Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1622: , The old scholar

In the tense atmosphere of the examination room, the old scholar also walked behind Zhang Xiang with a ruler in his hand. See 1 Mao 2 Line 3 Chinese Net

He began to scan the contents of Zhang Xiang's test paper. For the traditionally rigorous counterpart, even if he is teaching students, he needs a reason to pass.

In his mind, since Zhang Xiang was so scribbling, based on his level, he could find out most of the obvious scribbles by simply scanning it.

Then, he severely taught this student who dared to be late in the exam, and also scribbled the questions of the test paper, treating the exam as a trifling matter.

But at the next moment.

"Huh?" A hint of surprise flashed across the old Xue Xue's face, and the expression on his face became more serious.

Looking at the serious look on his face, the candidates in the examination room also began to become more nervous and prayed in their hearts.

Even if it is not serious, the other party's anger will affect a lot of people. At least the strictness of the invigilation will be strengthened several times, even to the extent that the test paper may be lifted to find possible cheating papers.

If the other party really gets serious...

Thinking of this, many people in the classroom shuddered.

However, what happened next was completely different from what the candidates imagined.

The expression on the old Xue Xue’s face is getting more and more serious, and he even wears his reading glasses that he only wears when he is teaching, and he looks at Zhang Xiang, who is galloping in front of him, seriously. .

And this time, it lasted more than half an hour.

This made everyone present feel an unbelievable look.

Even, it still emerged in my heart that the other party was not looking for the other party's possible mistakes, but really appreciated the idea of ​​the other party's answer. Look at ‘hair, thread, Chinese, text, net

However, when this idea emerged.

They couldn't help but shook their heads abruptly, driving this thought out of their heads.

Because this idea is really terrible.

You know, this old pedantic mantra, but: "The students nowadays are all those who can't support the wall with mud, and there is no one who makes me look at their articles seriously!".

Just ask, how can such a proud old scholar admire others?

Moreover, I still appreciate a student's exam answer.

This will only make them feel strange.

However, what made them feel incredible, the impossible happened, but it happened.

At the beginning, the old scholar really looked at the content of the test questions written by Zhang Xiang with a prickly mentality.

However, when he saw what Zhang Xiang wrote, they were all correct answers.

The expression of contempt on his face became a little serious.

However, at this time, he was not serious yet.

Because, some of the multiple-choice questions and fill-in-the-blank questions, as well as some short-answer questions, all just need to be answered according to the script.

If someone is going to review it carefully, it is not difficult to get everything right.

But what he didn't know was that what he said was not a difficult thing. If the candidates present knew about it, he might have the heart to jump and kill him.

Because, in their feelings, these things, in the eyes of the old scholars, are just proclamation, how difficult it is.

Even after the exam started for about fifteen minutes, there were still people struggling with the answers to the first few multiple-choice questions.

The topics inside are really full of too many traps.

However, they are not too anxious.

Because they know that this subject examination is due to old scholars, and it has always been difficult.

Therefore, the school has already made relative measures long ago.

Use other tests to replace 50% of the scores in this exam.

In other words, after all the scores in other areas are obtained, the score of the test paper can be easily passed by just 20 points.

Even if it is scribble, it should be close to 20 points.

After all, the Faculty of Letters is a well-known public university, and the difficulty of getting close to it is only a bit simpler than that of the University of Tokyo.

All the candidates who come in have a very solid foundation.

However, when the old scholar wants to leave.

He saw that Zhang Xiang started to work on the difficult questions that followed, many of which were only able to rely on understanding and had a very deep foundation in Chinese studies to be able to answer the questions.

Basically, if a hundred people take the exam, only about a dozen people will answer these questions.

Moreover, there are always very few people who can get half the score.

All right, not even none.

However, in the midst of his surprised gaze, Zhang Xiang didn't stop at all. He just glanced at the subject and started writing quickly.

Moreover, with his years of experience in questioning.

Although Zhang Xiang's answer is not the same as the standard answer, it is more comprehensive and incisive, and it uses fewer words than the standard answer he wrote.

This made him feel slightly shocked.

Because people who have written articles and refined text know that, even if you know it, you need to refine and summarize most of the views.

Then, if you have to use the least words to describe it, how difficult it would be.

It can be said that it is completely impossible to do without accumulating sufficient literary skills.

Especially at the end, when Zhang Xiang did the title of the last essay.

The article written by Zhang Xiang amazed him even more.

Because what he asked for was to make a poem using ancient style poetry from the Warring States Period.

It is difficult for people who do not have a solid foundation in Chinese studies and who have done research on the poetry style of the Warring States Period to make corresponding verses.

However, right before his eyes.

However, Zhang Xiang only thought for less than a few seconds, and then wrote a poem that surprised him.

Of course, what he didn't know was.

Even the few seconds of thinking were pretended by Zhang Xiang.

Who told the other party to make a qualified archaic poem from the Warring States period?

You know, he was a person who went to the Warring States Period.

In Kikyo, he has read various books left by the witches of the past dynasties, including many collections of poems from the Warring States period.

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