Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1509: ,cover up……

The next morning, facing the first rays of the sun. See 1 Yarn 3 Chinese Net

Zhang Xiang stood at the top of a big tree more than 20 meters high and stretched out his hands in the morning sun.

Throughout the whole night, Zhang Xiang was like a groundhog, carrying related equipment around.

Even if you just want to move the core of the nuclear power plant.

However, this project was still something that Zhang Xiang did not expect. After spending about midnight, he finally moved all the equipment he needed to the small town, in an area he specially opened up. Up.

All that is left is to connect the line.

Of course, Zhang Xiang, who has been busy all day long, didn't do it personally anymore, but let his subordinates handle it.

"Well, let's go back." Zhang Xiang stretched out his hands to meet the warm sunshine, and said softly.

Then, his whole person disappeared in place.

Behind him, there was a corpse of a primitive gastrointestinal animal, and the ground of a nuclear power plant that had been dug with some potholes.

And just as he disappeared, his whole person also appeared in the Tokyo area.

Not surprisingly to Zhang Xiang's surprise, after nearly a night of brewing, even Tokyo has blocked almost all channels of news dissemination.

However, there were still too many people who saw the vision last night.

In the case of human-to-human transmission, such news still spread throughout Tokyo. Look. Wool. Line. Chinese. Text. Net

In addition, the images of the miraculous coming from the unknown source, leaked on the Internet, made everyone who saw those images feel incredible and shocked.

Especially when some people in the 38th district vowed to guarantee what they saw, and after uploading some fuzzy photos taken from a distance, the whole Tokyo almost exploded. .

When Zhang Xiang appeared on the street, at least eight of the ten things he heard were about this matter and the topics derived from this matter.

Faced with the fear of the unknown, as well as doubts about the existence of the gods, unabashedly exposed in front of Zhang Xiang.

However, Zhang Xiang was a little surprised.

The gastrointestinal animal had already attacked, and it had also attacked the 32nd stele, but there was no news about it.

And, after a period of noise in the morning.

The various official media and newspapers in Tokyo, which had kept silent about the miracle, and neither admitted nor denied it, collectively responded.

They responded that there was indeed a small town that was established overnight by unknown means.

However, they do not rule out that this is the reason for the use of super new technology.

Even, there are many conspiracy theories revealed in the discourse.

For example, in this small town, in order to recruit believers, a certain church built it in secret by mobilizing believers, and then deceived it as it was built overnight.

Or, it is simply that military forces are inserted, and the military's special accelerated solidification cement is used to build it, which will cause this effect.

And this is only part of those rumors that are not too outrageous.

However, it is precisely because of these weird and strange rumors that many people still believe.

The original topic of how the existence of the gods would affect them has evolved into whether this is a miracle or not, and finally discussed how this miracle is faked.

Although, due to official propaganda, to a certain extent, things about miracles have also been propagated on a larger level.

The number of people who believe in angel churches has indeed begun to soar at a rapid rate.

However, the effect of the development of miracles for believers has indeed been greatly affected.

After personally experiencing such effects, Zhang Xiang also had to admire the emergency response capabilities of these officials.

"It seems that high-level personnel are not idiots. The guy who can achieve this position may not necessarily be strong in hard power, and may even have many defects in personality. However, the ability to fool the people, Still very strong" Zhang Xiang sighed slightly.

This is because the other party has already established official authority in disguised form by actively acknowledging this matter.

Then secretly use various methods to make the people doubt this matter, and then pick themselves from the place where they will be suspected.

In this way, because the people have doubts about authority and blind obedience, they can distort and cover up the two things they want to cover at once.

The first thing is naturally about miracles.

This is something that will shake the people's authority over the Tokyo government. Whether it is true or not, they will make it false.

And the other thing is naturally the attack of the gastroenterologist.

Even the 32nd stone monument may suffer irreparable trauma.

This is also something that will shake the people's authority over the Tokyo regional government and may even cause riots. This will not allow them to hide.

Of course, it’s not that there is no reason to be wary of angel churches, who are developing believers through the name of protogut animals.

Troubled times are a good time to confuse people!

"However, how long can you cover up..." Zhang Xiang raised his head and looked at the 32nd Stone Tablet in the distance.

"When the truth is revealed, when the'choice of God' comes, it is time for our angel church to grow stronger..." Zhang Xiang's mouth curled slightly.

And all of these still need time to brew.

Therefore, Zhang Xiang returned home after observing the form for a while.

However, when Zhang Xiang returned home, he met someone who was a little unexpected.

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