Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1547: , The herd frenzy!

"Xiao Yuan, don't be so disdainful. Maybe really has the strength to keep it." There is a sister who is around 25 or 6 years old, who seems to be the sister of a talking teenager. Holding a submachine gun with a lot of bullets still hanging on her body, the woman said helplessly.

"Huh, I didn't talk nonsense! Sister, did you see that the guy who used firearms to fight without a spare bullet? I just observed it. When the wind blows, his one It was supposed to be under the silver-white coat with ammunition, and there was nothing at all. I think he was just here to be handsome." The Shuangdaoliu boy said unconvincedly.

However, just when his voice just fell.

In the distant sky, the first rays of dawn finally began to appear.

However, with the ray of light penetrating the darkest moment, the moment when the world was illuminated with sunlight again.

From above the horizontal line in the distance, we can see densely packed primitive gut animals like ants, ‘slowly’ approaching this side from above the horizon.

Although, they are still at least a thousand meters away from here.

However, everyone in the room couldn't help but swallow.

Because all the guys on the scene who participated in the reserve forces were relatively young guys who had never experienced gastroenterate wars, but were just more powerful individuals.

Facing the scene like the tide, they had never seen it before, and even thought about it.

If you are a person with intensive phobia, you may be scared to get down if you see the sight in front of you.

Because, in the distance of the grassland that was lit up with the rays of the morning sun, you couldn't see the edge at a glance.

No one has counted the specific number, but even if it is a rough calculation, the number is probably no less than 15,000.

This number is nearly a third of the total number of gastroenterologists estimated to be early than 10,000.

In other words, the pressure on the line of defense will rise in a straight line.

Thinking of this, the members of the reserve forces who stood on the high **** and saw this scene couldn't help but swallow secretly.

At the same time, the young man with a beret on his head who seemed to be the captain of this team also gritted his teeth abruptly and made a decision.

"Go, let's go down and support!" The young beret took up his weapon and said to everyone in the team.

"But, there is no order..." The freckled girl came with a surprised expression on her face.

"There is no time to control the order. Looking at the number of gastroenterologists, I am afraid that I will be caught in a meat-grinding battle at the first contact. I am afraid that the order will not be passed. Moreover, if the opponent's defense line is hit It broke through, wouldn't it be worse?!" The young beret said gritted his teeth.

Under his persuasion, everyone in the room understood, and at the same time showed a resolute look.

And then, they organized the team and rushed down.

However, although the speed they used has reached the fastest speed that does not affect the formation.

However, the gastroenterologists that seem to be advancing slowly in the distance still travel far beyond their imagination.

Before they finished half the distance, the gastroenterologists had already arrived in front of Zhang Xiang.

"No, it's too late!" The freckled girl exclaimed.

"There is no way, I hope he can last longer, so that we can save him in time!" The beret youth gritted his teeth and continued to speed up.

"With his ammunition storage, I'm afraid that when we arrive, we won't be dismembered, and a large amount of enterovirus has been injected, right?" Shuangdaoliu said with some disdain.

"Xiao Yuan, just say a little less!" The submachine gun woman stared at the Shuangdaoliu boy.

"I'm telling the truth, he is obviously a..." The Shuangdaoliu boy was still a little unconvinced.

However, at this moment.

Shuang Daoliu suddenly stopped retorting, but suddenly exclaimed.

"He is crazy, he rushed directly!!" A shocked expression appeared on the face of the Shuangdaoliu boy.



Inside the team, a series of exclamations sounded, one after another looking in Zhang Xiang's direction.

However, they saw an incredible scene...


Let's go back a little bit to one minute ago.

When the first ray of dawn jumped out of the horizon, Zhang Xiang had already slowly opened his eyes.

But the frenzy of the primitive gut animals that ordinary people can barely see from a long distance is so clear in his eyes.

Whether it’s the ant-type gastroenterate with the largest number in the gastroenteric frenzy, and the spider-type gastroenteric animal, or the gastroenteric animal frenzy, which is relatively rare, but the strength is more powerful, the lion-shaped gastroenteric animal, even It is an elephant-shaped gastroenteric animal, and it can also be seen clearly.

Of course, in such a frenzy of gastroenterologists, there are also some gastroenterologists that have no prototype at all, and have several animal forms combined together.

However, these gastrointestinal animals appear to be relatively high-end.

Because the gastroenterate animals that are mixed with more animal genes and can also express them must be stage three or higher.

In other words, those primitive gut animals with several animal forms are all in stage three, or even stage four, which is a complete existence.

Such guys are all guys with huge body size, strong resilience, or with special abilities, and they are very difficult to deal with.

Only those within a thousand can deal with it calmly.

However, in the face of these small animals with a height of one meter and a few meters high, they are large.

However, Zhang Xiang's face did not show the slightest fear, but showed an expression of eagerness.

"It's been a long time since I moved my body, let me play to my heart's content!" Zhang Xiang said with excitement on his face, seemingly arrogant.

After all, after coming to this world, he hadn't vented his desire to fight to the fullest.

And then, it was a natural thing.

"bring it on!"

Zhang Xiang roared, welcoming the gradual shining of the sun's rays, and the rushing primitive gut animals rushed straight up!

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