Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1494: , The power of faith!

However, after Zhang Xiang disappeared, he did not go back, but came to a room behind the church. See 1 Yarn 3 Chinese Net

In this room, there is a statue of an angel.

It was a man with multiple pairs of wings of different lengths on the back, and his face was a bit vague, but there was a hint of majesty in his eyes. An aqua-blue halo surrounded the angel’s forehead, holding one in one hand. This book symbolizes the knowledge required for the trial, but in one hand it holds a scarlet long sword that symbolizes the force required for the trial, and is placed in the center of the room.

However, it is said to be a statue, but it looks like it is lifelike.

If someone stood directly opposite the statue, he would feel an inexplicable heart palpitations emerging from the bottom of his heart.

That is because this statue was sculpted by Zhang Xiang himself.

Above, Zhang Xiang has fixed a magic circle that can make a person who is not strong inside, feel heart palpitations.

Of course, the ability of this statue that was sculpted by Zhang Xiang himself is more than that.

On that, Zhang Xiang still fixed many abilities that he had enough faith power to be able to display.

However, because the missionary process in the Tokyo area was not smooth at this time, most of the believers were shallow beliefs.

Therefore, this statue that can use the power of faith to display all kinds of incredible abilities, but it has not yet been able to exert its true power.

Of course, with the passage of time and the increase of believers, this statue will sooner or later possess various abilities. See 1 Mao 2 Line 3 Chinese Net

"However, time is not waiting for anyone...then, only let you grow up as soon as possible..." Zhang Xiang said while extending his right hand, as if from the void What was caught in the middle.

Then, a group of milky white light exuding soft brilliance was extracted from the void by Zhang Xiang.

That is, the power of faith that has been materialized.

However, the source of the power of this group of beliefs is not the belief in the Tokyo area, but Zhang Xiang extracted from another idol in the Osaka area that he believed in for nearly half a month before coming to the Tokyo area. come out.

Although, because there is only a short period of half a month.

But in that place, Zhang Xiang had already performed a miracle in person.

In addition, it was the reason that Zhang Xiang had been in business for a long time and used various methods to recruit believers. The power of this group of faith seems to be small, but it is at least equivalent to the faith of those believers in the Tokyo area for a whole year.

But after this group of faith power was drawn by Zhang Xiang, Zhang Xiang didn't waste much time.

He stretched out his right hand holding the power of faith and patted on the statue in front of him.

Then, something magical happened.

As if water and milk were blending together, the milky white light ball penetrated the ceramic body of the statue and melted in.

However, it does not penetrate into its body, but penetrates into a deeper existence.

Because the power of faith cannot be blocked by the existence of ordinary entities.

The power of faith emerged toward a place that was opened up in the statue but existed in another space.

To be specific, it is to distort the space in that place in some way, to separate it from the large space, and to maintain a space that is detached and connected with this piece of heaven and earth.

And just after the power of faith penetrated, the milky white light cluster followed the wisps of milky white existence in the idol space, and began to mix with each other, and restructured into a light that increased by a few points. group.

Because they are homologous, it is not difficult to mix with each other.

At the same time, in this room, that idol also flashed a warm pale white light.

That is the evidence that the power of faith is completely integrated into the statue.

From now on, unless the existence of power exceeds the power of faith, don't want to destroy this idol.

Because every idol is a transit point for all the power of faith in the area, the people who built it will always associate it with the power of faith.

Let the power of faith protect the gods.

Although it cannot be said that the destruction of the idol is the destruction of the channel of the power of faith, but it can be said that this has a great influence on the collection of the power of faith.

At least, the divine envoy can no longer borrow the power of the so-called ‘god’.

"It seems that the number is not enough... However, it has already met the minimum requirements. As long as there is enough publicity when the big screening occurs, or a miracle is properly shown before then. Those missing The power of faith should be able to supplement it.” Zhang Xiang felt the power in the idol and said slowly.

At the same time, it was about tens of kilometers away from the Tokyo area.

A huge beast with a height of about 100 meters, a body like a hill, and a head like an ant and a bee, is making a loud roar.

But around its body, there are a large number of gastrointestinal animals densely scattered, and the proficiency is about five thousand.

Moreover, this number is continuing to grow as it continues to advance.

However, because it is lv4 level, which is the existence of stage four, the gastroenterologists it can attract are probably far lower than the army of 200,000 gastroenterologists once led by Taurus.

But even if the number is far less than this one, but now the territory is only half the size of Tokyo. Compared with the neon 20 years ago, there is only about one-tenth of the Tokyo area left.

Even if it was just facing an army of only five thousand gastrointestinal animals, it would be difficult to resist.

Not to mention, as long as the other party opens a hole, the gastroenterologists attracted nearby will take the opportunity to attack and instigate the humans in the Tokyo area frantically.

Humans are one of the favorite foods of gastroenterologists.

However, none of these things happened...

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