Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1448: , Solar skateboard!

More than half an hour later, outside the main street, Zhang Xiang and Huahuo Lori were walking slowly on the street. Look. Wool. Line. Chinese. Text. Net

Because Zhang Xiang wanted to observe some of the environmental reasons in Tokyo, Zhang Xiang rejected the move of the Holy Son to send a car to see him.

However, even the periphery of Tokyo is already destroyed and no one lives.

But Tokyo is indeed a big city. Even if it is just a place protected by the monument, it has a living scale of close to two million people.

Observation within such a large area, naturally, can not be done with two feet.

Not to mention, Zhang Xiang wants to understand more deeply than just watching Tokyo on the surface.

Tokyo seen from some dark places is the most real Tokyo that reflects the characteristics of the place.

These also determine what method Zhang Xiang will use to establish the Angel Church here.

Don't forget, what exactly is Zhang Xiang's current identity?

He is now the honorary general of the Osaka area, and he is also the founder of the most remarkable Angel Church in the Osaka area, as well as the current Pope (a substitute).

If it is to observe the weaknesses of Shengtianzi, and to evaluate whether it is the same on the outside and on the inside, it is the task of Zhang Xiang, the general of Osaka area.

Then, observing the whole Tokyo's situation with the ‘cursed son’ is his second task.

Because, based on what he has observed, he will determine the basis for establishing an angel church in Tokyo.

"Well, the observation of this part of the area has been completed. Look. Let's go to other areas for woolen yarn and Chinese website." Zhang Xiang wandered around for quite a while, using his mental power to perceive secretly. After roughly scanning one side of the area of ​​10,000 meters, she said to the little Lori who followed the fireworks beside her.

"Well, then, let me stop a rough car." Little Lori Huahuo nodded and said.

In addition, the archbishop of the Angel Church is the little Lori Huahuo.

Originally, Little Lori Huahuo didn't want to take up this position.

However, under Zhang Xiang's persuasion, she was considered willing.

Of course, the main reason is that most of the management of the church that Zhang Xiang established is also a cursed son who is not much older than her.

Faced with Zhang Xiang's apparently messy behavior, she was a little worried about what this church would do in the end, and what the future of those poor cursed children would be like, she could barely join in.

However, Zhang Xiang laughed for a long time when Xiao Huahuo Lori agreed to be the archbishop.

In addition, I secretly took a photo of her ‘precious’ when she was serving as the archbishop in a meeting.

Just imagine how cute little Lolita Huahuo and a group of Lolitas who are not much older than her look like when they are in a serious meeting, are gathered together in front of a round table.

Well, Zhang Xiang would never say that he wanted to see such a scene before letting Huahuo Lori be the archbishop.

Well, he wouldn't say that he was found when he was taking pictures, was chased by a group of little girls, and when he was robbed of the camera to destroy the body, he had already secretly replaced the memory card.

Of course, he will not tell others.

Because of this incident, every time he opened a meeting, he was always stared at by his dozen or so little loli.

Well, our protagonist is definitely not feeling, nor will he feel very comfortable.

Well, I will never admit it!

Ahem, let's turn the topic back to the topic.

After listening to Xiao Huo Lolita's words, Zhang Xiang shook his head slightly.

"No, this street is relatively remote, I'm afraid that there will be no taxis coming back here. Moreover, the speed will be much faster when passing the small road here. Moreover, we still have secret weapons." Zhang Xiang said Little Lori Huahuo smiled mysteriously, but when no one noticed it, her right hand reached into the space bag and extracted two things.

In the next moment, two skateboards of different colors appeared on Zhang Xiang's right hand.

"This is?" Little Lori Huahuo came with a surprised expression on her face.

Because, he has seen similar skateboards.

"Yes, this is the skateboard designed by Dr. Ali for Conan. Because I thought it was very good, I wanted to use it for the family, so I asked Dr. Ali to re-make some. However, because of the craftsmanship, I made it. Just one piece. Let’s try it instead of walking, but it’s a good thing.” Zhang Xiang put the pink skateboard in his hand at the feet of Little Lolita.

And Xiao Huo Lori is also obviously very interested, although the speed of her full speed is much faster than this one.

However, who stipulates that running faster than this one must use running?

Just in curiosity, Xiao Huahuo Lori slowly stepped on the place where she controlled her power with her right foot.

A strong air current jetted out from under the skateboard.

Then, something magical happened, and that piece of skateboard floated slowly, as if it violated air flow and gravity.

"It seems, it's not very difficult to control." Little Lori Huahuo showed a surprised expression on her face.

Under the control of her good sense of balance, she was soon able to control this high-tech solar skateboard and glide quickly around Zhang Xiang.

"Okay, let's go over together." Seeing that Huahuo Lori grasped it so quickly, Zhang Xiang also put the skateboard in his hand on the ground and stepped on it.

Then, something even more unscientific happened.

Even with Zhang Xiang's weight, this skateboard was perfectly loaded.

And, at a speed close to 30 kilometers per hour, he started rushing quickly along the streets and alleys.

And Xiao Huo Lolita also followed suit.

As for the surveillance personnel sent by the Tokyo government who originally tracked Zhang Xiang and Huahuo Lori, they just watched Zhang Xiang and others quickly disappear into the street.

After all, if you want to catch up, you will definitely reveal your identity.

Not to mention, the short distance is fine, but once a certain distance is exceeded, their endurance is not so good!

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