Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1633: , Monorail

However, Xiaobian, who was waiting for Zhang Xiang's reprimand and even cursing, felt a big warm hand touch her head. See 1 Mao 2 Line 3 Chinese Net

"No need to apologize, you care about Xiaokong and them so much. I am too happy to be too late. Although I feel a little sad to be regarded as those weird guys. However, I can feel you more for Xiaokong and them. Concern, and your enthusiasm for the weak. Now, there are very few girls who can be so kind. I don’t know who will marry a good wife like Xiaozhu in the future." Zhang Xiang’s face With a smile, he praised the other party a few words.

However, he did not see it.

Xiao Qi had heard the first half of Zhang Xiang's words, with a hint of happiness and shame on his face.

However, after listening to the second half of Zhang Xiang's words, Xiao Yan suddenly became a little angry.

"Huh, whoever married me, don't care about the chicks, let's go and take a look at other animals." Xiao Qi suddenly became a little angry, and his cheeks were full of blushes that were shy or angry. Hina's little hands walked towards another park.

Xiaokong, Meiyu, and Huahuo followed up after a sigh.

"Naturally terrible..."

"Yeah yeah!"

"Let's go!"

Only Zhang Xiang, who was confused, still stood still.

"Hey, don't leave, I haven't finished saying what I have said. Last time I took the photos of Xiao Chi and them, share some of them for me..." Zhang Xiang shouted and followed closely.

Not long after, Zhang Xiang and others had already arrived at the zoo's compartment.

Since this zoo is built in the suburbs, it has a large area.

Therefore, this zoo is divided into two parks, east and west.

The place where Zhang Xiang and others came in is the direction of the eastern part of the zoo. There are two ways to get to the western part.

One is to walk over, the process is probably close to half an hour.

However, due to the existence of young chicks in the team, Zhang Xiang and others naturally chose the second, less labor-saving method.

That is, taking the zoo’s unique monorail train heading towards the West Park. (Monorail is a type of railway, which is characterized by only one track. Similar to the urban rail transit system, monorail is mainly used in densely populated places in cities to carry passengers. There are also monorails built in playgrounds. It specializes in transporting tourists. Moreover, most monorail trains are built on overhead, and only a small space on the ground is required to build bridge piers that support the rails. Therefore, it is very suitable for zoos where animals can be stocked.)

The journey takes only about ten minutes.

Moreover, you can enjoy some nice landscapes along the way.

"Slick and slippery" Xiao Chi uttered an immature onomatopoeia in her mouth, watching the monorail stop in front of them.

And shortly after stopping, Zhang Xiang and others filed into the carriage.

Through the transparent glass, Zhang Xiang and others can easily see the scenery outside the window.

And at this moment, it seemed that the wave of tourists was completed, and the train began to accelerate slowly, and with a slight tremor, it began to accelerate gradually.

And the speed of the scenery outside the window gradually started to get faster.

At the beginning, what appeared in front of Zhang Xiang and others were just ordinary scenery.

However, after a certain distance of driving, especially after the train passed the side of the stone pier below, a fence that seemed to be specially used to build an isolation belt, all the scenery was completely different.

The first thing that appeared was an artificial grassland, covered with small green grasses, swaying slowly with the breeze.

On the artificial grassland, which is not a wide area, there are only two tigers and lions in the zoo.

At this moment, they were a little lazily grouped together, sleeping on the grass.

Only when the monorail was passing by, did he raise his head slightly to take a look at Zhang Xiang.

However, this unwelcome attitude was still cheered by tourists.

Especially, Xiao Hina pressed her cheek to the window.

"Ah, it's Mr. Lion, but where is the little lion?" Little Hina's face was full of excitement.

However, afterwards, she looked in Zhang Xiang's direction with some questions.

And listening to Xiao Chi's words, Zhang Xiang understood it all at once.

The lion in Xiao Hina's mouth does not refer to the lion in front of her, but the lion she saw in the cartoon "The Lion King".

But at this time, Xiao Hina mixed the two of them.

However, Zhang Xiang is unwilling to break this good wish of Xiao Chi.

"Oh, little lion? It should have gone out to play like a young chick. After playing with his uncle, the little lion will come back." Zhang Xiang coaxed the young chick.

"Oh, that's the way it is," Xiao Hina nodded and said, eyes attracted by the endless scenery.

At the same time, Zhang Xiang was also relieved.

And at this time, the monorail also penetrated the grassland and entered the swamp and river area.

"Ah, Mr. Hippo" Xiao Chi suddenly became excited again, and the little finger pointed to a corner outside the window.

In the sight of Zhang Xiang and others, at a place about two hundred meters away, a large group of hippos were drinking water in the artificial lake.

When the monorail passed by, some hippos opened their mouths.

"Ah, Mr. Hippo opened his mouth. His mouth is a dozen times bigger than Little Chicks." Little Chicks lay on the window, enjoying everything he could see during the journey.

And as time went by, the girls seemed to have been motivated by the chicks, and they started to exclaim from time to time.

Then, I started to discuss which animals are cute and lively.

However, good times are always short.

The ten-minute journey passed in a flash, and Zhang Xiang and others soon arrived at the station in Xiyuan.

This is a pity for everyone who still has a lot of aftertastes.

However, everyone still obeyed the rules and got off the train.

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