Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1426: , My favorite

A few hours later, I stood in front of the gate before the plane's air check.

"Then, I'm leaving now," Miss Sha Xia was wearing a beige women's coat, turned her head to Zhang Xiang and the others and said with a brilliant smile.

"Well, mom, have a good journey." Meiyu also showed a smile on her face, stretched out her hands and hugged her mother.

"Miss Sha Xia, please be safe." Xiao Kong also leaned out and hugged Miss Sha Xia.

Of course, the cutest little princess of Xiaoniaoyoujia is indispensable.

"Ah sister, you are so cunning, Xiao Chi also wants to hug Xia Xia." Xiao Chi trot past Zhang Xiang, and plunged into the arms that Miss Sha Xia was squatting in.

"Well, Xiao Chi hug, Xia Xia, but I like Xiao Chi the most." Miss Sha Xia showed a happy smile on her face and hugged Xiao Chi.

"Ah, Xiao Chi also likes Xia Xia the most." Xiao Chi also showed a smile on her face, and put her hands around Miss Sha Xia's neck.

"Then, the little chick who likes Xia Xia the most, Xia Xia is going to leave, do you have any parting gifts for Xia Xia?" Miss Sha Xia blinked some naughty big eyes, hugging Xiao Hina said to her.

And listening to Miss Sasha's words, Xiao Chi really took it seriously, but began to think seriously.

"Yeah" Xiao Chi was thinking hard, her little face full of seriousness.

Then, in the next instant, she seemed to have thought of something, her **** eyes gleaming.

Immediately afterwards, she hugged Miss Sasha's neck and gently kissed Miss Sasha's cheek.

"Well, this is Xia Xia's gift to Xia Xia, do you like it?" Xiao Chi said to the two in a voice full of vitality. See 1 Yarn 3 Chinese Net

And Miss Sha Xia was also slightly taken aback by this sudden attack.

Then, a gentle smile appeared on her face.

"Well, Xia Xia likes it, Xia Xia likes it the most because Xiao Chi is so cute." Miss Sha Xia's face showed a gentle smile, and she hugged Xiao Chi with both hands, with her smooth cheeks. Rubbed it on Xiao Chi's cheek.

However, at this moment, a broadcast rang.

"Those who take flight 4-1038505, get on the plane as soon as possible, and the plane will take off in fifteen minutes..." The repeated prompts were played back in the waiting hall.

And hearing this broadcast, Miss Sa Xia's face also showed a hint of helplessness.

"Then, I'm really going to leave, the plane is about to take off." Miss Sa Xia put down the little chick with a trace of dismay on her face.

"Well, then, Miss Sha Xia, welcome to come again." Zhang Xiang also greeted Miss Sha Xia, and nodded to her with a smile.

To be honest, Zhang Xiang was really reluctant to give up the other party's departure.

Xiaoniaoyoujia, after Miss Sasha came, there was a lot of laughter.

What's more important is that Miyu has only just met Miss Sa Xia, and the relationship has only been restored soon, so she has to leave, which is really not suitable.

But helplessly, Miss Sasha's visa has expired.

Moreover, in the motherland, she also needs to deal with some things.

However, listening to Zhang Xiang's words, Miss Sha Xia's face showed a somewhat brilliant smile, and she blinked at Zhang Xiang with big mischievous eyes.

"Of course, I will be back soon. How could I not come back? So, let's just go, my three lovely daughters, I will leave first." Miss Sasha lifted her suitcase. Walked towards the passage of the air inspection.

However, when she was halfway through, she suddenly turned her head.

"By the way, my fiancé Yuta-kun, you must take good care of our three daughters in the future. If you don’t take care of them, please be careful that I will ask you to settle the account when I come back. That’s it, I’ll go in first. "Ms. Sasha deliberately said with a loud voice, waving her hand to this side.

And because she is a beautiful woman in the waiting hall, she naturally attracts the eye.

Not to mention, there are three lovely and invincible beautiful girls with her, which naturally attracted the attention of most people in the terminal.

Therefore, when Miss Sasha yelled out, no doubt everyone heard it.

Then, under the mischievous eyes of Miss Sa Xia and the attack from the surrounding audience that could kill Zhang Xiang thousands of times, Zhang Xiang had no choice but to sigh.

After all, he was teased by Miss Sasha

However, Zhang Xiang didn't know that the aftermath caused by this incident had not stopped yet.

"Brother, when are you with Miss Sa Xia? Are you engaged in private marriage together?!" Xiao Kong looked jealous and stared at Zhang Xiang with a gruff, his right hand also directly grabbed Zhang Xiang's soft flesh .

If Zhang Xiang’s answer is wrong, I’m afraid it will let Zhang Xiang taste the pain of how soft flesh rotates 360 degrees.

On one side, Meiyu also glanced at Zhang Xiang with a scrutiny gaze.

"Yeah, uncle, are you blonde and big breasts? That's wrong. At least, you have to wait until I grow up!" Mei Yu said with a serious and sulky look Some unfocused words came out.

Therefore, Zhang Xiang was fortunate enough to enjoy a special Shura field that is not a Shura field.

However, the soft flesh lord above Zhang Xiang's body suffered all the time.

Of course, among Zhang Xiang's ‘begging for mercy’ and ‘screaming in pain’, there were occasional laughter from the little chicks that were like silver bells.

Undoubtedly, Xiao Cui took the actions of her sister and Zhang Xiang as a game again, and actively participated in it.

Cheers and laughter immediately filled this place.

And after fifteen minutes, Zhang Xiang and others stood on the periphery of the airport, watching the plane gradually flying into the sky and flying towards the distance. Everyone had a different expression on their faces.

Among them, Xiaokong's heartfelt wishes, and Xiaochun's hope that Miss Saxia will come back soon.

However, the expression on Meiyu's face was a bit more complicated. There was reluctance, joy, and even an inexplicable fighting spirit in it.

Especially when I saw Zhang Xiang, that trace of fighting spirit in the depths of my eyes was burning.

Perhaps this is related to what Miss Sa Xia said to Mei Yu last.

But no matter what, Miss Sa Xia finally achieved the goal of this trip and the acquaintance with Mei Yu.

Xiaoniaoyoujia is about to return to that kind of peaceful but warm day.

But at the same time, Zhang Xiang is also ready to go out again...

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