Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1534: , Lingxi... Two fingers? !

However, at this moment. See 1 Mao 2 Line 3 Chinese Net

The ‘ding’ sound rang.

The katana that was slashing away at the katana girl who was knocked into the air stopped suddenly and was caught by two fingers.

"Be forgiving and forgiving," Zhang Xiang said softly, holding Hiruko Yingyin's katana with the index and middle fingers of his right hand.

Looking at Zhang Xiang who suddenly appeared on the court, everyone around him exclaimed.

"When did he go in?"

"Yes, and how did he block it with two fingers? This is impossible!"

"Could it be that his speed is so fast that we can't even see it?"

Shocked speculation sounded in the surrounding crowd.

The crowd who originally wanted to hide from the surrounding area saw that the battle was over, and they had gathered again.

However, looking at Zhang Xiang who suddenly appeared in front of him.

Hiruko Yingyin's eyeballs, which had become bean-sized after being modified, shrank slightly, but the whole person retreated more than a few meters in an instant.

"It's you?"

There is a considerable degree of solemnity in his voice.

Because he already got speculation about Zhang Xiang's combat effectiveness from his special channel in Tokyo.

In particular, there is news to prove that Zhang Xiang can withstand the ability of anti-tank sniper shells with his body, his guess about Zhang Xiang's combat effectiveness has already shown a straight rise.

He guessed that Zhang Xiang even possessed strong men who could rival those of the top three perverts.

"Yes, so, it can give me a face, don't kill them, okay?" Zhang Xiang kept a smile on his face and asked softly to the other party.

However, what Zhang Xiang didn't expect was.

After Zhang Xiang said this sentence, he immediately agreed to the convenience.

"No problem, since you want me to let them go, I will let them go." Hiruko Kageyin spread out his hands, indicating that he has no intention to continue attacking.

But Hiruko Yingyin's refreshing answer made Zhang Xiang a little bit puzzled on the contrary, making him feel a sense of powerlessness.

Because, he originally estimated that with Hiruko Yingyin's gloomy character, it would take at least a battle to let him let him go.

"So refreshing, why?" Zhang Xiang expressed some doubts.

The other party seemed to have heard Zhang Xiang's meaning, but he grinned and smiled.

"I am not the kind of person who is ignorant of current affairs. I still want to keep my life and witness some things happen. Therefore, I will not be stupid enough to challenge someone better than myself. Like the two people lying on the ground now, they will only end up miserably..." Hiruko Yingyin seemed to not care that the things that he couldn't beat Zhang Xiang were exposed, clear to Zhang Xiang To explain.

"Is that so?" Zhang Xiang showed a suddenly realized expression.

Although I rarely meet, there are really some guys who don't care about losing anything in the process in order to achieve their goals.

However, such people are usually divided into two types.

One is for people who work tirelessly for their own wishes, and no matter how much they give, they want to achieve their goals.

It is quite positive and encouraging.

One is to do whatever it takes to achieve the goal, even those who sacrifice others or even sacrifice themselves to achieve the goal.

Such a person is not so negative and shameless, but it is not so positive.

Hiruko Yingyin undoubtedly belongs to the latter kind of person.

However, after Zhang Xiang said this sentence, Hiruko Yingyin spoke once.

"Your Excellency Zhang Xiang, since I have already given you face. So, can you give me a face and let Xiao Binai go? Although I am very grateful for you to take Xiao Binai away after I lose. However, without Kobinet’s help, my combat effectiveness has lost a lot. In order to achieve my goal, combat effectiveness is an indispensable thing." Hiruko Kageyin put his right hand on his chest and pointed towards Zhang Xiang Asked.

While listening to the other party's words, Zhang Xiang smiled and shook his head.

"Heaven and earth conscience, I am not concerned about your daughter. If you know where Kobinet is, then you should know. Except at the beginning, I kept her in order to prevent her from doing stupid things. Besides. Later, I didn't restrict her actions. Believe, you already understand this. If she wants to return to you, I won't be too opposed." Zhang Xiang said with a smile on his face.

However, listening to Zhang Xiang's words, Hiruko Yingyin's eyes narrowed slightly.

"You know, I'm not talking about this one. What I want is to let you relieve the hands and feet you made on Ko Hina, which restricts her combat power!" Hiruko Kageyin said with slightly squinted eyes.

But at this moment, Zhang Xiang showed a suddenly realized expression.

"Oh, is that so?... But, unfortunately, I can't promise you. You used to be a mechanical soldier to gastroenterologists, and now you are also a promoter. You should know it too. Although the virus is The higher the erosion rate, theoretically, a stronger combat effectiveness can be exerted. However, once it exceeds 50, it will cause protointestinal transformation. Kobinai’s virus erosion rate has reached 46... in order to make her For the sake of her health, it is impossible for me to lift her restrictions..." Zhang Xiang also squinted slightly and said.

"That said, I have no more talk?" Hiruko Yingyin's tone fell a lot in an instant.

"Yes, no." Zhang Xiang smiled and shook his head firmly.

It is impossible for him to let him see Xiao Binay's gastrointestinal transformation due to the high rate of virus erosion.

Not to mention, let the other party return to Hiruko Yingyin, who is half crazy and half crazy.

Because of Little Binet, he has investigated the other party.

The opponent is a guy who has killed countless people, has an extremely distorted psychology, pursues the survival meaning of mechanical soldiers, and yearns for a fighting world.

For combat effectiveness, he could capture five women and artificially inseminate them, give birth to five cursed children, brainwash them, and then let the five kill each other, thus obtaining the last and strongest survivor— —Little Binet.

Had it not been for the father of Little Binay, Zhang Xiang would have killed him now.

Of course, Zhang Xiang is also thinking about it now.

In order to let Little Binet gradually return to a normal life, should he let the opponent "disappear" in this battle?

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