Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1629: ,in the morning

Time soon came early in the morning of the next day. Look at ‘hair, thread, Chinese, text, net

Today, although the weather is still very cold, it has reached a low temperature of about four degrees.

Fortunately, the weather did not continue to deteriorate, for example, a scene like snowing occurred.

As for the cold wind, it seems to have avoided the direction of Tokyo today, and will not feel the icy feeling of the cold wind blowing.

However, in Xiaoniaoyoujia, today is just a little noisy.

"Ah, sister, where are my socks? I washed them the day before yesterday, and I don't know where they got them." From the house where Little Bird swims, such a lively and anxious voice sounded early in the morning.

"Ah, your socks, let me think about it, oh, I remember, I seem to put it in the second cabinet of your room." Xiao Kong who is responsible for packing up the clothes and is now sorting out his lunch downstairs. After thinking for a while, he answered upstairs.

"Ah, I found it, thank you sister!" Meiyu's slightly surprised voice also thanked Xiaokong.

"No, just remember to put it away in time next time." Xiao Kong also replied.

However, at this moment.

A sound of footsteps of "step, step, step" came from the direction of the stairs.

And immediately, a lovely petite voice appeared in front of Zhang Xiang.

Then, there was a lovely voice: "Little Uncle Hug".

I believe who this little figure is, there is no need to explain it.

She is Xiaoniaoyoujia, no, it's all neon, and even the cutest little princess in the world. Look. Yarn, Chinese website

Yes, to Zhang Xiang, the young chick is the princess of Xiaoniaoyoujia.

And standing in front of Zhang Xiang, spreading out his little hands, asking for the little chicks that Zhang Xiang embraced.

Today, she deliberately wore lighter-colored clothes, a small pink dress on her body, and a cute bow tie in front of her body. Her long black and bright hair was tied in a special way. On both sides, the feet are put on stockings specially designed for children to keep warm, and there is a pair of cute little leather shoes.

The whole person seems to be filled with a lovely feeling full of vitality.

Especially, her right hand is still holding the rabbit doll that she never leaves.

Moreover, this time the two rabbits Zhang Xiang and Zhang Xiang gave to her were hugged by both the left and right sides, making them even more cute.

How could Zhang Xiang refuse the request of such a lovely niece?

"Well, come on, our cutest little princess" Zhang Xiang also spread his hands and hugged the little chick on the stairs into his arms.

However, because Zhang Xiang was helping to make a bento before, and his hands were a little greasy, he just hugged her, hugged with his arms, and put her down without touching Xiao Chi's clothes with his hands.

"By the way, since our cute and invincible little chick is already awake. Then, come on, little chick, let’s taste the cooking skills of sister Xiaokong.” Zhang Xiang hugged the little chick. On top of the table and chairs, he stretched out his right hand and secretly stretched it toward a plate of tempura that was already fried.

However, he has not waited until he reaches halfway.

A delicate little hand appeared in front of him and patted the back of his hand.

"Don't eat it stealthily, moreover, your hands have not been washed, it will have a bad influence on the young!" Xiaokong said a little angrily.

At this time, Xiao Kong, who was up half an hour earlier than Zhang Xiang, had already prepared all the lunch boxes he needed for the noon picnic.

In front of her, preparing this big lunch box, and several other small lunch boxes.

That big lunch box contained the fruits of her hard work for the whole morning-about nine delicious dishes.

As for the other bento, there are snacks that are unique to everyone.

There is no doubt that after more than a year of familiarity, Xiaokong's cooking skills have gradually improved to a point where they can be called powerful.

Even if the preparation time is included, it only took an hour to make so many dishes.

And the meals prepared according to personal tastes showed her carefulness and silent care for her family.

Just imagine, if you don’t care about your family, how can you know what you like to eat?

And listening to Xiaokong's words, Zhang Xiang's face also showed a bright smile.

"Well, I didn't steal it, I just wanted to let the young chick see if it tasted good or not." Zhang Xiang retorted embarrassedly.

"You still quibble, I think, it's not that the chick wants to eat, but you want to steal it." Helping on the side, holding the fireworks of the special seaweed rice ball, Zhang Xiang gave Zhang Xiang an angry look. To say.

"Ah, uncle, shameless face" Xiao Chi also followed by booing.

"Uh, okay, I'd better wash my hands first, Xiao Chi, let's go together" Zhang Xiang said helplessly.

And just as Zhang Xiang took the little baby to wash his hands, the doorbell rang at the door.

"Come on" Zhang Xiang shouted towards the entrance of the hallway.

Then, after he wiped his hands, he walked in the direction of the door.

At this time, the small figure of the young chick had long been walking in small steps, running on the floor, smiling and rushing in the direction of the entrance.

Then, there was a familiar sound: "Sister Xiaoxin"'s voice rang.

At the same time, Xiao Shi and Xiao Hina laughed joyfully from the Xuan Pass.

At this moment, Zhang Xiang wiped his hands and ran towards the entrance of the hallway.

At this time, Xiao Xiao was standing in the direction of the door of his house, holding out his hands and hugging Xiao Chi, with a gentle expression on his face.

Moreover, due to the cold weather.

When she spoke, a faint white mist surrounded her, making her look more lovely than usual.

However, she didn't notice it.

Because she leaned down and hugged the chick, the scarf around her chest showed signs of deviation.

In addition, winter clothes are relatively generous, and through the neckline that is not too wide, it is vaguely able to get the traces of the close-fitting European hood.

However, this is also because Zhang Xiang's vision is poisonous enough.

If it is an ordinary person, it is really impossible to find this.

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