Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1435: , Amazing identity!

And watching Zhang Xiang walk over directly from the outer area, it was obvious that he was a guard who hadn't experienced this kind of thing for a long time, but he seemed a little nervous.

"Stop, the area directly under Tokyo is in front of you, who are you, report your name!" A guard hurriedly picked up his gun on the table, and asked Zhang Xiang nervously. With.

However, seeing the other's movements, Zhang Xiang shook his head slightly.

"Is it a recruit?" Zhang Xiang said with a frown.

"Yes. Yes, so what?! Couldn't the recruits be able to stay here?" The guard said because of some tension.

But after speaking out, he retorted to Zhang Xiang a little angrily.

At this time, Zhang Xiang could see the other side's face clearly.

From a close point of view, the opponent's age is about eighteen years old, obviously just the age of the soldier.

This discovery made Zhang Xiang's evaluation of the Tokyo area drop a few points.

Such an important place, it turned out that only recruits were sent here to guard it.

Could it be that the other party really has so much confidence in the five stone monuments that are just dead objects.

However, Zhang Xiang didn't want to embarrass the opponent, who was obviously a guard who had just arrived.

"No, I didn't say that you cannot be stationed here. This is my identity certificate, you should know this one." Zhang Xiang took out a card from his silver-white coat. Passed it to the other party.

"This, this is an IP card?!" A shocked expression appeared on the guard's face. Look at ‘hair, thread, Chinese, text, net

Seeing the reaction of the other party, Zhang Xiang couldn't help but laugh.

"What's the matter, is it the first time I saw an ip card?" Zhang Xiang asked helplessly and somewhat amusedly.

The so-called ip card is the card issued by the police team composed of the partner who appeared when the cursed son was discovered a few years after the cataclysm, after ranking their combat power.

The rank of combat power is usually based on the level of the primitive gut animals killed by this team, as well as the number.

Of course, this ip-related combat power ranking list can also be obtained by challenging members who have relevant ranking ip cards.

The result of a battle is usually either victory or defeat.

Of course, if the ip card only has a function, it can't be used all over the world, nor can it be favored and recognized by those who can defeat the powerful gastroenterologists.

The reason why these powerhouses who can defeat the gastrointestinal animals recognize this ranking and accept the ip issued by the government is because each ip card with a different ranking represents its corresponding authority in the corresponding area.

For example, if ip ranks after one thousand, it will automatically have relevant privileges.

You can use some public facilities for free, get more government tasks and rewards, and limited murder privileges.

Even after reaching one hundred, he still has the right to mobilize a certain army (in name).

Of course, most of the existences that can enter within a hundred have a great relationship with their respective governments, and they are usually appointed by their respective governments.

The mobilized army usually only refers to the army in the area where it is located.

However, regarding military ranks, it can be used in common between certain countries that associate with each other.

It's just that there is no privilege to invoke the army.

This is the origin and development of ip cards. (I don’t have time to read the original, so I can only make up for it myself.)

The issuance of ip cards is usually only given to those who are in the top 1,000.

Therefore, this guard was so shocked.

Because this is one of the first thousand people standing at the top of the world's personal combat power!

After hearing Zhang Xiang's words, the other party also immediately reacted.

"No, no, I know, I know..." The other party responded nervously, but he hurriedly removed a machine from his waist and gave the ip card in Zhang Xiang's hand. Put it on top.

Then, there was a system scan, and there was a beep when the scan ended.

"Confirm that the person here is the'Scarlet Flash' ranked ninety-nine..." With the sound of the mechanical sound, the young guard's face showed a shocked expression again.

"The ninety-ninth place?!!!" The young guard's face was full of shock. He raised his head and glanced at Zhang Xiang, who was only a few years older than him, with an unbelievable look in his eyes.

And Zhang Xiang looked at the other party with a shocked look, he also knew his ranking, and frightened the other party.

"What's wrong? Is there anything wrong?" Zhang Xiang asked kindly.

"No, no, this, this is your card...Please, please take it away." The young guard's face was still shocked, and he quickly handed back the ip card in his hand to Zhang Xiang respectfully.

At this time, his eyes were already full of admiration and envy.

Because the existences in the top 100 are all existences that have killed at least the strongest type of stage four creatures below the zodiac.

You know, the strongest existence of that kind of gastrointestinal animals has the destructive power to destroy the existence of a Japanese region! (One of the five regions that Japan was divided into after the Primordial War, including the former Tokyo, the former Kanagawa, the former Chiba, and the former Saitama.)

The guys who can defeat this kind of existence are all too powerful to match.

At the same time, it is also a ‘savior’ who has saved a large number of mankind in a disguised form.

Therefore, he cannot tolerate his disrespect and excitement.

After receiving the ip card and nodding to the other side by the way, Zhang Xiang took the fireworks little Lolita through the already erected fence and walked towards the inner Tokyo area.

And at this moment, the companion of the young guard also came up.

"I said, even if he is a person with an ip ranking of ninety-nine, you don't have to be so excited. Haven't we seen the one with a higher ranking before?" The young guard's companion was a little puzzled and complained. Said.

It seems to be complaining that he has lowered the dignity of the Self-Defense Force.

However, listening to the words of his companions, the young guard was also a little unhappy.

"I have seen it, but I saw it from a distance. Where can I get such close contact? And, more importantly, look at his identity..." The young guard pointed to the identity verifier. information.

It says at the end: ‘At the same time, he is also one of the five generals in the Osaka area, the founder of Angel Sect...’

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