Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1531: , (False) God descends!

When Zhang Xiang just woke up the next morning, he had already received an official reply from the Tokyo government.

The other party agreed to Zhang Xiang's condition.

Obviously, in the balance between the destruction of the entire Tokyo area and the control of Zhang Xiang in the 39th district, the safety of the entire Tokyo area is their first consideration.

As for, does the other party have any plans to play tricks?

Zhang Xiang said that he didn't care about everything.

All he wants is a name to facilitate his own work.

Just like an ancient rebel army, they all need a name to let their subordinates do things for themselves.

Otherwise, even if his men knew what Zhang Xiang was doing, they would still support it.

But even if it lacks that name, it will appear to be shy.

Moreover, after the matter is over, whether the Tokyo area government still exists, it is still a matter of two things.

At the same time that Zhang Xiang officially got the document, he also issued an order to his men to block the whole new town.

And, turn on all the weapon systems.

As for what the weapons are, it is the large number of technological weapons that belong to the Academy City that Zhang Xiang added when he was building them.

Zhang Xiang believes that as long as there is no large number of stage 4 gastrointestinal animal attacks, with the defense of these weapon systems, it is enough to withstand this wave of original animal frenzy. Look at ‘hair, thread, Chinese, text, net

After all, the 39th district is next to the 40th district.

And the 32nd megalithic monument is located in the 39th district.

When the gastrointestinal animal breaks through the direction, the place where the gastrointestinal animal is baptized first in this direction.

Just in case, Zhang Xiang also put all the members of the sacred tribunals of the Angel Church on standby. Once any gastrointestinal animals break through the defense line and enter, it is time for the sacred squad to take effect.

Although most of the people in the new town are cursed children, and people related to the cursed children.

However, not all cursed children have strong combat effectiveness.

Great strength and high agility do not mean strong combat effectiveness.

Warriors are all trained in battle.

As the last line of defense after Zhang Xiang's attack, the angel church's divine envoy, the blind girl, was even ready for the (pseudo) **** to descend.

The so-called (pseudo) **** descending is a way to concentrate the power of faith on one's body, and through Zhang Xiang's already portrayed magic array in the past few days, a way to exert powerful combat effectiveness.

As long as it is within the range of the magic circle, the blind girl uses the power that almost comes to mind.

That was a magic circle created by Zhang Xiang after combining the Golden Dayan Art and the Divine Art.

As long as the power of faith is not exhausted, I am afraid that no one will attack this fortress that has become a copper wall and iron wall.

Even though, this small town doesn't even have four walls!

However, for the safety period.

Within these two days, the residents of the small town will still use the military cement provided by the Tokyo government to build a sufficient defense against the next stage of the third gastroenterate attack, which can temporarily block the immature stage four gastroenterologists for a period of time Walls.

As for whether the power of faith stored in the town will be consumed, Zhang Xiang is not at all worried.

Human potential is limitless.

When the tide of the gastrointestinal animals came violently, in a moment of crisis, once they discovered that a miracle had happened, a miracle like a fairy tale happened in front of them, and resisted the dangerous gastrointestinal animals. When outside.

Their level of faith in the Angel Church will undoubtedly soar to a certain level.

As long as it is maintained at a critical level but not broken, the power of belief will continue to be stimulated.

Especially when most people who believe in angel churches are still children without distracting thoughts, it is even more useful.

In the later period, after the miserable screams in the distant Tokyo area and the security on this side are in sharp contrast, their belief in the Tencel Church will probably stabilize at a higher level and become true believers. The protection of a small town plays a key role.

And in order to be able to accommodate enough people who fled after the Tokyo area is broken, and to allow the new town to persevere and accumulate enough power for Zhang Xiang to enshrine the gods.

Then, using the power of the gods to wipe out the gastroenterologists in the Tokyo area in one fell swoop.

Zhang Xiang also deliberately prepared reserves that far exceeded expectations.

Most of the 10 billion purchase price is related to food and daily life.

This is all the steps that Zhang Xiang has designed for the development of the whole thing.

However, this time because of the random entry of Aquarius, Zhang Xiang still doesn't know if it will have a greater impact on his plan.

Because, if Aquarius starts with the new town.

Then, he had to challenge.

Moreover, with the huge body of the Aquarius primitive gut animal, I am afraid that just a single shock will cause a lot of problems in the defense of the entire new town.

After all, among the defensive weapon systems, only the four super-electromagnetic guns that have received a certain degree of castration to make them controllable can play a greater role.

However, it is not an easy task to hit the head of the opponent's huge but extremely flexible body.

Moreover, even if it is successful, it will not play a big role.

Because according to the intelligence, the recovery ability of the Aquarius primitive gut animal is the same as Aldebaran. It belongs to stage 4. As long as the body is not bombarded into slag, it will not die!

And that is about using the magic circle that can do everything you want to kill the opponent in one fell swoop.

Zhang Xiang said that this is unlikely.

After all, the scope of the magic circle is mostly within the scope of the small town.

The Aquarius gastrointestinal animal should not be stupid to that degree!

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