Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1457: , Sad and angry!

However, to say that it was dinner is nothing more than having a hot pot in the house Zhang Xiang rented temporarily. Look at ‘hair, thread, Chinese, text, net

But when she wanted to take the sister of the red-haired girl to eat together, she ran into some trouble.

That is, the younger sister of the fiery red-haired girl refused to leave the older sister who was still in a coma because of excessive blood loss and chronic malnutrition.

Moreover, he was still very afraid of life, especially afraid of Zhang Xiang's approach.

Even with Xiao Huahuo Lori, she was timid.

Only when I am with Yanzhu can I look like a child, and I am no longer afraid of living.

However, according to the explanation in Yanzhu secretly, this child is not actually afraid of birth, but afraid that someone will hurt her.

Because, at the beginning, when she was looking for and contacting this child, the other party treated her like this.

But after she showed the red eyes that belonged to the cursed son, the other party reluctantly accepted her.

Hearing these words, everyone present couldn't help being silent.

What kind of life should be such a small child who no longer trusts anyone but the cursed son who is the same as himself?

And what kind of experience should be able to make the fiery red-haired girl, for a girl who is not her own biological sister, but only about five years old, has feelings that surpass many biological sisters.

Even before he mistakenly thought he was going to die, he was still worried about the other person.

Well, here is an explanation, why Zhang Xiang, Huahuo Lolita and others have already understood that they are not biological sisters after they met each other. Look. Wool. Line. Chinese. Text. Net

Because the girl who was the younger sister of the fiery red hair, was only about five years old with a slightly yellowish golden hair.

From the color of the hair, it can be easily judged. There should be no blood relationship between the two people.

Moreover, in addition to this one, there is another very important evidence.

That is, the age gap between two people.

The age of the girl with red hair is about ten years old, while the age of the little girl with golden hair is only five years old.

When such a cursed child was born, most of them would be abandoned, and even in the era when they were killed on the spot, it was too difficult to find two biological sisters who were both cursed children.

Not to mention, there is still such a big difference in age.

And it is precisely because of this that everyone present will be so silent, feeling a burst of nameless anger in their hearts.

The cursed children in such a difficult situation know that they help each other.

But what about being essentially innocent and helping mankind eliminate the cursed son of gastrointestinal animals?

How are they perceived by humans in the Tokyo area?

The situation is better now. If it were changed a few years ago, it would be a life like purgatory.

Thinking of this, Zhang Xiang couldn't help but strengthen a thought in his heart.

That is, destroy the original old order and build a new order.

Of course, I want to think so, but it still takes a long time for me to really do it.

Otherwise, just using force to change will not last long.

Maybe it was okay when Zhang Xiang was there, but once Zhang Xiang left, it might fall apart in an instant.

But in the end, under Yanzhu's advice, the little girl still obeyed everyone's suggestions and left with Zhang Xiang and others.

Of course, the dining process is omitted.


When the bell rang at twelve o'clock, the bright moon began to rise in the center of the sky.

There were several knocks on the door of Zhang Xiang's room.

"Come in." Zhang Xiang put down a Christian book from the master world in his hand.

He is studying how to perfect the church doctrine that is in a very important position in his plan.

And in the sound of the wooden door squeaking, a smaller figure was reflected on the slightly gloomy floor.

She slowly raised her steps and walked slowly to the center of the room.

"Is there anything? Yanzhu?" Zhang Xiang moved his body from his back to the back of the chair, pressing his hands on the classics, and asked Yanzhu Lori in front of him.

However, Yanzhu replied to Zhang Xiang's words somewhat unreasonably.

"Xiaoxin is already asleep..." Yanzhu lowered her head slightly, unable to see exactly what she was thinking.

Xiaoxin refers to the younger sister of the fiery red-haired girl.

"Oh, are you finally familiar with it? Thanks to you, otherwise, it would be very difficult to put her to sleep. Thank you so much." Zhang Xiang also showed a smile on his face. , Said to Yanzhu.

"Because, I have also had related experiences. At that time, I also didn't trust anyone. I always felt that in this world, besides myself, they were all people who wanted to hurt themselves... Facing this kind of people who have closed their hearts, only by opening their hearts completely can they make the other party believe in themselves...and our same identity makes it easy for us to do this. ......" Yanzhu slowly said.

However, her head still didn't lift up.

At this time, the moonlight slowly shone into the room as time passed.

Through the reflection on the floor of the room, the confusion on Yanzhu's cheeks with his head down was shining clearly.

"So, do you have any doubts when you come to find me in the study?" Zhang Xiang asked Yanzhu softly.

He knew that in the other party's heart, at this time, he was very confused and struggling.

Otherwise, it won't show such a sad and confused expression.

However, he was not able to ask directly.

That would crash the other party.

"Do you have any doubts? You can tell them and let me help you refer to them." Zhang Xiang continued to persuade in a low voice.

In Zhang Xiang's words, Yanzhu also raised his head.

At this moment, in her pair of hazel eyes, there was a confusion, as if she had lost her direction in life.

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