Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1496: , School classroom!

Remember what the alias of the 39th district is?

Another name for the 39th district is the barren area. Look at ‘hair, thread, Chinese, text, net

It is only a line away from the 40th District, which is already presenting the appearance of a virgin forest and blocking the primates.

At the same time, this place is also a place of exile for the cursed son.

In the Tokyo area, in addition to the starters, there are also some wanderers who live in various places, most of the cursed people are in this place.

But at the same time, here is the highest crime rate, or the edge of the law.

In this place, for various reasons, crimes are always happening constantly.

However, the crime is usually not the cursed children who lack food and clothing.

Because there is no clothing or food in this place, even if the cursed people want to rob each other, they can't do it.

(They only have two ways to get food.

One is to find food that can still be eaten from the garbage dumps that are not far away from the thirty-nine area, so as to eat.

Because the body of the cursed child was eroded by the virus and became strong in digestion, this is a cause of luck or misfortune. Most of the cursed children can still find food to barely live on, as well as broken clothes.

And the second way is what Zhang Xiang rescued last time with the little girl with fiery red hair.

——Steal things to eat in other areas.

However, this second approach is usually difficult to work for a long time.

Moreover, it is very dangerous.

Because of the easy-to-recognizable red eyes of the cursed children, and because if they stole too much, they will inevitably be discovered, they are usually beaten up.

If the luck is worse, you will encounter things like what Zhang Xiang had seen.

Therefore, they are unlikely to become criminals.

This should be said to be sad or helpless......)

There are two types of people who actually committed crimes in the 39th district.

One is to walk on the edge of the law. For special reasons, people who can only commit crimes in the 39th district, a place that is basically out of the control of the law, such as those who are gangsters, and secretly. Certain gang members who conduct transactions.

Of course, the matter of throwing the corpses of certain killed people here is endless.

This is one of the reasons for the soaring crime rate.

And the other kind of people are some crazy characters whose goal is to hunt down the cursed children.

For example, some cowardly people who transfer hatred to the cursed child, or people who kill for fun.

So, of course, the only school built in such a deserted and full of violence would not be a good place.

Of course, this is not a good place, and it does not mean that the people in this school are not good people.

On the contrary, it is because the children who go to school here are under ten, or even three or four years old.

It is very harmonious here.

However, here, there is only one old man who is acting as the principal and also serving as the teacher who is trying his best to support him.

Moreover, even the classrooms are open-air, and the environment is naturally conceivable...


However, looking at Yanzhu Lolita's way of being attracted by the new car, Zhang Xiang did not intervene.

He did not ask why she, who had been studying in a public elementary school before, would transfer to a school in the 39th district.

Because everyone has a secret existence.

He just listened to Yeonju Lolita behind the car, and happily followed the chattering discussion of Huahuo Lori and Xia Shiluoli, while driving towards the school in District 39 under Yeonju Lori's guidance.

And just ten minutes later, Zhang Xiang and others arrived in the 39th district.

As soon as you enter the area of ​​the 39th area, let alone the figure of a vehicle, even human figures are rarely seen.

Even if I encountered it occasionally, I just met some cursed children.

As soon as they saw Zhang Xiang's vehicle, they seemed to have encountered something fearful, and they hurriedly hid in the dilapidated buildings.

Obviously, they have an alternative fear of vehicles.

Seeing this scene, the girls who were still chatting behind the vehicle couldn't help being silent.

Even the little Binay who was sitting in the front seat and yelling to kill Zhang Xiang and others was silent.

Because, among them, except for Xiao Huahuo Lori, they are all cursed children.

These pains, they have all encountered more or less.

However, for them, most of these things are only a few years ago.

But seeing this scene, they still can't help but think of some bad things.

And in silence, Zhang Xiang and others finally came to the area where the school in District 39 is located.

It was a very deserted area, surrounded by empty people, and collapsed houses everywhere.

Obviously, this area once existed as a battlefield.

But in the middle of this deserted area, there is a ‘classroom’.

However, as soon as he saw this ‘classroom’, Zhang Xiang couldn’t help showing a wry smile and pain on his face.

He did not expect that things were worse than he thought.

The so-called classroom is a wall of less than 30 centimeters left. There is no roof, it is open-air, and there is no table. The chairs that everyone sits on are all pieces of chairs of different lengths. , The drawing board is a'classroom' supported by a wooden frame.

Say it is a classroom, it is better to say it is a ruin that is not a ruin.

And in that classroom, at this time, there were more than a dozen little girls sitting seriously, ranging from about three to ten years old.

But without exception, they are all girls, and they also have bright red eyes that symbolize the cursed son...

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