Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1638: , Xiaochun is sensible...

And this laughter didn't end until near the evening. Look. Yarn, Chinese website

In the reluctant wave of the young youngster, Zhang Xiang and others walked to the outside of the zoo.

When boarding the night train, the young youngster was already a little drowsy, and fell asleep on Zhang Xiang's back.

However, looking at the excited little face, everyone knew that Xiao Chi had a great time today.

At least, the loneliness in her heart has been temporarily driven out.

And because today is a rest day, not many people get on this tram going home in this evening.

Therefore, it was not until Zhang Xiang and others returned to the door that the young chicks were awake from sleep.

"Ah, has the uncle arrived home?" The chick, who was awakened by the door opening, raised her little hand, rubbed her little eyes with some sleepy eyes, and asked Zhang Xiang.

"Well, I'm home. There is still some time before dinner, so let's go to bed again." Zhang Xiang said gently to Xiao Chi.

However, at this moment, a burst of'Wang, Wang' voices rang.

That's because everyone went out today, living in Xiaoqi's house, and the cry of the ten guards who were taken care of by Xiaoqi's mother.

And hearing this scream, Xiao Chi suddenly woke up.

"Ten guards, ah, ten guards" Xiao Chi began to struggle in Zhang Xiang's arms, with a happy expression on her small face.

And Zhang Xiang obediently put her down, letting her take a small step to hug the ten guards who trot out from Xiaozhu's house and heard the voice of the young chicks into his arms.

"Ten Guards, I'm sorry today, because the zoo can't bring animals in, Little Chicks didn't accompany you." Little Chicks showed an apologetic look on his face and hugged Ten Guards into his arms.

And listening to Xiao Chi's words, Zhang Xiang couldn't help being taken aback.

‘It seems that Xiaoxiao has grown up and knows how to take care of other people’s emotions. Zhang Xiang looked at the little chick hugging the Ten Guards, and couldn't help sighing in his heart.

From the very beginning of meeting Xiao Chi, Xiao Chi has grown too much.

Of course, whether it is Xiaoxiao or Xiaokong, they have also grown a lot.

And the Ten Guards, as if they had understood Xiao Chi's words.

It raised its head, barked at the little chick twice, then stretched out his tongue and licked it on the little chick's hand.

"Haha...Ten Guards, itchy, don't lick it." Xiao Hina smiled on his face, his hands resisting the Ten Guards' licking attack.

In the end, it was the young young man who held the Ten Guards in a hug, which was regarded as stopping the licking attack of the Ten Guards.

"I see, Ten Guards, did you forgive me?" Xiao Hina showed a surprise smile on his face, hugging Ten Guards and said.

The ten guards also barked twice in cooperation, making Xiao Chi's face a smile.

However, it was at this moment that Xiao Xiao's mother came out.

Zhang Xiang and others quickly greeted and thanked each other.

Because, if it weren't for the other party, with Zhang Xiang, an otaku, and Xiao Kong, girls who usually rarely do housework, it would be a little difficult to learn how to clean up a home.

However, Xiao Xiao's mother did not come out to accept the thanks, but told Zhang Xiang and others a message.

As a result, when Zhang Xiang and others opened the door, a row of cardboard boxes piled up to the ceiling was seen, like a roadblock, blocking the entrance.

Moreover, a lot of Russian is also marked on the carton.

"Ah, are these clothes sent by Miss Sha Xia?" Xiao Kong looked at the row of cartons in front of him with some surprise.

"Yeah, how could mother send so many things?" Meiyu's face was also surprised and surprised.

"Ah, was it from Mother Sasha?" There was a hint of excitement on Xiao Chi's face.

For Xiao Hina, the so-called Mother Sasha is the best playmate. Since Miss Sasha returned to China, she has always felt a little lonely.

However, Zhang Xiang and others have various things, and naturally they spend less time with the young.

Therefore, Xiao Hina missed Miss Sasha very much when she was there.

Miss Sa Xia's delivery of things naturally made her very happy.

"Well, yes." Zhang Xiang slightly translated the Russian text on the carton, nodded and said.

This is what Xiao Xiao's mother told Zhang Xiang and others.

When they went to the zoo collectively, a courier came to the door of Xiaoniaoyoujia.

Therefore, Xiaoyan's mother helped Xiaoniaoyoujia sign for these things, and also took out the keys Zhang Xiang had left her, and asked the courier to move all the goods in.

"Well, move these things in first" Zhang Xiang announced to everyone.

"Yeah." Xiao Kong also nodded in agreement.

"Then, let's start" Hua Huo also raised his sleeves.

"Xiao Chi also helps" Xiao Chi also raised her little hand.

"Don't worry about Xiaochun's words, these words for Xiaochun are too early." Zhang Xiang persuaded Xiaochun, and by the way, he winked at the thought of Meiyu.

And Miyu understood it all at once.

"Yeah, Hina, let's go to the cartoons together. The cartoon of your favorite Mr. Rabbit has already begun?" Miyu persuaded Hina.

As soon as the cartoon came, Xiao Chi's face was filled with excitement.

After all, she has seen the real little rabbit today.

"Ah, are you going to start?" Xiao Chi's face showed a slightly nervous and excited expression.

"Well, yes!" Meiyu nodded and said.

And just like that, everyone easily coaxed the young to watch cartoons.

Then, everyone can help.

Unexpectedly, although these boxes seem to be very hit, they are very easy to pick up.

However, this is also expected.

Each big box contained only a set of clothes.

Where can a set of clothes weigh?

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