Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1437: , Gastrointestinal animals!

"You, what are you talking about?" The fat man whose whole body was covered with blood said with a bit of excitement. See 1 Yarn 3 Chinese Net

"Don't you feel it? You have been pierced through your lungs and kidneys, but you can still run that far. This means that you will undergo transformation." Zhang Xiang slowly Said.

"Wh, what? No, it's impossible... I, how could I..." The fat man covered in blood showed an incredible expression on his face, but his eyes kept looking at the huge wound on his abdomen. go with.

Then, all the memories that were temporarily blocked by his brain because of the panic appeared again.

At this time, from the corner, a man who was about sixteen or seven years old came out, wearing a black suit, blue hair and black eyes.

"Finally found..." He put his hands on his knees, and stretched out his right finger some breathlessly, pointing at the fat man with blood on his body.

However, at this moment, the fat man who recalled what happened not long ago was also clutching his head, and his eyes were shaking and screaming.

"No, I don’t want this! Save me, save me quickly!" The fat man wearing a white shirt and trousers, his white shirt stained red with blood, looked like a drowning man, in despair He revealed an expression of hope and stretched out his right hand.

However, everything is already too late.

As soon as his words fell, the gastroenteritis virus that was injected into his body by the unknown gastroenteric animal began to become angry, causing the fat man covered in blood to scream in pain while holding his head. Up.

The color of the pupils of his eyes, I don't know what it is, it turned red. See 1 Yarn 3 Chinese Net

Then, his body began to tremble violently, and eight ferocious, orange-yellow legs emerged directly from behind him.

Just looking at it, I knew it was very painful.

However, at this time, because the virus's erosion rate has reached the highest level, the other party can't feel any pain. He just feels a foreign body coming out of his body, and his consciousness has also begun to blur.

However, he still extended his right hand in a vain attempt to be saved.

However, it was in the next moment.

A hideous spider head with eight compound eyes suddenly broke out of his back and directly tore the human body covered with blood into pieces.

However, it is said that the body of the whole person was torn into pieces. It is better to say that the whole body is orange, about three meters high, with eight long and hideous feet stretched out, and the width is also six meters huge. The spider tore through its hidden empty shell and hatched from it.

The torn body, when it fell to the ground, was already quickly transformed into the nourishment of that huge spider, allowing it to grow thoroughly enough to fight.

This is the horror of gastroenterologists, as long as someone is injured and injected enough gastroenteric virus.

So, soon, this person will become the corresponding gastroenterate.

What's more, that kind of battle is not compromised. How powerful humans originally are, there will be correspondingly enhanced gastroenterologists after the transformation.

Imagine that when you are fighting on the battlefield, your battle is thrown by the gastroenterologist and injected with toxins, or simply killed.

Then, within this period of time from ten minutes to half a day, a powerful enemy will hatch from the body of a comrade.

That is, if the war damage on the human side is so severe, the gastroenterologists will almost have a corresponding increase in allies.

From this, we can see how desperate the enemy fighting on the front line is.

If it can't be beaten back, then in the near future, no matter how many enemies you kill, there will be corresponding enemies born.

This was also one of the main reasons why mankind was defeated in the bowel animal war ten years ago.

The more the enemy is fighting, what should I do? !

However, looking at the other party directly in front of him, transforming into a gastrointestinal animal, Zhang Xiang's face did not change at all.

Even the frequency of the footsteps did not change the slightest, and he walked in the direction of the opponent at the original pace.

The distance between the two sides is less than five meters.

The spider is full of orange and short hair, and the eight hideous compound eyes on the abdomen can almost reflect the appearance of Zhang Xiang.

But at this moment.

The man who just arrived, who looked like a policeman, spoke with a change of expression.

"Wait a minute, it's a primitive gut animal. Don't get close and let me solve it." Although the other party saw Zhang Xiang carrying guns and swords, he just treated Zhang Xiang like a policeman. 'S existence is average, shouting loudly towards Zhang Xiang.

However, Zhang Xiang smiled at the other side.

"Don't worry, nothing will happen." Zhang Xiang explained to the other party.

However, the other party clearly did not believe it.

"Damn it, there's no way. Why are there always laymen coming around!" The man in a black suit resembling a policeman, somewhat helplessly took out the pistol that was attached to his waist.

"Let you take a look at what you really need to deal with gastroenterologists professionally. Spider, look at my holmium bullets!" The opponent raised his pistol and shot out all the bullets in the gun one after another.

But unfortunately, the opponent's marksmanship seems to need to be improved, although it hit the opponent's body and injured the huge spider.

But it didn't hit the two vital points of the gastrulation animal's heart and brain.

And this series of hits also angered the gastrointestinal big spider, and it was about to rush towards it.

"It's over, play collapse." The other party looked at the big spider flying over, with a painful expression on his face.

But at the same time, he also squatted down, planning to use some tricks.

However, at this moment.

Zhang Xiang's voice rang.

"Moon Slash!"

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