Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1505: , The Night Behemoth!

However, just before the miracle happened.

In the fortieth area that the autumn wind had just blown, an army officer was wearing a heavy rifle, walking in the humid and sultry rainforest that was contrary to the season.

Even if I wiped it with a towel hanging around my neck, sweat still kept coming out, and the occasional breeze swayed the grass beside my feet, but the skin under the heavy cotton camouflage uniform did not feel the slightest coolness.

The nostrils smell of moist earth.

This is one of his jobs, patrolling the edge of the monument.

What he is patrolling is the boundary between heaven and **** in this narrow world.

Looking from his left hand, the range covered by the light is endless woods, while on the right hand is a pitch-black vertical high wall blocking the view.

Due to fatigue, he stopped a little, looked up at the sky, and looked at the huge wall that almost penetrated the entire sky.

Of course, this wall doesn't really go straight to the sky, but it doesn't matter whether he is about 180 cm tall or not.

Because this side is called a megalithic monument, but it is a large rectangular holmium structure 16 kilometers high and 1 kilometers wide.

It is a large piece of metal that can emit black light that is thicker than gloom.

Yes, the altitude is more than 16 kilometers.

Because the height of the low-hanging cloud may drop to a height of about 600 meters, it sometimes penetrates the cloud layer, giving people an illusory feeling.

And the length of more than one kilometer wide, even if he wants to detect a circle, it will take more than half an hour.

However, he didn't feel tired at all.

Because it is these huge stone monuments that are protecting this area, so that the Tokyo area will not fall into the ocean of primitive gut animals.

However, at this time.

The grass suddenly made a ‘rustle’ sound. He reflexively pointed the flashlight at the sound source and saw something passing through him at high speed.

This made his heart throb and throb, and he panted fiercely because he forgot to breathe.

The horror of the gastrointestinal animals, he didn't want to face it alone.

"No, it should be just an ordinary beast...Yes, it must be like this..." He said as if to cheer himself up.

However, sometimes things happen without being transferred by human will.

At this moment, a stench that was like a stinking ditch suddenly came down with the slight breeze.

There was even an inexplicable sound coming from the stone monument above in front of him.

He immediately raised his head and pointed the bright flashlight in his hand at the sky.

Fortunately, it was nearly twelve today, and the moon, which was already half round, hung high in the sky. While illuminating this land, it also illuminated all the places of the entire monument.

Therefore, he also saw it.

There was a huge gastrointestinal animal, like an ordinary insect, attached to the huge stone monument about 16 kilometers in height and 1 kilometers in width.

The mouth, which was as long as an anteater, was submerged in the stone monument, and it seemed that something was being injected.

At the same time, the continuous ‘click’ sounds sounded slowly from the stone monument.

——Listen, you know it's not a good thing.

At the same time, the sound of a roaring machine gun, and even the sound of an explosion, passed from the camp in the distance.

Looking from this higher direction, the ants and hundreds of ants are about two meters tall, and their movements are comparable to the most agile cheetahs. The ant-shaped primitive gut is like a tide hitting the direction of the camp.

However, he only saw these.

Because, at the same time, there was a ‘rustle’ sound behind him.

Then, there is no more.

He felt a jitter and blur in his vision. He saw a bright beam of light appeared in the distance in the sky, connecting the half-moon moon and the sky full of stars. It's all dark.

"What a beautiful view..." This was his last thought.

After a few seconds, a spider-type gastroenterate with a blood-red color still remaining on its mouth moved its eight agile legs and rushed toward the camp where the last cannon and roar sounded...


And when Zhang Xiang's "miracles" were completed, two consecutive expedited reports were quickly sent to the highest military headquarters in the Tokyo area.

Even the supreme leader, Sheng Tianzi, was alarmed.

She didn't even have time to organize all her outfits, and she was already in the military.

"What's the matter?" Shengtianzi quickly stepped in, walking in at the highest speed to maintain the state of a lady.

At the same time, seeing that the Son of Heaven had actually come in person, everyone in the army stood up.

"Master Shengtianzi!"

In the military headquarters, several people who control the lifeline of this country all stood up and saluted the holy emperor.

"No need to salute, just tell me what happened, it turned out to be the most urgent report, and it's two copies, it's better to solve it right away." Shengtianzi's face showed a rare decisive face, and turned towards the people below Said, took his own seat.

"Yes. A few minutes ago, we received two ultra-urgent telegrams at the same time. One was about a miracle in the 39th district, and a god-like angel appeared suddenly, performing a miracle. The entire ruins of the 39th district disappeared, directly creating a new town. The other emergency telegram was a report of a primitive gut attack in the 40th district. Where is it stationed? The army was nearly annihilated, and even unidentified proctor animals appeared to attack the megalithic monument in an unknown manner..."

As if it was a torrential rain, an officer wearing a lieutenant's uniform, using the most standard words and extremely fast speaking speed, read out the two messages he had received.

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