Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1511: , The trajectory of the bullet!

"What's the trajectory of the bullet?" Zhang Xiang closed his eyes slightly, traced the scene just now, and quickly analyzed the trajectory of the bullet shooting. Look at ‘hair, thread, Chinese, text, net

In the next second, as Zhang Xiang opened his eyes, he already analyzed where it was.

"Sure enough, is it upstairs?" Zhang Xiang whispered.

However, he set off immediately, instead setting his sights on a certain corner.

"Do you want to keep the actual evidence that I was here?" A sneer flashed across Zhang Xiang's face.

Then, at the next moment.

Bang, bang, bang,

The sound of blasting continuously rang out.

It was the sound of a camera hidden in the dark being destroyed.

Moreover, it is much more than that.

In the computer room on the basement level of the building, there was also a sudden burst of sizzling noise, but the entire screen monitoring the entire building suddenly turned into a screen full of snowflakes.

The surveillance personnel who was originally dizzy and sleepy in the computer room was awakened immediately.

Then, he was stunned by the scene before him.

Because thick smoke is emerging from the hard drive tape in the computer room where the data is stored.

Seeing such an incredible scene, he was shocked for a while before he woke up. With a panic expression on his face, he flicked the fire extinguisher from the side. After extinguishing the flame, he was regarded as dialing through the building. The phone number of the Security Department. Look. Yarn, Chinese website

However, looking at the burned hard disk in front of him, and the surveillance settings that were obviously broken, the monitors couldn't help showing a gray color on their faces.

Because, he knew that even if he didn't need to pay for such a loss, he couldn't get along here.

After all, this kind of thing is always going to be a substitute.

However, he doesn't know, even if he is required to compensate, whether his boss is still a few days later will be a problem...

But Zhang Xiang, who was in the restaurant of the building, could only secretly say sorry to him.

Then, his figure suddenly disappeared in place.

This scene caused a waiter who had just passed by inadvertently, but he caught a glance, and he couldn't help falling to the ground with the cups and plates in his hands, and the whole person let out an exclamation.

After taking another look and rubbing his eyes, he was considered pale, and in his heart he meditated on the protection of the gods and Buddhas, but on the one hand he packed up the cups and plates on the ground and quickly rushed outside. Up.

At this time, Zhang Xiang's figure appeared on the roof of this building.

However, it was just like what he scanned.

On the roof of this building, there are only guns controlled by remote machines, but no one exists.

However, this time Zhang Xiang did not give up on searching.

Because, in Zhang Xiang's mental perception, the opponent's attack continued.

"Very well, I dared to continue attacking after I discovered it! Then, don't think about leaving!" Zhang Xiang lifted his right foot and violently kicked the anti-tank sniper rifle next to it to pieces.

At the same time, his figure turned into an afterimage, quickly leaping between the towering buildings, and rushing towards another target more than nine hundred meters away.

Ten seconds later, Zhang Xiang's figure appeared on another building.

"The second one! Let me see how many anti-tank sniper rifles you still have!" Zhang Xiang raised his foot again and stepped on the muzzle where the bullet was about to be fired.

Then, there was a ‘bang’.

That anti-tank sniper rifle, because of its curved muzzle, received a strong recoil. The entire anti-tank sniper rifle weighing more than 30 kilograms rebounded and fell heavily to the ground.

At the same time, in a place more than two thousand meters away.

The girl in a blue-green dress frowned slightly.

"What's the matter, why didn't the shooting just start?" While frowning, she controlled the small reconnaissance plane'Sianfeld' hidden nearby, and approached in that direction.

However, she has not waited until she will see the attacker.

She already felt that the small reconnaissance machine ‘Sian Feld’ under her control, a red light flashed in the horizon, and the entire horizon turned into a snowflake.

"Is it destroyed? Does anyone know about my mission? Then, I must be careful to hide it. And, where did the bullet that detonated the first car come from? It was the same mission. My partner, it's still... But this is the last time to perform the task, it must be as soon as possible!" Tina Sprandt, who has already entered a state of combat, looked a little brave, frowned slightly.

However, while she was talking, she was controlling the other two small reconnaissance aircraft ‘Shenfeld’ and caught up with the two black extension cars that fled to two different streets as quickly as possible.

At the same time, one of the small reconnaissance aircraft ‘Shenfeld’ also successfully locked one of the black extension cars.

"Launch!" Tina Sprandt gave the order in an instant.

The other anti-tank sniper rifle, hundreds of meters away, also adjusted its angle instantly, and instantly fired an orange bullet that was enough to blast a piece of concrete out of a shallow crater.

In the next moment, the vehicle that was accelerating from her field of vision suddenly rolled over to one side.

It was the wheel on one side of the black extension car that was broken.

The black extension car that lost its balance instantly lost its balance, rolled over to one side, and hit the railing.

However, through the eyepiece of the erected sniper rifle, she did not see anyone except the driver.

"Is it in another car?" Tina Sprandt said with a slight frown.

While talking, she adjusted her shooting posture and was adjusting her sniper rifle in the direction of another lengthened vehicle.

However, at this moment, another shock flashed across her face.

Because, just as she was about to finish the adjustment, it was the small reconnaissance plane ‘Senfield’ that had remained on the scene of the second extension vehicle, and once again lost contact.

At the same time, there was the anti-tank sniper rifle that had just fired a bullet...

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