Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1612: , Miss...

"So..." Zhang Xiang was a little speechless for a while, not knowing what to say. Look. Yarn, Chinese website

Even the words of comfort can't be said.

Because he knew that the other party did not need comfort.

"It doesn't matter, I understand what you want to say. Although it is painful and regrettable. But it has already happened, I can only accept it. And, brother, don't lie to me, I am Isn't it about to disappear?" The little girl raised her head, her big pink eyes looking purely in Zhang Xiang's direction.

And listening to the other party's big pink eyes, Zhang Xiang couldn't help but turn slightly to the beginning.

"Well, don't worry, I will find a way. I will definitely let you keep it." Zhang Xiang quickly assured the other party.

However, he still didn't dare to look at the other person's eyes.

Even if it was him, he could only keep the other's soul immortal for a while.

Unless, he is now opening up the kingdom of God on the spot and building a world that can accommodate souls.

Otherwise, under the erosion of the rules of the real world, the opponent who has only the extremely thin soul will undoubtedly not last much time.

But how is it such a simple thing to open up the kingdom of God?

But listening to Zhang Xiang's words and watching Zhang Xiang's posture, the little girl immediately understood.

However, there was no sad expression on her face, as if she had expected it a long time ago.

"Oh, I already understand. Look. Big Brother Woolen and Chinese Net, you don't have to blame yourself. I have been able to hold on to now, and it is a little beyond my own expectations. I am one point one point one. I watched, some of my companions, their souls turned into that look one by one, and even their memories disappeared completely. So, you don’t have to worry about me. But, in the end, I have a I hope my elder brother can help me realize my wish." The little girl put her hands behind her back a little playfully, with a happy and pleading expression on her face, and said to Zhang Xiang.

"Wh, what is your wish? As long as I can accomplish it, I will definitely try my best." Zhang Xiang assured the other party.

But looking at the other party who didn't know that he was about to disappear completely and still had a smile on his face, Zhang Xiang felt sad.

"I, want to see my father and mother again" the little girl said with a smile on her face, showing a trace of nostalgia.

"Dad and mom?" Zhang Xiang showed a surprised expression on his face.

Then, he came back to his senses.

"Where are they? I will bring them back right away. However, after such a long time, it may take a while before I can find them. You need to hold on." Zhang Xiang said quickly.

However, looking at Zhang Xiang's anxious look, the little girl laughed like a silver bell, her little hand covering her mouth.

"Well, big brother, you are more anxious than I am" the little girl said, covering her mouth.

"But, big brother, your memory is really bad. Didn't I tell you? My family, long ago when I changed into a monster, was already dead. All I want is to have Looking at the two of them, the photo of our family of three. Of course, I seem to remember being with the photo, and the birthday gift my mother gave me—the mobile phone.” The little girl made a shameful face towards Zhang Xiang The action came and said with a trace of nostalgia.

And listening to the other party's words, Zhang Xiang suddenly became a little silent.

It was not that he had not thought of this before, but he just didn't want to believe in such cruel facts.

It was miserable enough for the other party to transform into a gastrointestinal animal, and he had to endure such additional pain. He really didn't want to think about it.

Perhaps, the soul of the other party was completely eroded at the time, and he didn't know anything, maybe he would be happier.

Of course, the reason for his reluctance to believe this was the guilt in Zhang Xiang's heart.

Because that photo and cell phone were both traps he used to lure the other person to come, maybe it was not her that was being dealt with, but the dragon in the sky. She didn't know her existence, but the result was the same.

Because of Zhang Xiang, the other party has lost the body that can continue to maintain her soul, and it will not last long before the soul will disappear.

This made him feel self-blame.

However, the other party seemed to see Zhang Xiang's thoughts clearly.

"It's okay, big brother. It's a very happy thing to watch yourself do so many evil things without having to suffer so much every day. I wanted to be relieved a long time ago. Just I can't control my body. So oh, you are helping me." The little girl's soul, who became more and more transparent, showed a bright smile.

Seeing that the little girl was so strong, Zhang Xiang also slightly held back the wetness of his eyes.

He directly took the little girl's soul and came to the ice and snow battlefield outside the new town.

To be precise, it is the place where the photo frame and the pink phone are stored.

Perhaps because of the inconspicuousness, those two things were not damaged in the slightest, and they still kept the appearance of Zhang Xiang excavated from Qixing Village.

Although it is still broken, the pink phone is missing a corner, the surface glass of the photo frame is cracked, and the photo has become pale yellow.

However, just when I saw these two things.

The little girl's soul was agitated and floated above that place, with an expression of surprise in her eyes.

She leaned down slightly, her hands trying to hug the two things.

However, she had forgotten that she was in the state of soul now, and her hands were directly penetrating through two things.

This discovery made her stunned slightly, and for the first time there was confusion and sadness in her eyes.

However, at the next moment.

A pair of hands appeared in front of her eyes, picked up two things on the ground, and handed them to her eyes.

This made her stunned slightly, but when she looked up, she saw Zhang Xiang's gentle expression.

And she, in return for Zhang Xiang's gentle expression, stretched out her hands and hugged towards the pink phone and photo frame.

Although the hands penetrated once again, things were still in her arms.

"Thank you, big brother..." She said to Zhang Xiang gratefully with a warm smile on her face.

At the same time, a soft light also shined brightly from the opponent's body...

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