Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1476: , Can't object!

‘Hey, forget it, this is enough. If you look at the 1 woollen 3 Chinese website, if it continues, I am afraid that it will be counterproductive. Zhang Xiang sighed inwardly.

However, Zhang Xiang's mouth was slightly raised at this moment.

‘But let you say so many words. It should also give you a taste of the bitter fruit of talking! A sharp light flashed in Zhang Xiang's eyes.

Then he spoke.

"By the way, let me remind you. We are now using the radio frequency. In other words, if it happens, oh, I mean'just right,' if someone has radio equipment, it is possible to receive the radio frequency between us. Talking..." Zhang Xiang's mouth curled up slightly, and he said this paragraph in a slightly relaxed way.


Several shocked words came from the opposite side.

At the same time, the corners of Zhang Xiang's mouth were even more cocked.

Because all of this was planned by him.

In order to allow the faces of senior officials in the Tokyo regional government to be thoroughly exposed in the eyes of ordinary people.

At the same time, it's not that the cursed sons and those who started to see clearly why the government is fighting.

As long as the people at the bottom who have pity for the cursed child, or the cursed child, or even the initiator, they will not immediately launch a demonstration against the Tokyo regional government, even if they hear this passage. Dissatisfied behavior.

But at least, the seeds of suspicion have been planted.

Add to that what the Tokyo area did when the zodiac gastroenteritis attacked.

In such a chaotic situation, it is impossible for the Angel Church to fail to grasp the opportunity to develop. Look. Yarn, Chinese website

Of course, Zhang Xiang originally just wanted to arouse some suspicion from the public.

But I didn't expect that in the Tokyo area government, there are people who cooperate in this way.

At least for now, whether it is the cursed son or the initiator, they already know the psychological thoughts of some high-ranking officials in Tokyo, and also know that there is an angel church to protect them.

After a while, the opposite party finally seemed to grasp the situation.

Then, the Son of Heaven officially spoke.

"Zhang Xiangjun, on behalf of the Tokyo area, I can agree to your request to establish a teaching in Tokyo...but...we forgive us for your request to divide the area in Tokyo. We are not able to agree. Because that is already an act of dividing the country. If I If you agree, it will be treason. Please forgive Zhang Xiangjun. Please also Zhang Xiangjun, for the lives of two million people in Tokyo, please agree to our request and unlock the data link channel..." Shengtianzi used a seemingly sincere voice , Said to Zhang Xiang.

However, in the dark, Zhang Xiang sneered.

On the surface, it seems that the other party really did not agree to Zhang Xiang's request because he could not do things like the country.

But in fact, the other party pushed Zhang Xiang to an awkward point.

Because the other party has promised Zhang Xiang to establish a church in Tokyo, if Zhang Xiang still wants to get entangled in the topic of this kind of area, it is undoubtedly not because Zhang Xiang is pushing towards a missionary'area' for the sake of a district, and he is not willing to help them. To the point of millions of compatriots.

At that time, even Zhang Xiang really got the parish from the opponent.

But I'm afraid I don't want to recruit a believer.

But if Zhang Xiang really doesn't care about the ‘diocese’, and there is no area where he can freely establish a church and has certain rights, I’m afraid the other party can find an excuse to divide the church personnel.

The most ruthless thing is that the other party can also use various reasons to delay their establishment in Tokyo.

At this time, it seemed that Zhang Xiang was erected completely opposite the people of Tokyo, and another official spoke.

"Your Excellency, you must not do it. In the Osaka area, the establishment of a church like the Angel Church has already caused a lot of instability in the area. How can they be established in Tokyo!" An anxious voice came from the picture, which seemed to be telling the truth.

However, Zhang Xiang knew that the other party wanted to further discredit his image and the image of the angel church, so that even if he achieved his goal, it would be greatly reduced.

Because, when the Angel Church was established, it did cause a period of instability in the Osaka area, but it was only half a month, and it was suppressed.

And, there is a more vigorous posture.

However, Zhang Xiang is not in a hurry to explain this.

Instead, he answered the question of the Son of Heaven ‘seriously’.

"The problem that your Excellency Shengtianzi is worried about is actually not a problem. Because the area I want is not the inner area of ​​Tokyo, but just a place that belongs to the Tokyo area in name but has no jurisdiction over it. This way. If so, you can rest assured, the Lord Saint." Zhang Xiang said slowly.



"How come there is such a place?!"

A series of questions came from the other side of the microphone, seeming to be very excited.

"Yes, there are places like that. And, I believe you are still very familiar." Zhang Xiang paused slightly when he said this.

"Mr. Zhang Xiang, where is it?" The Son of Heaven asked with a trace of doubt in his words.

Because, in her memory, she really couldn't find such a place.

At this moment, Zhang Xiang's mouth also showed a triumphant smile.

"That is, the 39th district!" Zhang Xiang spat out the answer lightly.

"how is this possible?"

"Area Thirty-Nine?"

"is that true?"

The exclamation continued from the other party.

And Zhang Xiang continued to explain as if he hadn't heard the voice from the other side.

"Yes, the 39th arrondissement. Maybe everyone has forgotten it. The 39th arrondissement is a place far beyond the inner periphery of Tokyo. Specifically, it is in a deserted and deserted area. Since the Gutgut War, although it has been protected by a monument in the Tokyo area, the Tokyo area has not been occupied by any troops. That is to say, it belongs in name only, but in fact You are in a land of no owner, right?" Zhang Xiang said slowly.

"But, it's still the Tokyo area..."

A voice of opposition sounded, but before the other party could say it, Zhang Xiang's next words made him speechless.

"Also, even before the War of the Original Intestine, I remember that it didn't belong to the Tokyo area, but belonged to the next county, right?!" Zhang Xiang's mouth curled slightly.

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