Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1222: , The blind girl!

Listening to Yanzhu's words, the girl who was singing the usual hymns stopped, and raised her head slightly to look in the direction of Zhang Xiang and others. See 1 Mao 2 Line 3 Chinese Net

At this time, Zhang Xiang discovered that a sign was hung in front of the girl, which read: "I am the'cursed son' in the outer area. I need money to buy food for my sister, and please give me alms."

"No problem..." The girl raised her head slightly and looked in the direction of Zhang Xiang and Yanzhu.

After hesitating for a while, Yeonju Lori still spoke.

"Um, can you tell me what the **** is going on with your eyes?" Yeonju Lori showed a puzzled expression on her face, looking at the girl in front of her.

Because, according to her own knowledge, unless the eyeballs are dug out, with the restoring power of the cursed son, no matter how severe the eye is traumatized, it will recover after a while.

"Oh, are my eyes? I was blinded by the lead." The girl gently stroked the sides of her eyes, and said to Yeonju's loli with a gentle smile.

And listening to such words, Yeonju's face showed some doubts.

"Did it by a trafficker? Or?" Tina who was next to her also spoke, asking serious questions to the girl in front of her.

However, Zhang Xiang heard a little bit different from it.

"No, I did it myself." The girl covered with a cloth shook her head slightly and said.

"Do it yourself!" Yanzhu exclaimed, covering his mouth with both hands.

But it seemed that she felt Yanzhu's doubts, and the girl began to continue speaking.

"Because there is no other way to feed my sister... and abandoning our mother, I also hate my red eyes... so..." the girl's face showed a bitter and gentle expression.

"But, it's already over." A smile appeared on the blind girl's face.

"Then why are you still laughing?" Tina Lori showed a trace of anger and pain on her face, and asked the girl.

However, after she proposed it, she felt that it was wrong.

"I'm sorry, I'm not blaming you...I, I'm just a little curious..." Tina showed an embarrassed expression on her face, and quickly said to the blind girl.

"Yes, if you don't want to say something, you don't have to say it." Zhang Xiang also heard the voice and said to the girl in front of him.

"It's okay, I don't mind that." The blind girl shook her head and said softly.

"But, can I touch you?" The blind girl looked in the direction of Tina and Yeonju.

And listening to her words, both Yanzhu and Tina looked in Zhang Xiang's direction.

And Zhang Xiang also nodded in agreement, because he didn't feel the slightest hostility from the opponent.

"Okay." 2

Yeonju Lori and Tina Lori nodded and said.

The blind girl also wiped her hands on her clothes carefully, and then stretched out her hands to stroke the hair, facial features, neck, collarbone, and even the lines of her shoulders. Again.

Then, the blind girl slowly raised her face.

"Are you two also'cursed children'?" The blind girl said words that made Zhang Xiang feel slightly shocked.

After being found out by classmates at school, Yeonju Lori, who was besieged, looked around with a little fear.

But fortunately, this is a place belonging to a pedestrian bridge, and there is not much traffic, just passing by in a hurry.

"Why do you know...?" Tina asked with a look of surprise on her face, looking at the girl in front of her.

"Because, I can feel it..." The blind girl smiled softly at Tina Loli and Yeonju Loli.

"Can you feel it?" Yanzhu Lori let out an exclamation, with an unbelievable expression on her face.

"Yes, I can feel the emotions in the hearts of the human beings I came into contact with. When I approached you, there was no rejection in your hearts, but a feeling of deja vu. And, yours Deep down in my heart, there is also the deep sadness that I have been hurt. At this point, only people who are also the'cursed sons' can give me such a feeling..." The blind girl explained to Yeonju Loli .

"Sad..." Zhang Xiang muttered to himself.

"As for why I can laugh, it's because I don't have any survival skills. I can only beg other people to let me and my sister live like this, so naturally I have to keep smiling. Other than that, I don't know. What kind of expression is good." A gentle smile appeared on the blind girl's face.

However, this time such a gentle smile gave Zhang Xiang and others a painful feeling.

"However, recently there have been more and more cases of being beaten and swearing, and I feel a little uncomfortable. What happened?" The blind girl's face showed a puzzled expression.

And listening to the blind girl's words, Zhang Xiang and others suddenly fell silent.

Recently, the 32nd stone stele was destroyed, and Aldebaran brought the primitive gut animals approaching. The conflict between the citizens and the cursed son began to intensify. Someone intended to attack the cursed son with a bomb, and some were injured. The cursed son fought back, telling him about the killing of ordinary people.

"Oh, is there such a thing?" The blind girl's face was a little confused.

At this moment, there was a sudden sound of metal falling in.

It was among the two teenagers of about 18 or 9 years old who were passing by. Suddenly the man pulled the bottled drink into the sound of the iron bowl in front of the blind girl.

Hearing such a voice, the blind girl showed a smile on her face, and quickly turned her body and bowed deeply in that direction.

However, watching the blind girl's actions, the couple suddenly laughed and laughed.

This scene made Zhang Xiang's mood very bad.

"Stop!" Zhang Xiang stood up and shouted coldly to the couple.

His face was calm, but anyone who knew him knew he was angry.

On one side, Yeonju Lolita and Tina Lolita also showed angry expressions of the same enemy.

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