiangguang had gotten closer, and he could feel the super thick death spirit contained in this body.

Moreover, after Zhang Xiang and the others approached slightly, he was already certain that this corpse was an existence he knew.

The other party was the real corpse of the half-demon City Lord who appeared outside.

As for the body that Zhang Xiang encountered that had just appeared, it was actually just the skeleton of a skeleton soldier occupied by the malicious assembly after it escaped.

This point can be guessed from the fact that every time a skeleton soldier was occupied with a skeleton, it was transformed into the existence of a dark armor.

Moreover, if the opponent fighting Zhang Xiang outside is really a half-demon body.

So, why does the other party not change their bodies in times of crisis?

You know, after the demon power reaches the level of the big monster, you can freely control the demon transformation.

The demon transformation can usually increase one's strength by at least half.

In such a crisis, the other party did not transform, which proved Zhang Xiang's guess.

Of course, more importantly, Zhang Xiang saw the familiar pitch-black armor on the corpse that was thousands of meters tall.

It's just that, in terms of quality and realism, this dark armor is stronger and more real than before.

At least, when Zhang Xiang approached, he could feel the suffocating aura from the large number of scars remaining in the dark armor and the mottled blood stains still infesting.

If a timid person approaches, I am afraid that there is no need to look directly, as long as a glance passes by, he will be shocked and die.

"Is this the majestic appearance of the real peak monster?" Zhang Xiang opened his eyes wide, and looked at the huge monster corpse as long as one approached.

This corpse alone possesses such a ferocious aura. What if the opponent is still alive?

Thinking of this, Zhang Xiang felt that a war intent was boiling from his chest.

Can't wait to fight each other.

Imagine that the other party just showed his body, just a punch, I am afraid it can bombard a mountain into fragments.

As long as you stomped your foot, I was afraid that the mountains would shake up.

Just thinking about these things makes me feel extremely boiling.

What if you can see it with your own eyes?

Not to mention, if the other party uses the demon power to come, that kind of boiling demon energy will be so handsome!

I'm afraid that if the other party really makes the demon energy boil, it can really poke a big hole in the sky.

Such a scene can be regarded as a real monster!

And looking at that huge body, even if it has been flying around indiscriminately all the way, the golden young dragon who has been laughing and laughing can not help but feel a heavy pressure, which makes it can not help but become peaceful.

After all, it’s only six meters tall. Even if you lie down with this one, it’s five full heights. In terms of height, you can’t see it even if you stand under the other’s feet. The huge corpse of the opponent's head.

Even it knew that this corpse was an extremely powerful existence.

Don't say anything else, just look at the other side's palms the size of a small hill.

If the other party is still alive, it is probably just a slightly larger ant for the other party, which is nothing at all.

On one side, Kikyo's eyes were also full of shock.

After all, although she is now only fourteen years old.

However, due to the influence of the jade of the four souls, a huge source of ridicule, she had already killed many of the existences who claimed to be big monsters.

Of course, this big monster's name is more or less moist.

In any case, it can't reach the level of General Dog, and even the level of Shishengwan.

However, daring to claim to be so in the world of monsters respected by strength also represents a certain strength.

However, Kikyo felt that if those big monsters were caught here, these big monsters would be directly suppressed by the pressure from their ranks, and they would kneel down.

Of course, the golden young dragon is immune, except for the big monsters whose strengths are genuine.

More importantly, the origin of the other party seems to be somewhat extraordinary.

This point can be known from the moment it was born with a monster energy at the level of a big monster.

Compared to those monsters who were born, even weaker than ordinary human children, they were really strong enough to be scumbags.

(To describe in one sentence, the gap between ordinary monsters and powerful monster races is bigger than the gap between humans and pigs.)

Of course, Zhang Xiang did not rule out that the golden young dragon is not actually a monster, but the option of possessing the power of a monster.

After all, the origin and birth of the golden young dragon is a bit too strange.

"It, is it already dead?" After being shocked, Kikyo turned his head and asked Zhang Xiang.

There was a hint of tension in her eyes. If the other party was still alive, she was afraid that she could handle them with just a move of her finger.

The heavy chains surrounding the opponent's bones could not give her a sense of security at all.

In the field, apart from Zhang Xiang who could fight the opponent, there was no one who could fight back.

Of course, if the golden young dragon can reproduce the state of the black dragon that had disappeared in the first place, there will still be some resistance.

However, at most it is just blocking the next or two blows.

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