Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1468: , Embarrassing scene!

"It's done, finish work" Zhang Xiang said easily. Look at ‘hair, thread, Chinese, text, net

He also handed the muzzle to him in a handsome manner, making a look of blowing smoke.

Then, he turned the pistol over and inserted it back onto the holster on his waist.

Then, Zhang Xiang jumped off the roof and walked towards the inside of the house.

"There is no problem, everything is done...finished..." Zhang Xiang said with a smile, and walked into the house again.

However, when he stepped his right foot into the house, his words suddenly stopped, and even his voice was much quieter.

Because there was a scene in the room that Zhang Xiang hadn't expected.

In the room, the girl with light green eyes took off her slightly wrinkled gray-white coat, and also lifted up the brown sweater in her, revealing the wound on her abdomen.

Of course, her smooth, flat abdomen was also exposed, as well as the little pigeon that slightly reflected the seductive light under the light of the fire.

To make matters worse, the clothes worn by the girl with light green eyes is that one-piece sweater. Although the bottom is also wearing a white bottoming shorts, it fades slightly because of the wound. Now, the next section of the smooth lower abdomen is exposed, and even the corner of Xiaopang's second is already exposed.

Therefore, even if it is imagined, it is possible to imagine how tempting such a scene is...hehe, it is embarrassing.

And Xiao Huahuo Lolita was about to take out the ointment from the first aid kit, still holding a white bandage on her left hand.

I recalled the look in Xiao Huahuo Lolita's eyes that seemed to suggest something before she went out, and the unusual behavior of Xiao Huahuo Lori and the girl with light green eyes just now.

Everything can be explained clearly.

That is, Little Lolita Huahuo noticed the girl with pale green eyes, and was ashamed to deal with the wound on her abdomen when Zhang Xiang was there.

So, the little Lolita who realized this, came up with a way to distract Zhang Xiang to deal with the gastroenterologists.

During this period of time, she was helping the other party to bandage the wound in her abdomen.

But what the two of them didn't expect was that Zhang Xiang was so fast to solve the gastroenterologists, and it took less than a minute.

If Zhang Xiang's time to go out and come back were removed, it would only take less than a few seconds.

This is far beyond their imagination.

And because of this, there will be an embarrassing scene like this.

And feeling that the scene seemed to be frozen, the girl with pale green eyes was quietly red at the roots of her ears, Zhang Xiang was also embarrassed.

"Ahem, that, I didn't see anything..." Zhang Xiangqing coughed a few times, and walked back slowly.

However, Xiaohuo Lori broke out at this time.

"Then, don't hurry out!" Huahuo Lori gave Zhang Xiang a vicious look, and almost didn't throw the ointment in her hand towards Zhang Xiang.

And Zhang Xiang also hurriedly took advantage of this opportunity and ran out of it.

When the cold wind blew outside, Zhang Xiang also calmed down.

"Huhu is really embarrassing..." Zhang Xiang muttered to himself in embarrassment.

However, at this moment.

Zhang Xiang discovered that from a distance, what seemed to be a battle was happening, and a burst of light flashed from time to time.

Although it is difficult for ordinary people to observe that burst of light, to Zhang Xiang, who has 80 eyesight, it is as bright as a light.

"It seems that it's time to finish." Zhang Xiang said deeply.

However, Zhang Xiang didn't dare to go inside and called for the two to go together.

After all, if a scene like the one just happened again, the standard of ‘hentai’ might fall on him.

And the other party didn't let Zhang Xiang wait long, and the voice of Huahuo Lolita also rang from inside.

"You can come in." Little Lori Huahuo shouted from inside to outside.

And Zhang Xiang also walked inside, wanting to tell them what he found.

However, Huahuo Lori was the first to report her findings to Zhang Xiang.

"Just now, Xia Shi's promoter informed Xia Shi through the walkie talkie that they had already rounded up Hiruko Yingyin. Shall we go to meet?" Huahuo Lori said to Zhang Xiang.

And listening to Xiao Huo Lolita's words, Zhang Xiang was also slightly taken aback.

He was a little confused about who Xia Shi was, but he had already tied the bandage not far away. He had already arranged the jumper, and even put on the gray coat. He watched Zhang Xiang look over, although his face was still the same. She was still indifferent, but her ears were a girl with pale green eyes that turned red quietly.

Everything is clear. The girl with pale green eyes is Xia Shi.

"Oh, so you guys got the news too. I just found out when I was outside. It seems that there was a battle more than 500 meters east of us." Zhang Xiang also waited for the little Lolita. The person said.

"Well, it's not wrong. Master General Supervisor, that's that place." The girl with light green eyes...well, Xia Shi Luoli nodded towards Zhang Xiang and said.

However, perhaps because of her shyness, she was somewhat afraid to look directly into Zhang Xiang's eyes.

"That's good, let's go. If we rush over now, we should still have time." Zhang Xiang said to the two.

But in the next moment, he turned his head and looked in the direction of Xia Shi Luoli.

"How? Do you still keep going?" Zhang Xiang asked Xia Shi Luoli.

Because the opponent is not that kind of starter with strong resilience.

Therefore, Zhang Xiang was a little worried about whether the opponent's body could go through the battle after being seriously injured.

However, the opponent was stronger than Zhang Xiang had expected.

"Well, it's okay. Although I am not the kind of starter who is good at fighting, my resilience is a bit weak compared to other people. However, this injury should be able to recover in more than half an hour. Almost, plus the special ointment, there should be no problem." Xia Shiluoli nodded towards Zhang Xiang and said.

While talking, she carried her backpack full of weapons, as if to prove that she was really fine.

However, before she could put it on her back, a big hand already took her backpack.

"Since there is an adult present, this kind of relatively heavy object should be brought by the adult." Zhang Xiang smiled at the other party and carried the backpack on his back.

"But..." Xia Shiluoli seemed to want to say something.

"Nothing but, you can go on the road with peace of mind. Protecting Lori, but the responsibility of some of us adults is originally, your responsibility is to grow up happily, and now it is for you to go to the battlefield. How can you still suffer some unnecessary suffering? So, just follow the battle obediently, just let me come." Zhang Xiang smiled and nodded to the other party.

But listening to Zhang Xiang's words, Xia Shiluoli was slightly stunned.

Then she followed silently.

However, there was a wave of waves in her plain eyes for the first time...

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