Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1568: , The war is over!

Moreover, it wasn't just the back line that started cheering.

Even the reserve squad in front, as well as the squad right in front of my head in front, cheered.

After all, the pressure on their team today is no less than the others.

Especially, they still have to guard my head in front of Aldebaran.

Only they know how many people have been sacrificed before.

But looking at my grandmaster's stern look, they didn't dare to cheer unscrupulously.

However, they did not dare to cheer, but the reserve squad behind them, as well as the policemen of the entire line of defense, began to cheer and celebrate.

Many people hugged each other and cheered loudly.

Even some people who were deeply excited even kissed each other.

Although, it doesn't have to be a male and female match...

Ahem, let's get back to the topic.

In addition to cheering people, of course there are also people who are sad about losing teammates, losing partners, etc.

After they knew that the war was finally over, their tense spirit relaxed, a burst of mental emptiness and physical weakness suddenly attacked them, causing them to collapse to the ground, looking a little indifferently. Up to the sky.

Some people who have experienced too much, after being sad for a while, begin to try to recover.

They began to face the blue sky and green grass, and began to suggest and inspire themselves, so that they could return to normal as soon as possible.

Even began to encourage those sad companions.

This is the case with more experience. The first time I always feel heart-piercing, but then I gradually get used to it and become numb.

But fortunately, all those who survived here have not been completely numb and have lost confidence in life.

There are even people who have begun to discuss how to live after the war, and even the issue of getting married and having children.

Some people also started to discuss how to squander after they got the bonus from the end of the war, even how much alcohol to drink, how much food to eat, and how many houses to open.

Keke, ignore the last one

And it was my head with an incredible expression on the front, staring at the distant place that had already dissipated most of his body for a long time, Zhang Xiang finally walked in front of him.

"Before Aldebaran, I have already killed. This, I should be regarded as winning the bet." Zhang Xiang stood in front of my head in front of him and said flatly to him.

The plain expression on his face gave people a misunderstanding that he had just done a small thing, as if he had stepped on an ant with his foot, and made everyone around him feel unreal.

But in any case, the people around looked at Zhang Xiang with awe.

The person who can rush to kill Aldebaran in one blow will definitely not be a mortal!

However, among this group of people, there was only one person who did not put his gaze on Zhang Xiang.

That is when my head is upright.

He was still widening his eyes, looking in the direction of Bi Suwu in shock and disbelief, as if he didn't feel Zhang Xiang's arrival at all.

However, this is no wonder.

After all, he tried his best before, paid the price of his left foot, and failed to hit Aldebaran again.

However, just when he thought that no one could beat Aldebaran.

However, Zhang Xiang stood up and showed a single trick to solve Bisuwu.

How can this make him not shocked?

Not to mention, he also agreed with Zhang Xiang a bet, a bet that will determine the rest of his life.

But my head is also worthy of being an existence with the aptitude of a hero. Soon after Zhang Xiang's words fell, he had already begun to gradually regain his confidence.

What if you lose the bet?

What about fulfilling promises?

Could it be that he couldn't get away from Zhang Xiang's hand again for a day?

Not to mention, he didn't have the habit of going to Zhang Xiang's subordinates honestly.

However, in full view, he still wouldn't play any tricks.

After Zhang Xiang's words fell, he raised his head.

"Yes, I lost this bet!" My head was looking up at Zhang Xiang, and said directly.


"My head!"

His members couldn't help but change their faces.

Because, if my head is working under Zhang Xiang's, doesn't it mean that they also need to work under Zhang Xiang's or even his subordinates.

How can these guys who are unwilling to calm down?

However, at this moment, my cousin raised his right hand and prevented his team members from continuing.

"Needless to say, I am willing to bet and lose!" My head in charge said righteously.

However, Zhang Xiang saw a trace of cruelty and cunning in his eyes.

And as expected, in the next moment, his words suddenly changed.

"However, I don't know how to be loyal to you. Could it be that I am following you now? And, you said there is a way to make me sure of allegiance to you, what is it?" Changzheng narrowed his eyes and asked Zhang Xiang.

However, at this moment.

Zhang Xiang didn't answer him as he expected, but just smiled mysteriously at him.

"Don't worry, stay in the tent tonight, I will naturally let you surrender to me." Zhang Xiang showed a smile on his face, and said slowly.

Then, his footsteps passed by without stopping.

And his arrogant words also caused a burst of dissatisfaction with the team of my chief.

Even some people are calling for announcing that the gambling contract will be abolished.

However, only when I saw the mysterious smile at the corner of Zhang Xiang's mouth, my head was upright, and there was a trace of anxiety in my heart.

But no matter what he thought, he couldn't figure out where this unease came from.

‘It’s okay, he must be bluffing...yes, it must be like this! "My head is drawing conclusions in my heart.

But I don’t know why, that trace of anxiety is getting stronger...

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