Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1440: , Yanzhujiang

Just 30 minutes later, Zhang Xiang and others finally wiped out the breakfast. Look at ‘hair, thread, Chinese, text, net

On the opposite side of Zhang Xiang, Yanzhu also satisfactorily put down the plate in his hand, and patted his slightly distended belly with satisfaction.

"How? Are you full?" Looking at the other party's contented smile, Zhang Xiang couldn't help but show a smile on his face, and asked the other party.

To be honest, looking at the energetic eating style of the other person always makes people feel a sense of appetite.

"Well, I'm full. Thank you very much for your hospitality." Yan Zhu put his hands together and thanked Zhang Xiang.

"Well, it's fine if you are full." Zhang Xiang nodded with a smile on his face.

Next, it's time to clean up the dishes.

Unexpectedly, although Yanzhu is only ten years old, he is very proficient in housework.

It only took a while, and she cooperated well with Little Lolita Huahuo, and tidy up the dishes.

Huahuo is responsible for washing, she is responsible for wiping clean.

This scene looks very harmonious.

Especially, since the house is rented, the sinks are designed according to the standards of adults. Whether it is a small Lolita or Yeonju, a small chair is needed to stand side by side. , It makes people feel a touch of warmth in it.

And Zhang Xiang, while sitting quietly watching some materials.

Originally, Zhang Xiang wanted to help. See 1 Mao 2 Line 3 Chinese Net

However, Xiao Huahuo Lolita refused to let her help because of Zhang Xiang's'clumsy hands'.

And today, Yanzhu, who is wearing more home-like clothing, also took up the place where Zhang Xiang was originally wiping the bowls because of the reason: ‘You can’t eat here for free, you need to help with work to show thanks’.

So, in the end, poor Zhang Xiang, who had nothing to do, sat aside and watched the scene ‘enviously, jealously’.

Ahem...Ignore the last sentence above.

In the real situation, Zhang Xiang was sitting while looking up the battle data of a world, analyzing what kind of swordsmanship should be given to Yanzhu.

After all, what kind of super fast, lethal swordsmanship Zhang Xiang uses is not necessarily suitable for the opponent.

Not to mention, practicing swordsmanship also has physical requirements.

Like Yeonju, a ten-year-old loli wants to fight with a sword that is similar to her own, and even longer. Not to mention whether there will be any obstacles in the battle, just carrying it is already A very troublesome thing.

Therefore, Zhang Xiang, who had never thought that he would really teach the other side's swordsmanship, had to honestly check the swordsmanship of this world.

I plan to teach the other party from the basics, and try to improve some sword moves so that people of height like Yanju can use sword moves.

Don't doubt this, Zhang Xiang, who possesses a hint of sword intent, can already be regarded as a great master in some low martial world.

Although in this world, it can't be regarded as a powerful existence.

But if you want to improve some swordsmanship, there is no problem.

After all, it is easier to look at the problems of lower latitudes from a higher level.

However, just after Huahuo Lori and Yanzhu finished wiping their hands, they ran to Zhang Xiang's side happily and shouted: "Master, I have already washed the dishes. Let's practice swordsmanship soon." .

What Zhang Xiang wore on his right hand was similar to a watch, but it rang ‘dididi’.

This phenomenon caused Zhang Xiang to slightly raise his eyebrows.

"Correspondence?" Zhang Xiang showed a look of interest on his face.

You know, unless it is a strange communication, it is his watch communicator that will not make such a sound.

Because, in his communication watch, only a few numbers are stored, and a specific sound is set.

In addition, he had already revealed his identity on the initiative yesterday.

Therefore, there will be unfamiliar communications coming in now, which is really quite interesting.

However, just as Zhang Xiang opened the communicator and the communication that was sent was opened, there was a slightly rapid knock on the door.

"Yenzhu, Yanzhu, are you here?" Rentaro's voice came in a little hastily from outside the door.

And Huahuo Lori opened the door after taking a look at Yanzhu who was a little confused.

At this moment, outside the gate, Rentaro, who was still wearing a black suit and with blue hair, looked a little out of breath.

"Rentaro, what's the matter?" Yanzhu's face was full of doubts while standing inside the gate.

"Where are you going? I have a job, and I almost couldn't find you." Lentaro put his hands on his knees, said with a trace of sweat on his forehead.

"Work? Do you have a job?" A puzzled expression appeared on Yanzhu's face.

"Don't tell me, the time is a little too late, let's hurry over. Let's talk about these things on the road." After Rintaro relieved his breath, he wanted to grab Yeonju's hand and left.

However, at this moment, Zhang Xiang showed a slight smile on his face.

"No need to rush, let's go together." Zhang Xiang smiled and invited them together.

"Let's go together?" A slightly surprised expression appeared on Rentaro's face.

"Yes, your destination is also the Ministry of Defense of Tokyo? If it is, then there is no problem. Because, I have also received an invitation..." Zhang Xiang showed the information on the communicator on his right hand watch to Look at the other party.

"Have you received the invitation too? Oh, yes, I remember, you seem to be a policeman too." Lentaro looked at the fireworks not far away, with a suddenly enlightened expression on his face, but he remembered The scene I saw yesterday.

He mistakenly regarded Huahuo as Zhang Xiang's initiator.

However, Zhang Xiang did not explain, but just smiled.

"That's good, let's set off together. You guys hurry up too. If you rush over now, although it is not too late, it is still a bit urgent." Rentaro nodded anxiously.

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