Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1501: , The remedy!

After Sakura got off the truck, she walked directly towards Zhang Xiang and the others.

"She is?..." There was a doubtful look on the face of the old man Matsuzaki.

"Don't worry, she was called by me. She is a member of the Angel Church... She is here to give us things..." Zhang Xiang explained to the elderly Matsuzaki and the girl students around.

However, without Zhang Xiang's explanation, when they saw the familiar red light in the eyes of the visitor, they already knew that they were their companions.

At the same time, just after she got down, the saints of different ages jumped down from the big truck, helping them to the big house that Zhang Xiang had just built.

The saint layoff members brought many things, many of which contained quilts, tables and chairs like daily necessities, but more of them were food.

The girls who are often hungry, see the food that has been moved down, and suddenly their eyes can't walk away.

Of course, they still maintain basic restraint and vigilance.

However, seeing that there are a lot of cursed children among the members of the saint layoffs, and many others have taken the initiative to speak, their guard mood has gradually decreased.

Gradually, they actually started to talk and laugh.

Moreover, the girls also went up to take advantage of the strength of their cursed sons one after another, helping everyone move things towards their new ‘home’ together.

It was at this time that Sakura, who was the deputy head of the sage referee, walked over and followed Zhang Xiang to a relatively hidden place.

"Your Excellency, you shouldn't show off the power of'miracles' casually." The girl in a pleated skirt shook her head slightly towards Zhang Xiang.

And listening to the other party's words, Zhang Xiang couldn't help showing a bitter smile on his face.

Because they had already booked it.

In order to improve the number and quality of believers, they intend to perform a large-scale “miracle” in the 39th district before the second “choice of God” comes, so as to unite the members of the 39th district. Power, so that the cursed children are basically included in the angel church.

However, Zhang Xiang has now displayed a power similar to the ‘miracle’.

What's more terrible is that he also gave some explanations, saying that these were not'miracles'.

Although this is only heard by a small number of people, if it is publicized, it will still have a considerable impact on the pre-planned missionary plan.

"There is no way. At that time, when I saw that the children still maintained such a pure character under such a simple environment, so Xiangxue looked like..." Zhang Xiang showed a trace of his face. An awkward look came.

And listening to Zhang Xiang's explanation, the other party's face also showed a helpless sigh.

She knows very well that although Zhang Xiang's character as a substitute is very reliable at ordinary times, she will occasionally mess around and disrupt their plans.

Fortunately, these disrupted plans will eventually be recovered by Zhang Xiang.

"So, if you want to do these things next time, please contact me. After all, I am the person in charge of preaching..." The girl Sakura showed a helpless look.

But with her slightly hoarse voice, it looked a little strange.

However, Zhang Xiang is already used to it.

"Okay, but let's think about the solution first. I already thought about it just now. Now if I want to minimize the impact, there is only one way. That is, to make this miracle Extend to the range beyond the reach of manpower. Then, even if the truth of this'miracle' is spread, it will not change any impression about the'miracle'!" Zhang Xiang's face flashed across A trace of perseverance.

"So, what do you mean?" The girl Sakura showed a slightly surprised look on her face.

"I will turn this place into a small town tonight. So, you understand..." Zhang Xiang looked towards the ruins and said slowly.

At this time, the girl Sakura's face also showed a thoughtful look.

"Don't worry, there will be many people paying attention to this area tonight..." The girl Sakura also nodded, understanding Zhang Xiang's meaning.

Then, Zhang Xiang and the girl Sakura also returned to the crowd, helping to sort out the things the truck had brought.

Moreover, in order for the children to have a good meal, Zhang Xiang also cooks himself and makes a meal of pork and cabbage dumplings for everyone to eat.

Everyone who ate this delicious dumpling was very satisfied.


The night came quietly.

The moon, which is already close to the full moon, hung high in the sky, and scattered a lot of light toward the earth, illuminating the whole land.

And such a scene is especially obvious in the 39th district without any electric lights.

And just in the ruins that were once destroyed during the War of the Gut, under the shining of the bright moon tonight, a complete building with six floors appeared.

If you look at it from this angle, you can still see a ray of light that would not have been in the 39th district leaking through the gaps in the curtains.

And facing this building that suddenly appeared in the 39th district, the 39th district was already full of rumors about it in the afternoon of this day.

Some people say that this is created by miracles.

There are also people, this is a secret experimental project of the government.

Some people even say that this is a ‘false miracle’ performed by the Angel Church in order to win over the hearts of the people, using high-tech concrete such as high-speed condensing.

But no matter what, it was just an afternoon, and this location has already attracted enough attention.

Even when it was approaching the middle of the night, there were still many spies, even to take a look, or people with ulterior motives gathered here.

However, it is at this time.

On the roof of this tall building, in the light of moonlight, a figure suddenly appeared...

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