Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1492: , Remote attack!

And just a few minutes later, Zhang Xiang walked out of the hospital. Look. Wool. Line. Chinese. Text. Net

As for the basement of the hospital, Murato Jin, who is already checking some data, is verifying some data like a madman.

Believe that the other party does not spend a few hours, I am afraid that she will not be able to solve the problems she encountered.

And after this problem, there are more than a dozen more difficult questions than one, waiting for the other party.

These are all problems that Zhang Xiang used to calculate with a supercomputer, or when he copied them from the school city, they were already problems with their own answers.

These are the tests Zhang Xiang intends to carry out.

Although the other party has the title of No. 1 brain in neon scientific research, Zhang Xiang still believes that seeing is believing.

If the other party can't solve these problems, then the next more advanced ones will touch on the real development. Zhang Xiang will not plan to come from the one that records the data about superpowers in a part of the school city. Give it to the other party.

"Well, go home and take a look." Zhang Xiang pulled a taxi parked in front of him, and planned to walk towards the car.

However, at this moment.

The pupils of Zhang Xiang's eyes suddenly shrank, and the muscles of his body suddenly tightened, and he suddenly flashed out a few meters away.

At the same moment, the second half of the taxi that stopped not far in front of Zhang Xiang suddenly shattered into a dozen pieces.

The entire sturdy taxi suddenly became twisted like a twist, and the second half was completely torn into pieces.

And because of such a heavy blow, the member of the taxi driver sitting in front was already in a **** coma.

Fortunately, the other party only suffered some minor injuries.

The fragments that flew to the surroundings were fortunately not cut to important positions such as the opponent's neck.

But watching this scene, Zhang Xiang couldn't help but clenched his hands.

There is no doubt that this is an attack against him.

"Just be there!" Zhang Xiang's eyes were murderous.

For anyone who wants to kill him, he has always been an eye for an eye for a tooth!

But in the next moment, before his voice has fallen.

As a crater suddenly appeared on the ground under his feet, his whole person suddenly disappeared in place.

In the midair, an afterimage sprinted through the midair quickly.

However, it is at this time.

However, Zhang Xiang suddenly felt a tingling sensation in his temple again. That was the feeling he was being aimed at.

"Isn't it just one?" Zhang Xiang's eyes narrowed slightly, and a dangerous light flickered.

That was a sign that he really started to get angry.

In the next instant, Zhang Xiang felt a sense of danger flash by, and a yellow-orange-orange bullet had already shot over a distance of more than 800 meters and came to his side. .

But at this moment.

Zhang Xiang's right hand appeared in front of the bullet after not knowing what.

"If you want me to die, just wait!" Zhang Xiang shook his right hand abruptly, and completely crushed the bullet into powder.

Zhang Xiang looked at the metal powder on his right hand, locking in the direction the bullet came from.

And at this moment, Zhang Xiang had already arrived at the place where the first bullet was fired.

However, in front of him, there was only one anti-tank sniper rifle and a device that controlled the sniper rifle.

As for the figure, there is not even one.

"Relying on mechanical control? So..." Zhang Xiang suddenly raised his head and looked in the direction where the second bullet had just shot.

His entire figure disappeared in place.

Three seconds later, he already appeared on the roof of a tall building 800 meters away.

There is no doubt that the only people in that place are guns and remote control devices.

"Damn it!" Zhang Xiang lifted his right foot and stepped on the anti-tank sniper rifle to pieces.

That powerful force even caused a few cracks in the roof.

In a place thousands of meters away, a blonde girl in a blue-green skirt walked toward the underground passage with a large piano box on her back.

And after searching for a while, and nothing was gained, Zhang Xiang also had to give up the move to continue searching.

He was returning to his original position, using his own power, to unload the twisted taxi door and rescue the seriously injured taxi driver.

Then, after accompanying him to the hospital and paying all the medical expenses in full, he went back home.

However, this time he was particularly vigilant, expanding the monitoring range to within 500 meters.

Zhang Xiang believes that even if the other party wants to control him with a sniper rifle, he must be within this distance before he can calculate his specific position and control those devices to attack him.

But unfortunately, when he returned home, the opponent still did not launch the second round of offensive.

This made Zhang Xiang a little disappointed.

Because, this time when he was prepared, it was impossible for the other party to escape.

However, just when Zhang Xiang just inserted the key and planned to open the door.

A figure suddenly appeared in front of Zhang Xiang, making him almost mistake the opponent for the enemy.

But fortunately, Zhang Xiang relied on his quick response to recognize the other party through the orange hair.

"Master, you are back" a worried and joyful word came out from the little figure who hugged Zhang Xiang in front of him.

It was a young girl wearing an orange coat, a white dress and two special hair accessories on top of her head.

Yes, it was Yanzhu Lolita who rushed into Zhang Xiang's arms.

And behind Yeonju's loli, Xia Shi's loli with a reassuring smile came out, and the fireworks little loli followed.

And further behind, Hiruko Kobina, who was a little unwilling, followed.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Xiang suddenly felt a little confused.

"What's the matter?" Zhang Xiang asked the girls in front of him with some doubts.

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