Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1503: , Sanctuary!

And then, something happened that Zhang Xiang didn't expect.

When Zhang Xiang's spiritual power was connected to the power of belief, a strong emotion that was combined by many different people approaching the same emotions came into Zhang Xiang's mind.

The intensity of that emotion even made Zhang Xiang feel shaken and assimilated.

But fortunately, Zhang Xiang was in absolute calmness of deification at this time.

It was just a little lost, and he recovered immediately.

"What a strong mood swing! Is it true that the essence of the power of faith is a fanatical emotion towards something? No, it should be the mental power that contains strong mood swings. Moreover, it also contains a little more mysterious. Something is inside. It is the same mysterious thing that makes these spiritual powers that tend to the same emotion change qualitatively and evolve into the power of belief..." Zhang Xiang squinted his eyes slightly and quickly analyzed.

However, at this moment.

The power of his angels that had been brewing for a long time was finally mixed with the power of faith.

Suddenly, it was like Ganchai encountered a raging fire. The moment the two things touched each other, the power released by the two energies skyrocketed by several levels.

At the same time, Zhang Xiang's brain seemed to be connected to an amplifier.

His mental power, which was originally only covering an open area with a radius of 10,000 meters, suddenly skyrocketed and expanded to nearly 100,000 meters, covering almost the entire Tokyo area.

At the same time, Zhang Xiang also cast his sight in the direction of the 40th district. See 1 Mao 2 Line 3 Chinese Net

"So, is it the beginning?" Zhang Xiang said this unclear sentence.

Then, he was regarded as returning his attention to the 39th district again.

At this moment, Zhang Xiang finally knew what point of the ancient half-demon city lord he encountered in the forbidden land of Inuyasha World had reached when he was at its strongest.

It must be terrifying, I am afraid that one punch can break the space.

Because Zhang Xiang can feel that if the power of faith is sufficient, within the gods' realm constructed by the power of faith, that person cannot be defeated.

Unless, that person is the existence that can tear God's Domain into pieces.

The God's Domain is blessed in the space. If you want to destroy the God's Domain, you must first tear the space apart, otherwise you don't want to hurt any of the God's Domain.

Not to mention, God's Domain itself will strengthen the space itself.

From this, we can see how strong the power of those strong people who have entered the strongest top from Shinto in the world of Inuyasha.

Not to mention, it was the half-demon city master who was able to defeat these gods at that time.

However, Zhang Xiang's divergent thoughts just thought of this.

He knew that this was not the time to think about these things.

Because, just as he was thinking about these things in divergent thinking, he was already limiting the range of his mental power perception, that is, the range of spreading the power of faith, to this area of ​​the 39th district. In it.

Moreover, he not only limited his mental power to the surface, but spread directly below the earth, analyzing all the elements in it clearly.

"It seems that even the temporarily constructed Demi-God Realm has incredible abilities..." Zhang Xiang slowly looked at his right hand and said.

Because, he could feel that as long as he moved his mind, not only could he move the earth, but he could even extract those elemental metals from the earth.

And when he sensed this, a crazy idea flashed in Zhang Xiang's mind.

Since this is the case, then play a little bigger.

"In addition to building the house, build another, no, four turrets for super-electromagnetic guns. Anyway, after collecting the data last time, I just wanted to test whether the data I recalculated was correct!" Zhang Xiang There was a frantic look in his eyes.

However, with his pale golden indifferent eyes, it is really difficult to see it.

"Then, let's start right away!" Zhang Xiang said while dissipating his magic power into the air like money-free. Following that, Yuehua had an unknown reaction and instilled it into the earth. Go down.

"The God Realm temporarily constructed with the power of faith is used as the skeleton, the earth and elements are used as materials, and the hand of magic is used as the power of construction... Create something out of nothing, a new town!" Zhang Xiang opened some new pages.

As Zhang Xiang's voice fell, the substantive pillar of moonlight that had shrunk to nearly three meters around him suddenly shattered and turned into countless rays of light that permeated the ground and penetrated below it.

At the same time, the three forces surrounding Zhang Xiang also began to tilt out frantically, sinking into the earth, and permeating the surface.

Then, the upturned scene happened.

It was like a huge mouth opened from below the ground, and one mouthful swallowed all the broken buildings in the thirty-ninth district. A large number of broken buildings on the ground began to sink below the ground. .

At the same time, one after another, ordinary houses that had been built under the earth began to emerge from below the ground.

The area where the house emerged includes all the land within a kilometer.

But what is more noticeable is to count the four buildings that appear on the four front corners of the house.

It was a combination of four buildings full of science fiction, with silver-white metal all over the body, and tall buildings with various hideous structures.

More importantly, the whole body of the tall building has no doors or windows.

However, no one would think that it was just for decoration.

Because, around the silver-white building full of sci-fi style, there are several bunkers that are obviously used to protect them, and they are covered with various hideous weapons.

And something similar to a miracle just appeared in less than three minutes...

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