Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1472: , The ‘cyclops’ system!

"During equipment self-inspection...the power is sufficient...the infrastructure has no loss...the ladder system is officially launched...the power supply to the entire facility..." A series of mechanical self-inspection sounds were transmitted from the central computer. See 1 Yarn 3 Chinese Net

Then, there was a sound of ‘pop’.

The computer center that controls the ladder was suddenly illuminated by lights.

And around the ladder, the lights that had been turned off for ten years have also begun to shine in the institute.

However, these are obviously not good things for this research institute.

Lights, but very much attract the attention of gastroenterologists.

"Is it still too young, or is it because of the emergency that I forgot to turn off the peripheral lights?" Zhang Xiang stood silently on the wall of the ladder that day, looking at the original that has begun to gather outside the wall. Enteric animals.

Most of the gastroenterologists that have been attracted are in those stages two to three.

These gastroenterologists are basically incapable of breaking through the surrounding walls of the ladder, but the gastroenterologists of stage 4 that are mixed in between several meters to tens of meters are not necessarily.

At least, as long as there is a collective impact, the wall that is only ten meters high can absolutely not withstand the existence of these phase four.

After that, even if the ladder is constructed with a special alloy, it is unlikely that it will remain intact under the impact of these phase four.

Don't even think about launching at least.

Because all the rope ladders that control the direction of rotation of the ladder are placed outside!

And, there are no protective measures. Look. Yarn, Chinese website

"There is no way, in order to keep the plan going, I have to do some strength." Zhang Xiang looked at the outside of the wall, the gastrointestinal animals that gathered together and were about to launch an attack, but slightly pinned his waist.' The Shadow Demon Blade' pulled out slightly...


At this time, in the ladder.

Rintaro was in contact with the headquarters in the distance.

"There is no abnormality in the power supply of the unmanned substation buried in the ground, no abnormality in the power grid, and no abnormality in the Dewar flask for storing liquid helium. It works! The launch step is all carried out by us." From the headset , There was a voice that made Rintaro slightly relieved.

However, the progress bar of the sighting system on the screen that was transmitted from the satellite data of the headquarters, the transmission speed has become a little unusually slow.

Fortunately, at the next moment, the progress bar ran forward slightly to the level of 50.

"From now on, start to start the linear super battery projection device. The staff at the connection part of the superconducting flywheel power storage system, please evacuate immediately. Steps, enter the first stage. Now start to fill the energy." The sound of the machine, from the built-in ladder The sound in it rang.

A circular counter is displayed at the right end of the display, indicating the fill rate.

The untouched touch screen is clicked and moved at a dazzling speed. This is because the remotely connected headquarters personnel are performing remote operations and are deploying the aiming system that is about to be transmitted and are fine-tuning.

Something similar to a joystick hidden on the operation panel suddenly stood up, and then was pulled to the front by an invisible hand and pushed it back.

The rhythmic action is almost like shifting gears.

Looking at the image that was switched to the front monitor, I saw that the base of the "Ladder" fixed at an elevation of 70 degrees slowly moved while making a roar.

But it moves very slowly, as if it wants to stand still.

After a while, I kept a nearly horizontal distance from the ground, and then installed a tripod under the two giant rails on the left and right. A total of six "feet" hit the ground at a terrifying speed, smashing the ground and flattening a small hill. Stopped afterwards.

This is a claw laid to prevent the reaction force of shooting.

At the same time, Zhang Xiang, who was standing on the wall, glanced back slightly.

"It seems that it is time to go in. Depending on the situation, these primitive gut animals have no guts to attack within a while." Zhang Xiang looked at the fragments of corpses that were all over the three walls. , There was an inexplicable red line erected beyond the fragments of the corpse, and he looked at the sparsely sparse primitive gut animal in the distance, nodded and said.

The reason why there are three sides instead of four sides is that the other side faces the sea, and there are not many gastroenterologists attacking.

As for Zhang Xiang’s side, not to mention the Xia Shi Lolita who saw Zhang Xiang fighting in the first time. Even the firework little Lolita who has estimated what Zhang Xiang will use to block the footsteps of these gastroenterologists has a full face. With a shocked expression.

Because the method Zhang Xiang used this time is really hard to understand.

However, they still suppressed their curiosity, and ran inside with Zhang Xiang.

The scene of the launch of the super-electromagnetic gun also made them very curious.

At this time, in the central computer room inside the elevator.

"Switch to online mode, connect to satellite information, the'CYCLOPS' system starts, and the main display shows the target...Aiming at system transmission progress 89..." The voice of the main system controlling the ladder echoed in this central computer room.

At the same time, as the sound fell.

The front of the three-sided display immediately switched over, revealing the appearance of a ferocious behemoth.

It was a gastrointestinal animal that did not know how many tens of thousands of biological genetic factors had been absorbed. (Note that the strength and outer skin of the gastroenterologists with more DNA from different species will be stronger and harder. Basically, they can be divided into classes I to IV based on their strength.)

The dark brown and cracked skin was covered with pimple like smallpox, and there were raised objects on the pimple.

A total of eight sickle-shaped objects with barbs broke out of the neck, head, right eye and other places. The only left eye was pitifully small.

The target's head was abnormally enlarged, and an object with a bird's beak-shaped beak suddenly emerged from the corner of its mouth.

What was displayed on the screen was a giant walking on two feet with a terrifying appearance.

According to the reduced scale, the giant is nearly 400 meters tall.

While peeling the sea water forward, it used its sickle-shaped tentacles to impatiently swing away the missile that had been flying through the night sky.

The burst of fire evaporates the surrounding sea water.

However, there is no obvious damage to it.

And it was at this time that something more terrifying happened.

Communication, interrupted...!

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